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Achats - Fringues - T-Shirt -

Achats - Fringues - Chapeaux - 20 Fantastic pseudo-Flash websites A pseudo-Flash website is one that looks, feels and acts like a Flash website but is in fact built on good old-fashioned HTML and CSS. There is usually also a dash of JavaScript to bring things to life and round out the interface. The result is often beyond what we have come to expect of HTML and CSS, which is why we might assume the website is Flash-based. Right-click, though, and you will be pleasantly surprised. I am keenly interested in pseudo-Flash websites, and I talk about the topic frequently. There are two reasons for this. Secondly, a lot more people know how to develop with these basic languages, and a large community is willing to forgo the benefits of Flash for these familiar tools. With so many reasons to push the envelope and move away from Flash, we are in the midst of a massive shift in web development. Some happy casualties This shift brings with it a few casualties that many people (including me) welcome. Secondly, websites are less likely to hijack your browser now. 1.

Inspirations Graphiques Achats - Matos - LDLC WEB NEWLY - XHTML | CSS | WEB 2.0 | Flash Achats - Matos - Photo - Achats - Shoes -
