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A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools

A Guide to Google Analytics and Useful Tools
Advertisement Google Analytics is undoubtedly the most widely used web analytics application. Emerged from and based upon the analytics-package developed by Urchin Software Corporation (which was bought by Google in April 2005), the tool has become publicly available for free under the new flagship of Google Analytics. You probably use Google Analytics on a regular basis, for basic stats tracking the performance of your site. Did you know that Google Analytics can generate up to 85 different reports that will help you analyze all possible data about your website traffic. This post is not a be-all-and-end-all look at GA, but a rough guide to its many under-used features and reports. General resources: Google Analytics Help Center, official forum and official blog. You may be interested in the following related posts: Perform Better With AdSense: The Ultimate Round-Up The GA Tracking Code To access your tracking code The Dashboard and Analytical Reports Interpreting Reports Analytical Goals

How To: SEO, PPC, Link Building & More Our search experts teach you how to implement successful search marketing tactics and techniques and avoid common mistakes. The links below show the last few “How To” style articles posted in various categories. Search Engine Land members have access to our full list of How To articles over time. Join now or login for this premium member benefit. How To Categories How To Videos Search Engine Land members also have access to video content with plenty How To information from Search Engine Land’s SMX search marketing conferences. Introductory Guides Our How To content is designed for those who have some understanding of search marketing. How to Use Google Analytics for Beginners This page will teach you how to use Google Analytics, even if you're a beginner. Google Analytics is one of the top tools out there for analyzing traffic on your website. With a little bit of setup, it will give you an enormous amount of information about who is visiting your site, what they're looking for, and how they're getting there. Google Analytics is a powerful tool for monitoring all aspects of your websites traffic, from referrals to search engine activity.1 Like any application designed to do so much, Google Analytics comes with a rather steep learning curve, which can be intimidating at first. However, by familiarizing yourself with the program, using the tool can become second nature.

Where Do My Website Visitors Come From? - Blue Zoo Creative Increasing website traffic is a common goal of most website owners, but to do so, you have to know how visitors get to your site. Organic search and paid search is simply traffic that comes from search engines like Google. I’ve discussed them previously in my off-site SEO and digital advertising posts. Referral traffic sources are links on other sites back to your site. These can be harder to obtain, but here are some common methods: Include social sharing buttons on your siteGuest posts on other websites with a link back to your siteWebsite fields on social site profiles like Twitter Forum postsComments on blogs and other website Direct traffic is from visitors that find your site directly as follows: Directly typing your website into the browserClicking on a link in an emailUsing a site in the browsers bookmarkClicking a link embedded in a document, PDF, excel, or other file To get more direct traffic try these actions: If you want help getting more traffic, contact us or Get Started today!

Reinvigorate Perform Better With AdSense: The Ultimate Round-Up | Developer&# Advertisement Google AdSense is the easiest and quickest way to make your website, of any size, profitable. Sign-up, generate your ads and copy & paste the code into your web page, and…well, that’s it really. You are earning money. Of course, there is a lot more to Adsense, but in a nutshell that covers it. Please notice that we published the first part of the Google AdSense round-up a couple of months ago (100% Google AdSense1); this post presents further useful resources that can help you maximize your ads revenue. Basics, Guides & Optimization Google AdSense2 Google AdSense is a free program that enables website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads and earn. Google AdSense Basics3 Google offers, obviously, the most comprehensive help and guides for using AdSense. Generating Ad Code Video Beginner Tutorials AdSense Beginner Tutorial7 from my AdSense is a quick way to start your earnings potential with any new site or blog. AdSense Starter Video Tutorial

Get the Dimensionator Bookmarklet Note: Dimensionator is phasing out as it doesn't work with the "new" version of Google Analytics. IF you love Dimensionator and want to see it re-incarnated, let us know on Twitter! For access to DMA data read our new(er) post on DMA in Google Analytics. Google Analytics Enhancement Toolbar for any Browser, No Plugins/Extensions Required The Analytics Toolbar(let) from Analytics Pros is a JavaScript toolkit accessed through a simple, cross-browser compatible "bookmarklet" button that loads a toolbar within the Google Analytics interface. >> Get Dimensionator now: click here! Current Feature: the "Dimensionator" For now, the toolkit is focused on "Dimensionator", a toolbarlet exclusively for Google Analytics which lets you have complete access to standard Google Analytics dimensions plus access to other, handy, and regularly unlisted dimensions within Google Analytics. Resources & Related Posts Using the Analytics Toolbar(let) Using the toolbar(let) is pretty easy. What does the future hold?

Google Analytics pour les nuls (dummies) Dès la publication d’un nouveau site WordPress, la première chose que je fais est l’installation des Google Analytics. Pourquoi? Parce qu’il est important pour le client de comprendre sa présence sur le Web. Je veux que mon client ait accès à son compte Google Analytics et qu’il en comprenne au moins les données de base. Les statistiques Google Analytics donnent beaucoup de renseignements pertinents par rapport à votre site Web et c’est un service 100% gratuit. Qui sont vos visiteurs? C’est quoi Google Analytics? Google Analytics est un service gratuit offert par Google qui nous permet d’insérer un code dans toutes les pages de notre site Web. ATTENTION : J’ai plusieurs clients qui sont devenus accrocs au Google Analytics et il n’y a pas de médicaments aux Pharmacies Jean Coutu. Ça ressemble à quoi les Google Analytics? Les Google Analytics, à partir de votre compte Google, vous présenteront cette première page avec les 6 données principales des statistiques : Les 6 données principales 1.

Homepage Total Companies that Spend on Search Are Frustrated Despite the bad economy, search engine marketing (SEM) spending continues to grow in the US. According to the “Search Engine Marketing in 2009” report by [x+1], 65.4% of senior-level SEM executives plan to spend at least as much on SEM in 2009 as they did in 2008. In fact, 13.1% percent want to increase spending by more than 20%. Nearly one-half of the executives (49%) said the economy had no impact on their SEM budget. However, while 60% of the companies were using search to generate leads, not all were satisfied with the results. Only 20% of executives expected SEM to perform very well this year (6 and 7 on [x+1]’s scale). The most common ratings were 1 and 2, indicating that a majority of the companies using search felt they weren’t getting what they paid for. To improve results, the study recommended the use of dynamic landing pages, so that “users who click through find content, images, messages and offers that are customized and highly relevant to them.” Never miss a trend.
