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Stop Procrastinating by "Clearing to Neutral"

Stop Procrastinating by "Clearing to Neutral"
By Thanh Pham We often procrastinate because there is this one hidden thing holding us back. It is this one thing that makes you procrastinate and most people are not even aware what this is, but if you eliminate it you can say goodbye to procrastination forever. Friction A lot of times we procrastinate because we have to jump through a lot of hurdles before we can do the thing we actually want to do. To put it in other words, before you can do your main activity (cooking), you have to all these others things (cleaning) before you can get to your main activity. If you make it hard for yourself to get started, that’s when you will most likely procrastinate. Now imagine you actually cleaned your desk and now you need to do some work on your computer. All these little starting points where you have friction are very common. Now this is where, as we at Asian Efficiency like to call it, the habit of Clearing To Neutral (CTN) comes in. More Examples Next Steps

The 12 Habits of Highly Connective People Anil Dash at Gel 2011 from Gel Conference on Vimeo. I started the day watching this video from Gel 2011. I love stories like Anil Dash's because I experienced myself the power of networks. Few things give you more joy than doing a good deed. Understanding the importance and power of networks, combined with new tools is our lifeline. That's what true connections can do. A couple of months back, I wrote a post about follow through, which is the secret to successful networking. Make it a habit, and you will see how quickly it yields results. (1.) believe you can make a difference in case you were wondering if this is only touchy-feely, look at how Dana White built a UFC empire out of his desire to connect with fans. (2.) think knowledge as a service it's an overused expression, it really does apply. (3.) take risks they can be small ones. (4.) have a point with your view in other words, put substance behind the approach. (5.) keep your promises (6.) say it another way (7.) show it (9.) write it down

6 Ways to Establish Yourself as an Industry Thought Leader So how exactly do you gain credibility as an industry thought leader ? Here are 6 things you can do to start establishing yourself as a trusted expert in your industry. It's no surprise that they all have to do with content creation ... 6 Ways to Become an Industry Thought Leader 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Leave Promotion at the Door I've said it a few times throughout this blog post, but it's important to emphasize that one of the keys to becoming an authentic thought leader in your industry is to leave promotion at the door. On the other hand, if people start to trust you and respect you as an industry thought leader, the indirect result will be greater trust in the products and services you have to offer, and ultimately, more business! In what other ways can you exhibit your industry thought leadership ? Photo Credit: Jacob Boetter

Six Easy Networking Tips for Introverts I’ll confess up-front; I’m an introvert. I spend a lot of time on my own – and I find it tiring to be around lots of other people. Being an introvert actually works out pretty well for me. I’m a writer, so a big part of my day involves sitting at my computer, working alone. When I do work with other people as a writing coach, it’s usually one-on-one (I can cope with one other person!) Of course, I can’t spend the whole of my life alone or with just close friends and family. In both my professional and personal life, I get out there and meet people from time to time. #1: Get to Know People Beforehand One of the many things I love about the internet is that it makes it incredibly easy for me, an introvert, to strike up a connection with total strangers. How do you find people who’ll be at the event? Forums or similar on the event’s website Twitter – search for the name of the event Blog posts – is anyone you know going? Find out the dress code in advance. The same applies to networking.

How to Gain Respect and Make Professional Connections No matter how talented or smart you are, if you can’t communicate effectively with others it will be difficult to get a job, retain clients, and have productive relationships. It’s a delicate process. Communication can be a hectic two-way street with messages coming and going between sender and receiver. If you aren’t paying attention, you’ll miss a queue and in turn, send a response that isn’t ideal. Listen, some people are born with that ‘gift’. Here’s how to make professional connections. Focus on first impressions and non-verbal behaviorCommunication is both verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication is the real key to gauging what someone is thinking and how they are feeling, so make sure you’re sending the right message from the get go.Adapt to match their behavior and emotionsTo make a connection with someone, be aware of their state of mind and personality. This offers a feeling of comfort and safety, where it becomes easier for the other person to open-up and act natural.

50 Things Everyone Should Know - StumbleUpon by Mark and Angel Self-reliance is a vital key to living a healthy, productive life. To be self-reliant one must master a basic set of skills, more or less making them a jack of all trades. Contrary to what you may have learned in school, a jack of all trades is far more equipped to deal with life than a specialized master of only one. While not totally comprehensive , here is a list of 50 things everyone should know how to do. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Read the rest of the article

Rise of the Preppers: America's New Survivalists - Newsweek and The Daily Beast Lisa Bedford is what you'd imagine of a stereotypical soccer mom. She drives a white Tahoe SUV. An American flag flies outside her suburban Phoenix home. But about a year ago, Bedford's homemaking skills went into overdrive. In the past, survivalists and conspiracy theorists might go out into the woods, live out of a bunker, waiting (or sometimes hoping) for the apocalypse to hit. That reaction, of course, means different things to different people. Researchers say that interest in survivalism can often be a barometer of social anxiety; and in many cases, says sociologist Richard Mitchell, it can be a response to modern stress. While there's no scientific data to track survivalism's recent growth, some preppers have speculated it's reached a level not matched in decades. Government has always played an active role in emergency preparedness. In the end, what it all boils down to, at least for the preppers, is self-reliance—a concept as old as the human race itself.

Picking Jobs - the international job site linking employers with seasonal workers Top 10 Most Dangerous Plants in the World 1. Most likely to eat a rat Giant Pitcher Plant: Nepenthes attenboroughii Discovered more than 5000 feet above sea level on Mount Victoria in the Philippines, the giant, carnivorous pitcher plant secretes a nectar-like substance to lure unsuspecting prey into a pool of enzymes and acid. A series of sticky, downward ribs makes it nearly impossible for trapped prey to escape. The plant's 30-centimeter diameter is large enough to trap unlucky rodents, but insects are its most common meal. 2. Castor Bean Plant: Ricinus communis Castor-bean plants can be purchased at just about any garden center, despite containing the deadly poison ricin. 3. Western Water Hemlock: Cicuta douglasii Deemed the most "violently toxic plant that grows in North America" by the USDA, the water hemlock contains the toxin cicutoxin, which wreaks havoc on the central nervous system, causing grand mal seizures--which include loss of consciousness and violent muscle contractions--and eventually death, if ingested. 4. 5.

How to be a Programmer: A Short, Comprehensive, and Personal Summary Debugging is the cornerstone of being a programmer. The first meaning of the verb to debug is to remove errors, but the meaning that really matters is to see into the execution of a program by examining it. A programmer that cannot debug effectively is blind. Idealists that think design, or analysis, or complexity theory, or whatnot, are more fundamental are not working programmers. Debugging is about the running of programs, not programs themselves. To get visibility into the execution of a program you must be able to execute the code and observe something about it. The common ways of looking into the ‘innards’ of an executing program can be categorized as: Using a debugging tool, Printlining --- Making a temporary modification to the program, typically adding lines that print information out, and Logging --- Creating a permanent window into the programs execution in the form of a log. Some beginners fear debugging when it requires modifying code. How to Understand Performance Problems

Permaculture With its system of applied education, research and citizen- led design permaculture has grown a popular web of global networks and developed into a global social movement[citation needed]. The term permaculture was developed and coined by David Holmgren, then a graduate student at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education's Department of Environmental Design, and Bill Mollison, senior lecturer in Environmental Psychology at University of Tasmania, in 1978. [1] The word permaculture originally referred to "permanent agriculture",[3] but was expanded to stand also for "permanent culture", as it was understood that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming philosophy. It has many branches that include, but are not limited to, ecological design, ecological engineering, regenerative design, environmental design, and construction. History[edit] Several individuals revolutionized the branch of permaculture. In Australian P.A.

Uses for Peppermint Oil – Ways to Use Peppermint Oil – Essential Oils Uses for Peppermint Oil Like many essential oils, Peppermint Oil has many uses for your health and around your home. Today we will talk about a few ways to try it and make sure to share your tips on the best uses for Peppermint Oil in the comments! Peppermint Oil is the oil harvested from the peppermint plant. You can buy it already made up (Buy It Here or Here at Mountain Rose Herbs) or if you are into growing herbs, you can easily grow peppermint in your herb garden and harvest the oil for yourself. Make Your Own Peppermint Oil Harvest the peppermint leaves from your plant in the early morning. Now that we know how to make peppermint oil, let's learn about all the things we can do with it! **Note: Like with all essential oils, test first to make sure you are not allergic, do not use on young children, do not use if pregnant, and do not use if you have certain medical conditions. Uses for Peppermint Oil Around the Home Uses for Peppermint Oil for Health and Beauty
