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Librarians Do Gaga

Librarians Do Gaga

America's Most Dangerous Librarians Photo: Antonin Kratochvil/VII | Cartoon by Steve Brodner They looked like they had walked off a film set, the two men standing at the door of the Library Connection in Windsor, Connecticut, as they flashed fbi badges and asked to speak to the boss. Director George Christian courteously shepherded them into the office. By the hum of the Xerox machine, one agent explained to Christian that the bureau was demanding "any and all subscriber information, billing information and access logs of any person or entity" that had used computers between 4 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. on February 15, 2005, in any of the 27 libraries whose computer systems were managed by the Library Connection, a nonprofit co-op of library databases. He handed Christian a document called a national security letter (nsl); it said the information was being sought "to protect against international terrorism." "There is none," replied Christian. Abuse has also been rampant. investigating you. That was in November 2005.

Library Sleevefacing We’ve Moved! Our Library Sleevefacing portal is now over on tumblr, so head over to check it out. Claudine Eager to enjoy the sunshine before the weather starts turning to winter, Claudine Longet wistfully wonders why we insist on keeping most of the blinds in the Music Library closed, but is sympathetic when she learns that it’s to keep from fading the books on the shelves by the windows. In this photo: Anastasia Pantsios and Bill Schurk. Posted in Pop Tagged Claudine_Longet What’s New Pussycat? In this photo: Tom Jones and Jake K.

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done! For the first time ever in my life, I was ahead of a cultural trend. You know how some people are early adopters? Those who are super early to things are called beta testers. Traditionally I have been an omega adopter. I am happy to announce that for the first time – and quite possibly for the last – I have been oh-so-slightly-ahead of a cultural phenomena. Namely, in being a rabidly assertive advocate for libraries. The linked article, written by Linda Holmes, lists the following points (and a few more) explaining why supporting libraries is the next “big pop-culture wave”: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. So thank you, Linda Holmes, for defining this trend and putting all of us book nerds on the map. (What does any of this have to do with a picture of a pretty fern?
