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Pyscripter - An open-source Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Pyscripter - An open-source Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Python Programming Language – Official Website Python for Android: The Scripting Layer (SL4A) The Scripting Layer for Android, SL4A, is an open source application that allows programs written in a range of interpreted languages to run on Android. It also provides a high level API that allows these programs to interact with the Android device, making it easy to do stuff like accessing sensor data, sending an SMS, rendering user interfaces and so on. It's is really easy to install and it works on any stock Android device, so you don't need to be root or anything like that. Currently, the Scripting Layer supports Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, BeanShell, JavaScript and Tcl. It also provides access to the Android system shell, which is actually just a minimal Linux shell. You can find out more about the SL4A project from their website. There are a couple of other options for running Python on Android, and some are very good, but none offer the flexibility and features of the Scripting Layer. SL4A is really easy to install. Using SL4A in Python is really simple.

Khan Academy Free Photo Editors for Windows - Top Picks If you can't afford to purchase software, you can still find good, free software to create and edit images. Some of this software is developed by individuals, and some is feature limited or an earlier version of a more advanced program. In some instances, there are no strings attached, but most often you will need to provide information to the company by registering, or endure ads or "nag" screens. 1. PhotoScape On first glance, I thought Photoscape was going to be a dud, but I dug in deeper and realized why so many readers of this site have recommended it as a favorite free photo editor. 2. GIMP is a popular open-source image editor originally developed for Unix/Linux. 3. Paint.NET is a free image and photo manipulation software for Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or Server 2003. 4. © LazPaint LazPaint is an open source and free to download raster image editor aimed at users who are looking for an application that is more easily accessible than GIMP. 5. 6. 7. © Ian Pullen 8. 9. 10. 11.

Modules internes de python ERTAINES fonctions basiques ne figurent pas dans les instructions de python, mais sont disponibles dans les bibliothèques. Cette page présente quelques modules importants, et internes au langage python 2.x et python 3.x, c'est-à-dire qu'ils sont installés avec python. Cette page ne prétend aucunement à l'exhaustivité. Quelques modules externes: TKinter - ECMA-48 (print at, color) 0. Préalables importants 1. 1.1 sys1.2 time1.3 os et os.path 2. 2.1 (c)math (trigo, log)2.2 random (hasard)2.3 decimal 3. 3.1 string (chaînes)3.2 unicode (chaînes)3.3 re (expressions régulières)3.4 curses (affichage console) 4. 4.1 deque4.2 Counter4.3 OrderedDict 5. 5.1 (c)pickle5.2 anydbm5.3 shelve 6. 6.1 urllib (téléchargement) Autres modules (.en) base64, uu, binhex et binascii pour divers encodagesdatatime et calendar fractions htmlparser eturllib2 0. Les fonctions spécialisées ont été regroupées dans des modules. import module as alias permet d'utiliser un alias plus explicite ou plus court: Sous-modules 1. #! #! 2.

A review of 6 Python IDEs Impressions PyDev If you like Eclipse, PyDev is a decent choice (provided, of course, that you have a suitably beefy machine). If you are unfamiliar with Eclipse, good luck with the learning curve; you'll need it. PyDev is the only IDE reviewed where features such as code completion will not work unless you add the .py files to the PyDev project. "Extract method" is cool, but limited. Code completion is the best of the free IDEs we reviewed. Eric3 Eric3 has a lot of good features. You can choose from two kinds of code completion: completion for the stdlib, and completion for your current project. Calltips are a similar mess. Eric3 is documented as well as the other open-source projects we looked at, which is to say, there are some screenshots and a mailing list. Boa Constructor Supposedly, Boa Constructor supports code completion and call tips, which you can invoke with control-space. This didn't work for us. BlackAdder Komodo Komodo is a good IDE, but it has rough edges. Wing Addendum

DIY How To Hack A Hard-Drive To a Hidden Flash-Drive,LED Light,Cellphone Charg | Video « Samimy Hacks & Makes Manual | Rainmeter Rainmeter displays customizable skins, like memory and battery charge, RSS feeds and weather forecasts, right on your desktop. Many skins are even functional: they can record your notes and to-do lists, launch your favorite applications, and control your media player - all in a clean, unobtrusive interface that you can rearrange and customize to your liking. Rainmeter is at once an application and a toolkit. You are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Getting started with Rainmeter After downloading and installing Rainmeter, the very next stop should be Getting Started. Getting Started is a new user introduction to Rainmeter, covering both how to use the application, and starting guides and tutorials for creating and editing skins. Using the rest of this documentation, and the experience of using and learning Rainmeter, will be much easier and more enjoyable with the overview Getting Started provides. Using the Rainmeter application Creating and editing skins More information

Dive Into Python 3 You are here: • Dive Into Python 3 Dive Into Python 3 covers Python 3 and its differences from Python 2. Compared to Dive Into Python, it’s about 20% revised and 80% new material. The book is now complete, but feedback is always welcome. Table of Contents (expand) Also available on dead trees! The book is freely licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license. you@localhost:~$ git clone © 2001–11 Mark Pilgrim

Python IDE RudyB wrote: -rst- wrote:Geany is said to be working ok on RPi. Did you find a way to let Geany do code completion on python 3.x code? I am sure you can change the python version it usesat a guessbuild menuset build commands option now normally typing python starts python2 typing python3 starts pyton3.0 so maybe changing the option in python -m py_compile "%f" to python3 -m py compile "%f" will make things work with python3 by default, you can always also just point the program at python 3 if you look at the new python program it has #! at the top, changingf this to #! I think makes things run under python3 Hope this helps, or perhaps prompts someone who knows far more than me to see where I am coming from and explain further Paul

s “Internet of Things” Camera March 13, 2012 AT 12:11 am Here’s our Arduino based “Internet of Things” camera. It’s a simple remote monitoring using the Eye-Fi wireless SD card and Adafruit Data Logging Shield for Arduino. The Eye-Fi card is a tiny wireless memory card. It stores photos and fits inside a camera just like a regular SD card, but also has built-in WiFi transceiver that can upload images to your computer, smartphone or to various photo-sharing sites. What makes this combination way cooler than just a normal SD card or a USB cable to a computer is all the infrastructure provided by the Eye-Fi service — not just transferring images to your computer, but pushing them to your smartphone, photo-sharing sites like Flickr, issuing email or Twitter notifications, etc. Read more… & code is on GitHub. Related Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.

Discover | Rainmeter Rainmeter comes with a few simple starter skins that provide a good place to start learning how to use and modify Rainmeter. There is also a vast and growing community of Rainmeter users who share the skins they create. Listed below are some of the better places where you can get new skins to use and modify. Download as many different skins as you like, you can always switch between them. Lifehacker Desktop Show & Tell Many of the most creative minds are continuously posting screenshots and details on their Rainmeter-incorporated desktop setups in the official Lifehacker pool. Reddit (/r/rainmeter) The Rainmeter community on Reddit is a great place to get ideas and tips for Rainmeter, see and share things people are creating, and get involved with others using Rainmeter. Note: As with anything you download from the internet, a certain amount of caution is advised when downloading and installing Rainmeter skins you get from other than directly.

If you are on Windows, then PyScripter is the best FREE choice out there. It's a complete IDE with integrated debugger, and it's a single executable, so no install hassles. It's only 6-7 MB in size. It's got support for remote debugging. Code completion is good, and cross referencing is provided by simply hovering the mouse over the symbol you want to know more about. It's a well thought out project. Plus it's FREE and in active development. The latest version supports Python 3.0 as well.
< by stargatekt87 Jan 17
