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100+ Ways to Reuse Thrift Store Finds

100+ Ways to Reuse Thrift Store Finds

Hanging String Balls Whattya need? BalloonStringScissorsGlueJar How do I make glue string balls? Step 1: Hang inflated balloon from ceiling. Step 2: Put string and glue in the jar with a hole in the lid. Step 3: Wait until dry (try to contain yourself). Created by Dane Holweger Repurposed Hardcover Book to Notebook Tutorial I’ve told you before I’m a bit obsessed with books. I love all books where I intend to read them or not. A local library has a huge book sale every year where you can pick up a grocery bag of books for $3! What you need-Hardcover bookPaperDecorative paperSmall bit of ribbonPaper cutterWhite glueHot gluePadding compound (optional)Clamps or bulldog clipsFirst you need to cut the pages out of your book so your just left with the cover. Slather on a nice layer of white glue to the inside of your cover. Apply your decorative paper. Also cut a piece of thin recycled cardboard the size of your notepad and a piece of decorative paper about 3 inches by the width of your notepad (this will be used to wrap the top edge of the pad). Once dry, fold your decorative paper around your pad to create the creases, then apply glue to the paper, wrap the pad, and allow to dry. While all that is drying, grab the scarp of ribbon and a writing utensil to use as a spacer. Enjoy!

The Idea Room: Tissue Rosette Kissing Balls *Update–Many of you have had questions about how to “twist” the paper. I have made a quick video showing you how. You can find the video for how to make tissue flowers here: How to Make Tissue Flowers Video Thanks everyone for all your sweet comments about my last Valentine’s day project…the “Be Mine” Framed Art. Many of you will remember that I have made these before and have them hanging in my daughter’s room. First off you will need a couple of rolls of tissue paper streamers. Start by cutting the paper into strips about 24 inches long. Now take your strip and start on one end and begin rolling it up between your fingers. After you have a few rolls, continue to roll it up but now twist the paper. Now just continue to roll and twist until you have reached the end of the strip. After you have a few rosettes made, start gluing {I used a glue gun} them onto a round styrofoam ball. On this particular rosette ball, I did not twist the paper. The fun thing is to just try different things.

This Mama Makes Stuff
