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Tools for Your Debugging Toolbox - Debugging Toolbox This article was just updated to include an internal Microsoft tool that is now public. There are many free tools used to troubleshoot and debug software. Below I present a list of the tools that my peers and I use most of the time. Though most of the tools below are free Microsoft tools, not all are very well known. If you’re a Microsoft Premier customer and think it’s a good idea for you and your team to learn from a Developer PFE about when and how these tools should be used (with demos), contact your TAM (Technical Account Manager) and tell him/her you’re interested on the PFE Developer Toolbox Chalk Talk. Also, if you want to see some interesting videos of a Developer PFE debugging an application take a look at these videos. Note: This article includes most tools from this blog post plus some more. - Performance Monitor - PAL - Process Monitor - Process Explorer - MPSReport - SPSReport - SPDisposeCheck - Dependency Walker - SQL Nexus - LogParser - Indihiang - PowerShell - Application Verifier

Doxygen Doxygen provides various levels of customization. The section Minor Tweaks discusses what to do if you want to do minor tweaking to the look and feel of the output. The section Layout show how to reorder and hide certain information on a page. The section XML output show how to generate whatever output you want based on the XML output produced by doxygen. The next subsections describe some aspects that can be tweaked with little effort. Overall Color To change the overall color of the HTML output doxygen provides three options to change the hue, saturation, and gamma correction of the colors respectively. For your convenience the GUI frontend Doxywizard has a control that allows you to see the effect of changing the values of these options on the output in real time. Navigation By default doxygen shows navigation tabs on top of every HTML page, corresponding with the following settings: you can switch to an interactive navigation tree as sidebar using or even have both forms of navigation: Note

Snippet Designer Everything Search Engine TCPView for Windows Von Mark Russinovich Veröffentlicht: 25. Jul 2011 Einführung TCPView ist ein Windows-Programm, das eine detaillierte Auflistung aller TCP- und UDP-Endpunkte auf Ihrem System enthält. Verwenden von TCPView Wenn Sie TCPView starten, werden alle aktiven TCP- und UDP-Endpunkte aufgezählt und alle IP-Adressen auf ihre Domänennamenversionen aufgelöst. Standardmäßig wird TCPView jede Sekunde aktualisiert, Sie können die Rate jedoch mithilfe des Menüelements Options|Refresh Rate (Optionen|Aktualisierungsrate) ändern. Sie können eingerichtete TCP/IP-Verbindungen schließen (die mit dem Status ESTABLISHED gekennzeichneten), indem Sie File|Close Connections (Datei|Verbindungen schließen) auswählen. Sie können das Ausgabefenster von TCPView in einer Datei speichern, indem Sie das Menüelement Save (Speichern) verwenden Tcpvcon-Verwendung Die Tcpvcon-Verwendung ist mit dem in Windows integrierten Netstat-Dienstprogramm vergleichbar: Verwendung: tcpvcon [-a] [-c] [-n] [Prozessname oder PID] -a -c -n

yEd - Graph Editor yEd is a powerful desktop application that can be used to quickly and effectively generate high-quality diagrams. Create diagrams manually, or import your external data for analysis. Our automatic layout algorithms arrange even large data sets with just the press of a button. yEd is freely available and runs on all major platforms: Windows, Unix/Linux, and Mac OS X. The latest release is version 3.12.2 Key Features Import your own data from an Excel® spreadsheet (.xls) or XML Create diagrams with easevia an intuitive user interface. Automatically arrangeyour diagram elements. Export bitmap and vector graphicsas PNG, JPG, SVG, PDF, SWF yEd in 90 seconds Supported Diagrams yEd supports a wide variety of diagram types. Support Resources The yEd online support resources include the yEd Graph Editor manual and the yEd forum where you can give us feedback.
