WAI Architecture Think Tank
Frank Dresmé | Taste Magazine v12
Every year, at the start of the boarding season, Taste brings two snowboard magazines. These issues get re-designed every year. For four years 21bis | Frank Dresmé is the art director and designer of these magazines, with - from time to time - some special help by From-The-Hill. Taste Snowboard Magazine – Volume 12 – Covers
Urban Transects Revisited #2 ? Free Association Design (F.A.D.)
Thanks for all the comments on the urban transects revisited post – an engaged and wonderfully broad ranging conversation. I think a common thread in the dialogue is that an urban transect has the most research and application value as a method of interpreting and intervening in the city when its multilayered, openly adaptive (both in relationship to the environments in which it is applied and to its own embedded methodologies), and expressive of spatial and physical qualities. In the spirit of that conversation, I’ve pulled together other transects I’ve come across that demonstrate a diversity of approaches to achieve different effects than the two transects already discussed. The Dérive French situationists were pioneers of exploring the spatial, physical and pychological effects of the city, circa the late 19505- 1960s. “One of the basic situationist practices is the dérive [literally: “drifting”], a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances. Guy Dubord’s “Naked City”