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Animation Tips & Tricks

Animation Tips & Tricks

3ds Max Tutorials, Maya Tutorials, Lightwave 3D Tutorials, Cinema 4D Tutorials, Softimage Tutorials, Bryce Tutorials The Official Animation Mentor Blog 2D Animation Basics, 3ds max Tutorials, Principles and Tools Story Shots Questions Answered OK: how to get in touch with me, things about storyboarding, internships, and drawing style Read More My linkedin - because tumblr is terrible with correspondence and facebook is creeping me out. If you want to connect like pros hit me up there. Some samples of basic basic basic character exploration. Next-five-shots exercise based off this photo. Obviously this photo is from a film about fantastically tragic sadness. Other takes: @lbtreiman - Fish whisperer @jtbozz - Beanstalk @khfr - Mermaids @santiagocasares - Starfish Drawing from films Drawing from films is a ridiculously useful exercise. The way this works: you draw tons of tiny little panels, tiny enough that you won’t be tempted to fuss about drawing details. Hit play. Note on movies: Spielberg is great for this because he’s both evocative and efficient. What to look for: Foreground, middle ground, background: where is the character? This seems like a lot to keep in mind, and honestly, don’t worry about any of that. | Free Adobe After Effects and Production Studio Video Tutorials Visualizing L-Systems I previously wrote a little uninspiring post about L-systems and how to generate one in Python. To illustrate their use, I took an existing system from Wikipedia and used that to develop and verify that my visualizations would work correctly. So, here is an image that is done based on the post I made earlier and new code that takes the output of the L-system generator and creates curves to render it our on Maya. And here’s the code, but please note that the blog may do horrible things to it. angry animator | animation, tutorials, & assorted topics.
