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Java examples

The Best Java Tools You Never Knew Existed 2inShare I was at an awesome presentation at JavaOne of the long tail of Java tools that not many people have come across, which I had to share. So, in no particular order, and with my own emotive comments: Apache Abdera - work easily with Atom feeds. See also Rome. Antlr - this parser generator can look daunting, but it's pretty easy once you get your head around it. Feel free to add any gems that you have come across in the comments! Federated Login for Google Account Users - Google Accounts Authentication and Authorization If you need information about creating an OpenID 2.0–based web application that accepts Google login authentication, see OpenID 2.0 (Deprecated). For information about using OpenID 2.0 authentication with Google Apps (hosted) accounts, see OpenID API for Google Apps accounts. This document provides details about updating your code away from OpenID 2.0. The first section describes why you might want to switch to Google+ Sign-In and gives a few tips on switching. Contents About Google+ Sign-In If you provide a "sign-in with Google" feature, we recommend using Google+ Sign-In. If you currently have OpenID 2.0–based software in production, or if you have users who are known only by an OpenID 2.0 identifier, you can switch to Google+ Sign-In without losing track of your existing users by linking the OpenID 2.0 account identifiers to new Google+ Sign-In identifiers, then using the new identifiers going forward. If you switch to Google+ Sign-In, here are some tips:

Learn Java by Examples Indice de Contenido Configuración Ambiente de Desarrollo: Repositorios y Control de Versiones Repositorio con Google Code Control de Versiones con TortoiseSVN Instalación JDK Tutorial Aplicaciones Web con Jboss Seam Subir código a un Repositorio SVN desde Eclipse Trabajando con SVN desde Eclipse Trabajando con SVN desde Eclipse ...... Algunos Conceptos Configuración Ambiente de Desarrollo... Descarga de Eclipse Instalando el Plugin JBoss Tools En Eclipse Instalación del servidor de aplicaciones JBoss Tutorial Proyecto Web Con Eclipse Instalación Apache ANT Despliegue de Aplicación Web Con Ant Entradas de Interés: Leer Archivo Properties en Java Comparando Fechas En Java ¿String Vrs StringBuffer Vrs StringBuilder? Premio Liebster Award Manejo de Excepciones en Java Ejemplo Conectando Java con MySql ¿Eclipse Vs Netbeans? Como Importar proyectos Eclipse en Netbeans. Patrones de Diseño: Que son los Patrones de Diseño ? Java Swing: Que es Java Swing?

JScience Best HTML5 Editors for Developers HTML5 is one of the most popular language amongst developers and designers as it provides numerous functionality and assists developers to easily design web applications. There are many reason behind HTML5 popularity such as modern browser support (like Firefox 6, Google Chrome, IE9 etc.), structure specific tags, visual elements like rounded corners are now built in, drag and drop interactive, new video, audio and canvas elements, as well as the integration of scalable vector graphics (SVG) content (that replaces the uses of generic HTML5 editor can be considered as tool or software which helps developers to design interactive html pages or even websites. Though such websites or web pages can build by any editors available over Internet, but HTML editors offer more functionality and work with technologies like CSS, XML and JavaScript. We have gathered some of the best HTML5 editors which will enable designers and developers within their given workflow. Mercury Editor Maqetta Aptana Studio

Free Java Tutorials & Guide | Java programming source code 10 Responsive Frameworks You Need | Bootstrap vs Gumby vs Foundation Whether you call them responsive grid systems or a css responsive layout - they are a web designer's best friend and we love them as much as anyone. The only issue we may have with responsive frameworks is that there are just so many out there. With that in mind, we'll try to save you some time (and give you a few more tools)... because these are tools you need to provide good responsive design to your clients. From top to bottom, there is simply no framework better then Foundation 4. Although this release is fairly recent, I would have said the same about Foundation 3. Twitter Bootstrap has become invaluable and probably done the most to push the responsive "cause" in the industry. Gumby shows a lot of promise and has made drastic moves with their v2. Responsive Grid System uses solid responsive columns and codes very cleanly. Base is not too shabby (once you get used to it) and very stable.
