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JAM with Chrome

Music Store As of November 1st, 2016, the Music Store on Vimeo is no more. However, there are many places on the web where you could find music to use in your videos, particularly music made available under a Creative Commons license. We recommend checking out these FAQs — you'll find lots of information about using CC-licensed music and which kinds of licenses would work for the purposes of your video. Downloading Music Store purchasesIf you bought tracks from SmartSound, you will have to reach out to them directly to download your tracks. Systems Manager Centralized Cloud Management The Meraki dashboard enables secure monitoring and management of all of your mobile devices from anywhere in the world. Network Settings Deployment Define and deploy network settings such as wireless connectivity, security, and remote VPN access to all your managed devices at once. Device Location

Timeshift 165 A race against Oblivion Fallback No WebGL? No worries! Start Under the hood Great cybersafety site from the FBI for Teachers & Students With school back in session, one topic that’s on many class curriculums around the nation is cyber safety. After all, it’s a hyper-connected world—with texting, social networking, e-mail, online gaming, chat, music downloading, web surfing, and other forms of wired and wireless communication now a regular part of children’s lives. The FBI has a new program that can help. Today, as part of its longstanding crime prevention and public outreach efforts, the FBI is announcing a free web-based initiative designed to help teachers educate students about cyber safety. It’s called the FBI-SOS (Safe Online Surfing) Internet Challenge—and it was developed with the assistance of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and with the input of teachers and schools. Click here to Access.

Ingen Ingen (formerly Om) is a modular audio processing system for GNU/Linux audio systems using the Jack audio server and LV2 or LADSPA plugins. Ingen is built around LV2 technology and a strict separation of engine from user interface. The engine is controlled exclusively through a protocol, and can execute as a headless process, with an in-process GUI, or as an LV2 plugin. About ABC Splash Search and use free digital education resources ABC Splash brings you high-quality digital educational content from across the ABC and around the world. This website offers a new, world-class education experience for Australian students, and is packed with thousands of videos, audio clips, games and interactive tools. All resources are free to watch and play at home and in school and guaranteed to spark discussion and promote curiosity.

Repetition is Key! Working Towards Multiple Exposures of New Vocabulary Anyone over 25 can surely remember making vocabulary flash cards, writing words over and over to learn the spelling, and generating example sentences to try and cement the meaning of new words. Today’s students have an endless supply of mobile vocabulary flash card apps to choose from, so they don’t have to carry around a lame pile of colored index cards. Regardless of the medium the method of repetition to learn new words is not likely to fade anytime soon, nor should it according to mounds of research In a recent article in Education Leadership, Lawrence at al. explained that, “Probably the most consistent finding related to good vocabulary instruction is that students need multiple exposures to a word to learn it well.”

Gmail+1 = Student Email Addresses to Register for Online Services The Gmail+1"hack" isn't a new trick and I can't remember when I first tried it, but it still works and it still provides a solution to a problem that a lot of teachers run into when they want their students to use a new web tool. Let's say there's a new service that I want my students to use but my students don't have email addresses that they can use to register for that service. In that case I can quickly generate Gmail addresses for my students by using the Gmail+1 hack. TagMyDoc: Share Documents With QR Codes The very mention of QR codes will probably incite groans even in the least cynical of technophiles. What once was a tangible, exciting example of two-worlds colliding, bringing the physical world into the digital realm with funky barcodes and smartphones, now illustrates what can happen when we’re not really quite sure how to implement a fledgling technology. Football teams with QR codes on their shirts? I rest my case.

LMMS: free, open source music sequencer & multitracker LMMS is a free, open source music production software inspired by commercial apps such as FL Studio (FruityLoops) . It enables you to create melodies and beats and to create, mix, and arrange sounds and samples, and will even import Fruityloops project files. It allows access to LADSPA effects and is compatible with many standards such as SoundFont2, VST(i), and GUS Patches, and offers full MIDI/MIDI project files support. LMMS is multiplatform (Windows, Linux). 7 Great YouTube Channels for Science Below are some great YouTube channels for science. If you are a science teacher and you need some useful resources where you can search for and find educational science videos, then the list below would be of great help. Some of the channels listed below have thousands of subscribers featuring some of the best science videos online. This is one of the gifted science teachers who shares highly educational videos showing students and learners how to integrate science into day to day life. As its name suggests, this is one of the most reputed YouTube Channels with more than 9 million videos on science and a growing base of thousands of subscribers.

100 of the Best (Useful) OpenSource Applications The following is a list of about 100 of the best OpenSource Applications, that actually help make Linux more usable for people. It is my hope that this list shows potential Linux users that there really is a large, effective, productive and usable range of free, OpenSource applications. For existing Linux users (like myself), I think this will provide a great resource in finding applications that may better suit your needs, or just for fun!

Google Documents and Common Core Standards As I mentioned in my previous post, today I spent the day working with teachers on using Google apps to address some Common Core standards. One of the things that I love about working with other teachers is the opportunity to learn from other teachers. During my afternoon workshop I talked with a Language Arts teacher who uses the commenting features in Google Docs and Google Presentations to have students identify and label bias and propaganda in examples that he shares with them. Prior to today's workshops I identified some Common Core standards that you can address while using Google Documents.

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