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10 Great ways to use Audacity with your Students

10 Great ways to use Audacity with your Students
Related:  Teacher tools 2.0

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Listen and Write - Dictation Open Badges | Strengthen the voices of Nordic Adult Educators Free Music Archive Webinar on Open Badges | Open Badges Is there a future for Open Badges? Webinar on 26 November 2015 at 10.00 AM CET Sales pitch We learn everyday, all the time. In adult education we separate between formal, non-formal and informal learning. Non-formal learning has long prided itself with its freedom to focus on individual needs. For the learner these distinctions are less important. The idea behind Open Badges is simple. The webinar includes a presentation by Ilona Buchem (PhD), professor in residence for Digital Media & Diversity at Beuth University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. All participants will receive a participation badge. The webinar lasts for 60 minutes. Register here: no later than 20 November. Hope to see you there! Like this: Like Loading... Related

Audio converter tools SelfControl | Steve Lambert Is email a distraction? SelfControl is an OS X application which blocks access to incoming and/or outgoing mail servers and websites for a predetermined period of time. For example, you could block access to your email, facebook, and twitter for 90 minutes, but still have access to the rest of the web. Created while at Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology. Self Control is Free Software SelfControl is Free Software under the GPL. Free Software means you are free to use, modify, and redistribute the application and the source code. Free Software and volunteers have made a Linux version and a Windows version possible. Why did you make this? Because I needed it, same as you. I am an artist, and as anyone who creates things knows; the time you can block out to get focused work done is invaluable. P.S. Help out Has SelfControl been helpful to you? Download SelfControl Download SelfControl at

Best free and legal music download sites The Internet has made it easy to get a free download of just about any song you want. The problem, however, is that free music isn’t always legal music. If you’re the honest type and you like to pay for your tunes and support the artists, labels, and retailers who distribute them, then illegal downloading simply isn’t an option. Before we get started, however, it should be noted that there are dozens of ways to listen to music freely and legally without downloading it onto a device. Furthermore, most free and legal music you come across isn’t likely to be from familiar mainstream artists — if you’re looking for legal music downloads, don’t expect to get all the hottest tracks from your favorite bands. So, if you absolutely must download your music, you want to do so without paying a dime or breaking any laws, and you don’t mind if a lot of popular favorites are missing, read on. Free Music Archive NoiseTrade Noisetrade is part free music site, part artist promotion platform. Amazon

Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom - Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom by Amy Arbogash and Stephanie Rudolph Today’s teachers are finding new and better ways to engage their students in the learning that goes on in classrooms. But like most technology, social media is often uncharted territory for teachers. Social media, and being out on the internet for all to see, is where our students reside. So how can we as teachers use social media to engage our students in the curriculum and at the same time teach them best practices, how to embrace the good, and deal with the bad? Next you must choose a tool that fits best for what your classroom needs. Periscope: Live Video Streaming Over Twitter One of the more exciting apps that has recently made it’s way onto the social media scene is Periscope. One of the ways Periscope can be used to enhance a lesson or unit is with a teacher-directed Periscope. How Periscope Is Different Getting Started With Periscope In The Classroom
