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Content Management System CMS Reviews, CMS News, CMS Analysis

Content Management System CMS Reviews, CMS News, CMS Analysis

Réseaux sociaux, nouvelles technologies, mobile et web sur TechCrunch Why is creativity the most important political concept of the 21st Century? There is no concept more politically important today than creativity. I’ll give four reasons why but first a definition. ‘Creative’ has narrow, broader and even broader connotations in English. It’s the last of these we should be most interested in. The narrow meaning immediately leads one to think of activities directly associated with the arts. The broader sense encompasses those activities associated with what Richard Florida calls the ‘creative class’. Finally there is the broadest meaning which implies an act that is unique to an individual’s own capacities or vision. So how can such a broad notion be so important? 1. I’m with the great economist Deirdre McCloskey who argues that people living in the advanced capitalist economies are the freest and happiest populations who ever lived. Being as free as we are has got to be about more than the consumption and acquistion which so dominated western economies in the 1990s and 2000s. 2. 3. 4. Take the last point about public services.

SMC France - Social Media Club France | Accueil Become a smarter digital marketer It's Time For The Sharing Economy To Become The Sharing Society In New York City today, you can rent a room on Airbnb, catch a ride with Uber, sell your old threads on Modabound, and leave your nine-month-old with a shared nanny. The so-called “sharing economy” is revolutionizing the way Americans think about ownership and commerce. It’s also poised to make a handful of venture capitalists in Palo Alto and Tribeca very, very rich. Airbnb is estimated to be worth $2.5 billion. Uber’s valuation is rumored to be $3.5 billion. To be sure, these companies are valuable for a reason: They created highly innovative, transformational platforms. Of course, that ethos has evolved significantly over the past decade, as the traditional labor structure of a full-time job with benefits has deteriorated. Likewise, the sharing economy is no longer just a creative way for workers to supplement their sagging paychecks in a struggling labor market. There are very few, if any, institutions that freelancers can look to for support. Collaborate or collapse?

Social Reflex Toute l’actualité des nouveaux médias ! Addressing the Eroding Power of the Social Web I was fortunate to attend TEDxCamdrige last week and hear from a number of excellent speakers but the one that gave me the biggest pause for thought was Bruce Schneier, an online security expert. I have been watching with dismay at how there is almost an inverse relationship between online social platform's popularity and its value to their users. This is fundamentally caused by the advertising business model upon which they are all sitting - requiring them to optimize the experience not for the good of the user (and often not even for the good of their advertising clients) but for the ability to generate cash - effectively squeezing users and blackmailing advertisers in a subtle dance so the balance is never so obvious that either objects entirely. This make me sad but it also gives me ammunition for my opinion that we - as both individuals and organizations - need to host our own parties so-to-speak.

Qualités d’un bon community manager ou animateur de réseau Quelles sont les qualités d’un bon community manager ? Quelles sont les qualités d’un bon animateur de réseau ? Les stagiaires de 2 promotions (2010/2011 et 2011/2012) de la formation longue certifiante et qualifiante Community Manager (IFOCOP Rungis) ont établi un nuage de mots-clés d’adjectifs et termes considérés comme essentiels pour ce métier. Cette infographie réalisée graphiquement par la nouvelle promotion de community managers de cette formation est disponible sur la page Facebook de la présente promotion : Il s’agit du fruit d’un brainstorming collectif (remue-méninge) mis en forme via l’outil en ligne gratuit de génération de mots-clés La taille des mots-clés indique la redondance des termes : qualités qui sont axées avant tout sur le relationnel, la capacité d’analyse, des compétences éditoriales et un recul sur les pratiques en ligne. Licence : Creative Commons by-nc-saGéographie : Île-de-France

The mobile web in numbers There can’t be much doubt that the mobile web is exploding in popularity. From the first mobile web access offered commercially with the Nokia 9000 Communicator phone in Finland in 1996, things have moved fast. Today we’re seeing increased sales in smartphones and tablets, faster mobile data connections, apps, and more. Basically, we’re accessing Internet services more and more from something that is not a PC. We’ve put together some numbers to attempt to show a picture of what the mobile web was like so far in 2011, how it is has developed, and perhaps take a peek into the future as well. From trim and slim to media galore Nokia 1100: best selling mobile phone ever (250 million units sold so far) The mobile web used to mean trimmed-down web pages, accessed over WAP or other slow connections, serving up mainly text-based content to mobile phones with small screens. Today we see smartphones growing bigger and faster, now even with HD displays and soon with quad-core processors. Mobile data

5 Principles of User Experience, Part 1 This is the first of a three-part series highlighting five user experience principles to keep in mind when designing your site. Applying these principles will help provide a great experience for users on your site. After the series we’ll host a live Google+ Hangout On Air on October 9th at 10:30am PT, when we'll put these principles in action by helping an AdSense publisher make UX improvements to their site. Visit the AdSense Google+ page on the 9th to see it live! Today, we've provided our first two important design tips and techniques to help you identify goals for both your site and its users.1. Step back and first ask yourself, “How can I give my users what they want while getting what I want?” Tips: Some questions to ask yourself when starting out are: How are your users finding your site? No matter what page a user lands on, you only have a few seconds on that first screen with the space above the fold to get their attention and show them what you’re all about.

Kesako - Un blog de Communication et de Publicité, mais pas que...
