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Beta Écrivez! Écoutez! On filme... Caroline Hétu et David Chartrand du Collège international Sainte-Anne De nos jours, la vidéo est un outil pédagogique très puissant. Type 1: Procast Ce type de vidéo éducative donne les meilleurs résulats, mais implique de nombreuses heures de travail pour la préparation du scénario, le tournage, l'infographie, le montage, la musique et les effets sonores. Logiciel recommandé: Camtasia Studio 7 (MAC et PC - license éducative 99$, version d'essai de 30 jours) Autres logiciel: Adobe Première Pro CS5.5 et Final Cut Pro X Pour faire du montage simple et gratuit, vous pouvez aussi utiliser Windows Movie Maker sur PC ou iMovie sur Mac. La vidéo suivante a pris près de 12 heures à produire. Type 2: LiveCast Ce type de vidéo éducative est produite simplement en utilisant une caméra standard ou une webcam. Logiciel recommandé (gratuit): YouTube La vidéo suivante a pris près de 7 minutes à produire, soit 5 minutes de préparation et 2 minutes de tournage. Type 4: PenCast

Annoter vidéo d&b - Del det du har, bruk det du får Book Creator - Create your presentation by making ebooks, pdfs, or publish to iBooks EDPuzzle - Add Your Voice and Text Questions to Educational Videos EdPuzzle is a neat tool that I recently learned about from David Kapuler. EdPuzzle allows you to add your voice and questions to educational videos. On EdPuzzle you can search for educational videos from Khan Academy and Learn Zillion. Once you've found a video you can insert your own voice comments. You can also create a series of questions to go along with your chosen video. Applications for EducationEdPuzzle could be a good tool to use to create short review videos or flipped lessons for your students. - interaktive und multimediale Lernbausteine Glossary of Stock Market Terms & Definitions: Use this site to define the terms about the stock market. Term of the Day: Buydown: A lump sum payment made to the creditor by the borrower or by a third party to reduce the amount of some or all of the consumer's periodic payments to repay the indebtedness. In the context of project financing, refers to a one-time payment out of liquidated damages to reflect cash flow losses from sustained underperformance. Browse Terms by Letter: About the Glossary Whether you're a new investor or a seasoned pro, it helps to have a solid glossary at your fingertips to provide quick clarification on a particular term or to expland your overall stock market vocabulary. Investing Essentials Copyright © 2011 Campbell R. Investing Tools Stock Screener Find opportunities in the market using criteria based on 145 data elements. Portfolio Tracker Create a portfolio of selected assets that are updated dynamically intraday. Guru Evaluate stocks that meet the investment criteria of the greatest investors.

Créer un diaporama en associant images, sons et textes avec Raconte-moi Raconte-moi est un programme libre et gratuit qui permet d’importer des images puis d’enregistrer sa voix pour commenter chacune d’elles. Il est ensuite possible d’exporter le tout au format numérique et de disposer, par exemple, d’une histoire à écouter avec les images synchronisées défilant automatiquement à la manière du tourne-page. Les applications de ce programme peuvent être multiples et variées : raconter une histoire, créer un album photos, réaliser une présentation multimédia ou en définitive, toute autre application qui fera appel à l’image associée au son. Raconte-moi est particulièrement simple à prendre en main, il se présente autour d’une fenêtre principale qui va permettre de réaliser l’ensemble des actions. L’une des forces de cet outil tient à sa simplicité d’utilisation qui va permettre aux élèves de réaliser leurs propres productions. L’export vous fournira un dossier dans lequel vous trouverez le sous-dossier « export-html ». Vraiment très pratique! Caractéristiques

17 ways iPads will be used in schools in 2013 Last year, iPads in education took the world by storm, finding their ways into initiatives at both the K-12 and university levels. Here at Education Dive, we talked to some of the people responsible for those rollouts and watched as schools decided how to use tablets, whether they were Apple's or not. In 2013, iPads are still going strong. New pilot programs are winning over former doubters—and in some cases existing programs are expanding. So how will iPads be used as their classroom roles evolve in 2013? Education Dive found these examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Would you like to see more education news like this in your inbox on a daily basis?

How Stocks and the Stock Market Work: Read this article to better understand functions of the Stock Market. For a new investor, the stock market can feel a lot like legalized gambling. "Ladies and gentlemen, place your bets! Randomly choose a stock based on gut instinct and water cooler chatter! If the price of your stock goes up -- and who knows why? -- you win! Not exactly. The stock market can be intimidating, but a little information can help ease your fears. Why would a company want to share its assets and earnings with the general public? The disadvantage of borrowing money is that the company has to pay back the loan with interest. Perhaps the best way to explain how stocks and the stock market work is to use an example.
