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Jackie Gerstein: An Illustration of Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture

Jackie Gerstein: An Illustration of Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture
Related:  Flipped Classroom

barkersthlm Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture Volete capire meglio cosa fa in classe un docente capovolto? Vi proponiamo alcune attività esemplificative che possono dare un’idea del metodo a chi non lo ha mai usato ed un aiuto a chi lo sta già usando. 1) Lavorare sui video Se vogliamo che i nostri studenti apprendano efficacemente dai video che assegniamo come lavoro a casa, dobbiamo insegnare loro come si studia un video. Poiché i ragazzi non hanno esperienza su come si prende appunti da un video, proponiamo semplici esercizi che abbiamo questo obiettivo. Il primo esercizio potrebbe essere il seguente: Guàrdati un certo video almeno un paio di volte, dividilo in 3 brevissime puntate e scrivi quale titolo daresti a ciascuna puntata. Mettete i ragazzi a gruppi di 3 o 4 per fare questo lavoro e vedrete che consegneranno la prima volta lavori confusi e illogici. Qualsiasi video va bene. “La buona scuola” di Matteo Renzi proprio perché tratta argomenti di scottante attualità ci costringe anche ad essere distaccati e obiettivi. Per ogni titolo si assegnano da 1 a 3 punti.

Flipped Classroom Higher Education 4 Tips for Flipped Learning As interest in flipped learning continues to grow, so does its adoption among the educational rank and file. By moving entry-level information outside the classroom -- typically (but not exclusively) through self-paced, scored videos -- teachers can reframe learning so that students spend more instructional time engaged in deeper discussions, hands-on applications and project-based learning. With a focus on more direct contact between teachers and students, greater application of basic concepts, and increased collaboration between learners, flipped learning provides yet another outlet for 21st century teaching. No doubt, making this kind of change can be intimidating. Before teachers flip out, here are four tips to make the transition smoother -- and more impactful. 1. Making a dazzling video without first determining its instructional value is like putting the cart before the horse. Once students understand the entry-level information, what will they be able to do with it? 2. 3. 4.

Flipping The Classroom (Reverse Instruction) The Minimalist’s Guide to Creating a Class or Course Web Site January 30, 2014 Have you wished you had a web site to share assignments, links, discussions, and more, but always thought it would be too difficult to create one? It absolutely doesn’t have to be. Educators are increasingly turning to technology to improve their teaching, communication and organization skills. Having a web page to use to deliver and […] Read the full article → Flipped Classroom – The (1 Minute) Movie January 12, 2014 The Flipped Classroom was a Hot Topic in 2013, for Good Reason The Flipped Classroom got a lot of attention in the media during 2013, and this shows no sign of abating as we move into 2014. Read the full article →

Flipped Classroom: The Full Picture for Higher Education The Flipped Classroom, as most know, has become quite the buzz in education. Its use in higher education has been given a lot of press recently. The purpose of this post is to: Provide background for this model of learning with a focus on its use in higher education.Identify some problems with its use and implementation that if not addressed, could become just a fading fad.Propose a model for implementation based on an experiential cycle of learning model. Background About the Flipped Classroom This first section provides information from various articles that describe the flipped classroom, and how it is being discussed and used in educational settings. In its simplest terms, the flipped classroom is about viewing and/or listening to lectures during one’s own time which frees up face-to-face class time for experiential exercises, group discussion, and question and answer sessions. It’s called “the flipped classroom.” Sal Khan, of the Khan Academy, states: Personal Experiences Basic Tenets

