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BUYRAL - Professional Clicking

The 7 Worst Social Media Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them) Social media lets businesses interact directly with customers, press, investors and competitors with ease. But do you know what to say — and where and when to say it? Recently, a California franchisee of nationwide chain Villa Fresh Italian Kitchen jumped onto the social media bandwagon by launching a crowdsourcing contest called “Dub the Dew.” Online fans were asked to suggest and vote for the name of its new drink, a Mountain Dew brew flavored with green apples. But before you could say Instagram, the contest was hijacked and a host of spammed submissions — Diabeetus, Gushing Granny, Fapple — topped the leaderboard. The site was quickly pulled down. Clearly, social media marketing is not foolproof. Mistake No. 1: Turning up social media volume without monitoring the dialsSome buzz stays bad to the bone. So one of the worst mistakes small businesses make when adopting social media, says New York publicist Marissa Wolf, is “jumping in too fast and not taking enough time to learn.”

Report: Only 6% Of Buyers Claim Social Media Impacts B2B Buying Process According to a recently published B2B Website Usability Report surveying buyers, social media and blogging have little influence on the B2B buying process. Only six percent of the respondents claimed social media impacted their B2B purchases “a lot” and a meager 22 percent said they were interested in vendor blog content. Conducted by Dianna Huff of DH Communications and KoMarketing Associates, the survey focused on what B2B buyers expect from a vendor website. With a very small pool of respondents — only 175 surveys were completed — participants included C-level executives, managers and directors, along with other professional types. The study found that a lack of social media presence rarely impacted the B2B buying process, with 30 percent of respondents claiming it was important, but not a deal-breaker, and 37 percent saying social media wasn’t a factor. Of the 175 survey respondents, only 24 percent said they look for social media icons on a vendor website.

App Turns Smartphone Into Long Distance Remote-Control For Sex Toys Vibease is a new app and accompanying vibrator for long distance lovers that lets people control their partner’s vibrator from afar. After turning on the “massager” and launching the app, you can connect using Bluetooth and then either select solo mode or give permission for your partner to take control and operate the device for you. The Vibease vibrator has five levels of power and four vibration patterns. The app also lets the couple video chat at the same time or take and share pictures. Vibease Decálogo de un buen ‘community manager’ #socialmedia Desde hace tiempo se viene observando la necesidad de tener un ‘community manager’ en las empresas (o un equipo en función del tamaño) que realice las tareas de dinamización, seguimiento y monitorización de los Medios Sociales de las organizaciones. No tiene mucho sentido disponer de presencia y no gestionarla de manera correcta. Hay algunos aspectos relevantes que las empresas deben considerar a la hora de seleccionar el ‘community manager’, entre las cuales podemos destacar: ¿Es mejor que el CM sea personal propio o externo? Ninguna de las dos respuestas es mejor que otra, e incluso existe una tercera alternativa, que es el trabajo coordinado de alguien de la empresa y un servicio externo. No existe la figura del ‘community manager’ perfecto, hemos de pensar que estas tareas las realizan personas y que como tales pueden cometer errores, pero no es menos cierto que hay algunas características que todo buen CM debe poseer. Publicado originalmente en Castilla y Léon Económica. Me gusta:

Able Overdoer, watsamara Los que le tienen miedo al cambio, no lo aceptarán así sea el mejor invento del mundo... 3 | 1 month ago Infosecurity - GitHub Resets Passwords After Mass-scale Brute-force Attack 2 | 6 months ago What Is Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? 2 | 11 months ago Activismo Digital en el Perú - Cyberlaw | Uberlex 2 | 12 months ago Mi ultimo post en @gestionpe : El mercado de valores y las redes sociales… 2 | 14 months ago Eric Schmidt defends Google tax affairs, saying... 1 | 13 months ago 27 websites seized for illegal movie downloadin... Internet sales tax bill passes Senate, awaits H... Charting technology’s new directions: A convers... Computer and Internet Law Updates for 2013-05-0... Assessing Winners and Losers in Google's Worldw... Google's Patent-Pending Evil-Checker Could Revo... 1 | 15 months ago

¿De quién es el contenido en las redes sociales? Es frecuente en las redes sociales el uso indebido de los contenidos que circulan por ellas, lo cual evidencia que hay poco interés en conocer y respetar los derechos de quienes los crean. Usar indebidamente contenido ajeno es una practica ética y legalmente reprochable. Los contenidos pueden tener atributos creativos, o no, pero lo que sí es cierto es que están asociados a una persona física determinada. Si se trata de contenidos creativos, su creador tendrá el derecho de invocar protección y sacar de ellos beneficios, en muchos casos no necesariamente económicos sino el reconocimiento de su esfuerzo intelectual, de su paternidad. Los contenidos creativos Son aquellas obras del ingenio con atributos de originalidad en razón de la forma particular y personal de desarrollar las ideas y plasmarlas de cualquier forma y a través de cualquier procedimiento. Los contenidos no creativos Son aquellos que no tienen atributos de originalidad y por lo tanto no constituyen obras en sentido estricto.

5 Ways to Turn Twitter into Your Most Powerful Social Media Tool What do you use as your daily Social Media dashboard every day? Most likely not I am guessing. Yet, in recent months, there were a great number of browser extensions released, specifically for They help you create a much greater experience right inside What I like best about this is that you are in charge regarding how many bells and whistles you are adding. So here are my top 5 finds you can use to make a truly powerful Social Media tool for you: Tool #1. Function: Find top users more easily There has been a lot of discussion around Klout in the last few months. When I only have a few minutes at hand every morning, being able to glance through my Twitter stream with everyone’s Klout score next to their Tweets is a great filter. Tool #2. Functions: Optimal timing, multiple accounts posting and old school retweets Another extension I am using every day is Buffer’s Chrome extension. Tool #3. Tool #4. Tool #5. How about You? More Reading:

44 Reasons Why You Should Use Social Media for Your Personal and Business Brand Why would you want to waste your time blogging and building a following on social media networks? Why would you bother? It all seems like a lot of hard work really. For hundreds of years expressing yourself and displaying your passion and talents was confined to writing, drawing or painting on a piece of paper and then begging a publisher or someone of influence to tell the world or publish your work or display it. It took time, money and often access to powerful social and business networks. Being rich or royal was often a prerequisite to being noticed. Artists and creatives often needed access to kings and queens and their benevolent attention to break through the barrier of anonymity. Gatekeepers to Fame and Influence Television, radio and modern mass media made it easier to be discovered and break through the influence glass ceiling. Blogs, social media and social networks have turned this traditional and glacial model of influence, attention and self expression on its head.

5 Top Marketing Tips for LinkedIn Once upon a time, networking meant going to conferences and getting out there and meeting people. LinkedIn, however, has made networking on a global basis much easier and effective, allowing users to network with people worldwide from the convenience of their own home or office. LinkedIn has quickly established itself as one of the top social networking sites for individuals and business owners who want to network with others, to widen their customer base, and to keep on top of what’s going on in their respective industries. Succeeding at marketing with LinkedIn requires time and effort and trying the various methods for marketing with the popular social networking platform is important to find what works for your business. 1. Whether you opt for an individual or a company profile, your profile is the best way to market your product or service and to sell your skills. 2. 3. LinkedIn offers an ideal platform to position yourself as an expert in your field or industry. 4. 5. More Reading

25 Ways to Create Contagious Content [Infographic] 253Share 445Share 3.9KTweet 360Share 1.1KShare 360inShare Jeffbullas's Blog Internet Marketing 25 Ways to Create Contagious Content [Infographic] Written by Jeff Bullas - 23 Comments Categories: Content Marketing, Social Media, Social Media Marketing Content is the foundation for blogs and websites. The range and type of content that is available on a social web is extensive and includes multimedia such as videos, images and infographics and of course plain old simple text. Content can achieve different objectives including 1. 2. 3. 4. The challenge is to come up with the ideas and the content that people find valuable and want to share. 25 Content Creation Tips Here are some ideas to help you create content that I have often applied myself. 1. Compile a list of 10 favourite blog posts from other blogs. 2. Ask your friends and colleagues for ideas. 3. Don’t be afraid to ask your readers for ideas. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. People love to hear about the latest products or apps. 9. 10. 11. 12. 23. 24. 25.
