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Sketchbook on the Behance Network

Sketchbook on the Behance Network

This is What Happens When You Give Thousands of Stickers to Thousands of Kids This December, in a surprisingly simple yet ridiculously amazing installation for the Queensland Gallery of Modern Ar, artist Yayoi Kusama constructed a large domestic environment, painting every wall, chair, table, piano, and household decoration a brilliant white, effectively serving as a giant white canvas. Over the course of two weeks, the museum’s smallest visitors were given thousands upon thousands of colored dot stickers and were invited to collaborate in the transformation of the space, turning the house into a vibrantly mottled explosion of color. How great is this? Given the opportunity my son could probably cover the entire piano alone in about fifteen minutes. The installation, entitled The Obliteration Room, is part of Kusama’s Look Now, See Forever exhibition that runs through March 12. If you liked this you’ll also enjoy Roman Ondak’s Room of Heights and Karina Smigla-Bobinski’s helium-filled kinetic drawing sculpture.

Create - wall art printable template | How Joyful Some months a go I shared the Love wall art template, along with that one I made this one, but unlike the previous one I wanted to make this word different and special, so no cardboard. Instead I used a piece of Styrofoam from a box we received last week. When I saw it a knew it was perfect for this project =] And instead of painting or covering it with fabric (my first idea) I decided to just go the Decoupage route with hot pink tissue paper. **The download is a PDF format file, so you will need to have Abobe Reader installed on your PC or MAC. THE MATERIALS - 23×8 inches piece of Styrofoam (I just used one from a box but you can buy a piece at Michaels) - Tacky glue - 2 sheets of tissue Paper ripped unevenly with your hands - Sand paper - X-acto knife - Download the template below - Marker to trace template - Sponge brush [ Click on Images to enlarge] I hope you all enjoy and CREATE =] ps. * This tutorial and template are provided for personal, non-commercial use only.

37 Beautiful Cat Pictures Advertisement Cat photography, for most people, is a way to remember their pets’ funny actions and playing around. But actually, cat pictures require more talent to move to the next level and become professional cat photographs. When taking cat pictures, you need a special talent in order to choose the right moment for taking the shot, especially because you are taking photos of a continuously moving and active creature that you cannot control. In order to succeed in cat photography and predict the next move of your cat, you will need some practice and a good understanding of animal behavior. You need to keep your cat in the photography location. On the other hand, try to avoid digital camera flash, because it will disturb the cats when shooting them. In this post I would like to showcase some cat photography examples with you, which I hope you will enjoy, and comment on them with your ideas. Impressive cat pictures Funny cat by Govorit-vsluh She is…ONLY ONE CAT by MyosotisPL Cat byNelsonaf

19 Quotations Tulle Pom Pom Ball 148.2K Amazing Shares Facebook 62 Pin It Share 1.2K 1K+ Twitter 9 Google+ 7 StumbleUpon 146.9K Email -- Email to a friend 148.2K Amazing Shares × How to make a tulle pom pom ball for wands…otherwise known as, “how to make a cat toy” in my house. I made a tulle wand the other day and I was going to give it to my friend Kims daughter, but she is pretty young and if she were to pull the pins out, it could mean a dangerous situation. Not wanting to responsible for my best friends child’s untimely death by lace pin, I decided to get to work on a tulle ball tutorial for all those in the same situation. Except instead of a tulle wand, I’m going to turn my example into a cat toy for Gwen. It could also be used for hair puff pony-o’s, cheer-leading pom poms, decorative…decorations. Here is your How To Make a Tulle Ball {So you can still give it to the baby girl/kitten in your life} tutorial: 1) First you have to decide the size of your tulle ball. Ribbon cream. 5) Moving on to your tulle.

How to make a scratch off lottery ticket? You probably know the scratch off lottery tickets? Ever wondered how to make them? Well, they are very fun & easy to make.I used to make greeting cards from them but now I'm going to use this technique as a promotional tool.I made 25 scratch off tickets and will include 1 ticket with every order I ship.On one of those tickets, there is a coupon code and a value of 25 dollars to spend in my shop on Etsy. Waaaahhh, exciting! :) Here is what you need:cardboard, a print-out of your lottery ticket, glue stick, sticky back plastic (contact paper), metallic acrylic paint (preferably silver) and washing liquid.I prepared the paper cutting beforehand so I'll skip that part in the tutorial. :) Beforehand you print out a design that you want to be on the scratch off lottery tickets.If your printer can take thick paper you can print it directly on the cardboard and skip this part. Then you take a piece of sticky back plastic and put it onto the design. And then... scratch!

Wit & Whistle & Blog Archive & DIY: Stencil Pillow January 16th, 2012 Have you tried fabric markers yet? I finally got around to it, and they work great. Paired with a stencil you can use them to stencil your favorite quote on a tea towel, apron, t-shirt, table runner, pillow cover, place mat, cloth napkin, old pair of blue jeans—anything you can think of! {*style:<i><b>Supplies: </b></i>*}fabric item you want to stencil on some cardboard a pencil a letter stencil (I have this one. ) a fabric marker (I loved my black Sharpie fabric marker!) After choosing your quote, wrap your fabric over the cardboard to keep the marker from bleeding through and to keep the fabric stretched out smooth. Use a pencil to stencil your quote onto the fabric. Once you’ve penciled everything in, go at it with your fabric marker! The Sharpie fabric marker packaging didn’t say anything about heat setting the ink, but I will probably press my fabric before I wash it, just to be safe.
