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Canadian Store Deals, Coupons, and Sale Promotions - Things to Do in - Well Anywhere | Your Personal Tour Guide | Vayable Getaround - Peer-to-peer car sharing and local car rental Foundation 2012 Annual Report Dear Friends, Community. It’s the first word that comes to mind when I think about the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Through that and beyond, as we move with excitement into a new, promising and singularly focused era for our Foundation, we have remained intently focused on what matters: people affected by cancer today and our mission to improve their lives. Second, we worked on the front lines and across the globe to advance cancer care. Our accomplishments would not be possible without the steadfast commitment of our Chairman Jeff Garvey, our Board of Directors and our millions of dedicated supporters. Although some things have changed, one thing remains absolutely true: This Foundation doesn’t back down from a challenge. Continue Reading

Wonder How To » Show & Tell for Creators & Doers Arapyaú O Instituto Arapyaú é uma fundação privada que tem como proposta articular organizações e lideranças, conhecimentos e ações que promovem a transformação da sociedade. Fazemos isso por meio do aporte de recursos financeiros, de conhecimento e de relações a parceiros que trabalham na linha de frente da promoção da sustentabilidade. O Arapyaú atua em três áreas estratégicas – conhecimento, mobilização e lideranças – em nível local (sul da Bahia), nacional e global. Seu papel é construir pontes entre atores e experiências, no Brasil e no mundo, que resultem em iniciativas de alto impacto econômico e socioambiental. A palavra arapyaú (da tradição tupi-guarani) significa “tempo-espaço novo” e representa o mundo mais próspero e sustentável que buscamos construir. Visão Um Brasil próspero e responsável Missão Contribuir para articular a transição para uma sociedade mais justa, solidária e sustentável Valores Inovação e criatividade Empreendedorismo e ousadia Interdependência e solidariedade Equipe

提升品质!丰富APP动态效果的六点原则 这篇文章是百度云UE负责人@elya妞撰写的,从动效的6个方面详析怎样借移动应用强力提升APP品质!篇幅虽短,但是总结精炼,很值得一读。 @elya妞 :如果想让你的移动应用更活泼更灵动,丰富的动效是不可少的,丰富的动效可以让你的应用更具活力,充满生机;丰富的动效可以让你的应用彰显效率,提升品质感;丰富的动效可以让你的应用充满魅力,引人探索;丰富的动效可以让你的应用减少焦虑,消除等待感;丰富的动效可以让你的应用充满韵味,有节奏感;丰富的动效可以让你的应用有出奇的信息组织,整洁高效。 动次打次再来一篇动感干货: 《掌握动效设计! 这里主要介绍六种简单通用的方式 ———— 转场、邀请、过渡、反馈、缩放、吸附。 原则一:转场 由于手机屏幕空间有限,更多的内容会被隐藏在屏幕后边,或者屏幕的左边、右边、下边,转场动效能帮助应用营造一种空间方位感。 原则二:邀请 直接提供邀请,告知用户可以做的事,效果最直观,引导性最好。 原则三:过渡 当应用正在加载数据的时候,一定要给予过渡,让用户知道应用正在努力工作,系统级的过渡分为两种——进度条和菊花转,进度条是用在可预知完成进度和剩余时间的情况下;菊花转是用在无法预知剩余时间的情况下。 不是所有情况下,都要清晰的告知用户当然任务的加载进度的,比如iPhone自带的短信应用,发送短信的时候有一个进度条,本意是好的,让用户知道短信发送的进度。 原则四:反馈 当任务成功或失败之后,需要有办法告知用户。 如果是成功类的提醒,往往只是告知状态就可以了,用户无需执行操作,反馈就可以自己消失。 原则五:缩放 在一寸土一寸金的手机界面上耕耘,恨不得盖个复式小洋楼,一行当两行用。 比如Bluga这个输入框,当你不需要输入的时候,它看起来就是一个输入的入口,但是当你点击的时候,输入的辅助信息都出来了,更大的文字撰写框、位置、图片、发送按钮,你可以打开盒子,编辑一条丰富的消息。 原则六:吸附 吸附是网格系统中一个很具有美学色彩的设计,当你拖拽着一个应用切换位置的时候,这个应用会被自动吸附到对齐网格的位置,保证界面整洁利索(不像Nokia的某些手机,Widget可以满屏幕拖拽,跟我凌乱的桌面一样);当你拖拽一个应用到另外一个应用上的时候,就可以变成一个文件夹,这里也是通过文件夹的样式和吸附的效果,让用户明白建立文件夹的交互的。 从今天开始,努力提升你的应用的品质,让它动起来吧!

Child Support Calculator, Quebec: calculate your basic amounts based on income If you are a parent living in Quebec, by using this Quebec child support calculator you will get an idea of the base amount of child support that might have to be paid on a monthly basis. It is important to note that the number can vary depending on whether both parents live in the province, or if one lives outside the province. To calculate your basic child support amounts in Quebec enter the Income and Number of children, then click the Calculate button: One parent is outside of Quebec Both parents are in Quebec To use this Quebec child support calculator, simply select which of the situations might apply to you, whether one parent lives in Quebec or if both parents live in the province. The Quebec Child Support Guidelines give more specifics related to what the parents are required to claim as income for support purposes, and specifically states what are defined as additional expenses that are considered as allowable.

How to open new doors by closing your office Virtually no one who has leased office space has enjoyed writing that rent check every month. It might have been satisfying at first, when the firm or company was young and having an office was a sign of progress, but watching money go into a landlord’s pocket inevitably gets old. Still, the reality was that for most multiemployee businesses, the brick-and-mortar office was foundational to the organization’s existence. Physical presence announced reliability and permanence to current and prospective clients. A physical office also was deemed necessary for employee collaboration and client meetings. That mindset is beginning to change. In the public accounting space, many new practices start completely virtual, and many sole practitioners have operated out of their homes for years. Business Management Resource Group (BMRG) and Blumer & Associates are a pair of firms that closed brick-and-mortar offices last year and moved to fully virtual setups. Other challenges include: JofA article

9 個網站設計容易遺漏的小細節 照片來源:Horia Varlan 要設計出一個使用者體驗絕佳的網站,除了視覺美觀、功能完整之外,細節也是不可或缺。甚至我們可以說,兩個功能相近的網站,決定使用者體驗差異的關鍵,正是細節。〈 9 Small User Experience Details Most Websites Miss 〉 這篇文章提供了九個網站設計者可以思考的細節。1 1. 不論是新聞、Google 搜尋結果、部落格文章或是 Facebook 上的內容,一般來說都會有很多連結。 我們熟悉的 Google、CNN、BBC、紐約時報等都有這樣的設計,不過像是華爾街日報、聯合新聞網等則沒有。 2. 有時候網站會出現一個浮出視窗(modal window),例如我們要分享 Facebook 上的貼文時跳出來的那種,不過比較討厭的是當我們要關閉那個視窗時,點擊視窗以外的地方並不能直接關閉視窗,只能點右上角的「X」,這樣樣一來我們還得精準地移動滑鼠,顯得不是那麼方便。 這個部分 Twitter 就做得不錯,在使用者發表推文的浮出視窗外點一下,就可以關閉視窗了。 ▲ 點外視窗外面的灰色區域以關閉視窗,是不是比點擊「X」簡單多了呢? 3. 當使用者看見網頁上出現待填的表單(例如常見的網站登入介面或報名表),這個時候如果游標可以直接出現在第一個待填的欄位,不必勞駕使用者移動滑鼠,那麼體驗自然會比較好。 另外一個例子是 Yahoo 字典,他們的游標會自動出現在查找單字的欄位,而不是上方的網頁搜尋——畢竟使用者都點進來字典了,要找的當然是單字而非網頁。 4. 不知道大家有沒有這樣的經驗——填完表單(或是登入網站時要填帳號密碼)按下 Enter 鍵之後卻什麼也沒發生? 這樣的設計有好有壞,例如可以避免因為誤觸而送出未完成的表單,但相對而言麻煩許多,畢竟有很多情況只是我要登入一個網站,而不是要轉帳或是送出大學聯考的志願序。 5. 我們知道在網站上使用圖示代替文字描述是個優雅的方式,例如垃圾桶代表刪除、購物車代表,呃,購物車。 6. 現在絕大多數的網路服務都會放上部落格連結,但是別忘了要在部落格上加入連回網站的連結。 例如「Castro」這個最近剛推出的 podcast app,網站跟 app 本身都設計得不錯,可是點了部落格連結,讀完他們發表的宣言或是產品更新資訊後卻會發現:回不去產品頁面了。 7. 8. 9.

Canada Tax Calculator - Use this income tax calculator to determine your expected income tax, your marginal tax rate, average tax rate, and disposable income. Include an RRSP contribution and this calculator will provide you with your expected tax savings, and re-calculate the effects of making the RRSP contribution automatically. Assumptions - All tax rates provided by government of Canada website. Tax calculations include federal marginal tax rates, provincial and territorial marginal tax rates, provincial and territorial surtax rates, basic federal exemption, basic provincial and territorial exemption, as well as federal tax abatement for Quebec only. - Always consult a tax professional before making important decisions financial decisions with possible tax implications. Canada Tax Calculator The Canada Tax Calculator has been designed to provide quick and useful information to users, in order to help them make decisions and plan for the future. Income Tax in Canada Income tax in Canada is extremely complex.

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