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A Super Simple Explanation of Inbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]

A Super Simple Explanation of Inbound Marketing [INFOGRAPHIC]
As extreme inbound marketing advocates, we love when we see businesses drink the inbound marketing Kool-Aid, eat the inbound marketing dog food, sip the inbound marketing champagne, or just, you know -- adopt the inbound marketing methodology. And we love it even more when they evangelize it, as HubSpot Partner The Whole Brain Group has recently done with its new infographic featured below. So if you're just catching on to the concept of inbound marketing and are looking for a super simple explanation of how it compares to a more traditional marketing strategy -- and how a really effective inbound marketing strategy works -- take a few minutes to check out The Whole Brain Group's rundown. (Click infographic to enlarge.) Do you plan to incorporate inbound marketing tactics into your overall marketing strategy?

Learning from Affilorama’s Inbound Marketing Success I’ve worked with Affilorama for over a year and half as an in-house SEO (since early 2010 to mid 2011), and became an external marketing consultant for them for almost a year now. Those experiences alone have taught me ton of things that I’m sure I will not be able to learn if I’ve chosen to work for other companies. Even the story of my career – as an online publisher, online marketing professional and entrepreneur – has revolved around the fact that I’ve been once a part of a really strong team. That part of my career has been a solid core of who I am and what I do now. And the thing that I loved the most about working with them is that it allowed me to see more things beyond marketing. That’s how you win in online marketing from now on. Before I start off, here’s a brief background (in case it’s your first time hearing them). Great Product A really useful product that no one in your market can match can be the strongest marketing arsenal a business can have. Affilorama Premium

eBook Tips for Content Marketers eBook tips that will help you create better content! This is the sixth post in my series on creating kick-ass content. An eBook is a short, digital book that is intended to be read on a computer screen or handheld device. Typically formatted for a landscape display, eBooks are a great content marketing tool for positioning you or your company as an expert on a specific topic. 1) Always start with an outline One of the most important eBook tips — which applies to writing any long piece of content — is to begin by gathering your ideas and organizing them into an outline. When crafting your outline, keep in mind that just like a traditional printed book, your eBook should generally include the following components: Table of ContentsForewordChaptersCallouts or SidebarsGraphs / Charts / VisualsEndnoteAppendix Remember, the purpose of your eBook isn’t to entertain. 2) Consult a variety of sources 3) Repurpose content you’ve already written 4) Make it visual 5) Iteration is key

Reality Check: How to Tell if Your Marketing Content Is Actually Valuable We marketing folk talk a whole heck of a lot about "creating valuable content." In fact, a quick site search of our own blog turned up over 1,400 results for the term "valuable content" alone. And that doesn't even include the multitude of other variations of the phrase we've used, like "helpful content," "educational content," "remarkable content," or "quality content." But let's be honest with ourselves, marketers. I think some of us might be coming down too hard on our content, while others are probably being too lenient. The Qualities of Truly Valuable Marketing Content 1) The topic addresses your target persona's needs and questions. One of the first questions a content creator should ask is, "For whom am I writing this piece of content?" You're going to have a tough time creating a piece of valuable content if you haven't identified who your target persona is, because it's hard to know what kinds of questions they have that need answering. 4) The tone is clear and accessible.

[Livre] « Marketing des Réseaux Sociaux »: 6 infographies exclusives Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que le livre « Marketing des Réseaux Sociaux« , écrit par Loukouman Amidou – fondateur et directeur de Mediaventilo – est disponible à la vente et commande on-line! Cet ouvrage aborde sur près de 260 pages et 11 chapitres les enjeux clés (stratégiques et pratiques) pour comprendre et mettre en œuvre des actions pertinentes et cohérentes dans une stratégie de marketing sur les réseaux sociaux. Pour appuyer cette sortie, voici une sélection de plusieurs infographies issues du livre: Pyramide de présence sur les médias sociaux Il y a de multiples façons d’être présent sur les médias sociaux pour une marque : de l’absence de présence à la présence la plus impliquée. Les pôles de présence Social Media Pour optimiser leur visibilité, les marques et les entreprises ont la capacité d’étendre leur présence sur de multiples médias sociaux. Évolution de la présence des contenus web Étapes de présence Social Media Éléments constitutifs de la communauté Social Media

7 Inspiring Examples of Real-Time Marketing in Action Real-time marketing means reacting in real, or near-real time. It’s about relevant messaging, and it's achieved in social channels by listening to and anticipating customer needs. Paid media (advertising), earned media (content), and owned media (social and PR) are rapidly converging into just … media. Digital channels have long enabled real time optimization of display advertising, but as social listening and monitoring tools proliferate nearly as quickly as social media channels, real-time matters more to marketers. This is true not just because of social media, but also because social is now what provides the creative impetus for paid and owned media. Real-time marketing demonstrably works -- not just in social channels, but across the marketing spectrum. How Real Companies Are Leveraging the Power of Real-Time Marketing That's all well and good, but in the real world, how are marketers working in real time? Pepsi During Fashion Week 2011 Oxygen Network Pilots OxygenLive

Which content management system fits your business strategy? Five CMS platforms to consider Published on The web development industry today is particularly fraught with small and often one-man consulting practices. How do you know you are getting good advice? Even the most well intentioned developers have biases or feel more comfortable with certain technologies, but what’s best for your company may not always be in line with your developer’s strengths. As Brafton’s director of technical integrations, I consult clients across many industries with very unique business objectives – and depending on what you want visitors to do on your website, different systems are better suited to support different goals. Here I’ll provide you with a simple explanation of the benefits and drawbacks inherent in five leading content management systems, or CMSs for short. The basics of Open Source and proprietary platforms First off I think everyone should be aware of the distinction between Open Source and proprietary software. Five CMS Platforms you should know about WordPress Type: Open Source, PHP

Marketing Automation: Why You're Doing it Wrong Marketing automation sometimes sounds like a dirty word, and for good reason. When done incorrectly, it has the potential to undervalue a marketer's database, irritate those on the receiving end of the campaign, and generate poor results. If that's not enough to make marketers want to wash out their mouths with soap, I'm not sure what is. I guess you could ask Ralphie. But the truth is, marketing automation holds a lot of promise for marketers, because it is a powerful tool that can help them overcome some of the core problems they face. Let’s take a look at some common mistakes made with marketing automation, and some of their better alternatives. Mistake #1: You're Marketing to Actions, Not People Depending on how you do this and what your conditions are, it’s very possible that you're setting yourself up for failure. 1) Single actions rarely tell the whole story. 2) Some actions are tough to track accurately. Take email opens for example. Think about your own email inbox.

Le Social Media Marketing Contre Le Marketing Traditionnel [Infographie] Quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients du social media marketing et du marketing traditionnel ? Le social media marketing est attractif pour plusieurs raisons : Un investissement financier moins important, en particulier pour les petites entreprises.L’établissement d’une véritable relation avec son audience.La viralité des plateformes social media.Un bouche-à-oreille exponentiel.Etc … Cependant, le social media marketing comporte aussi des inconvénients : il nécessite un investissement en temps important et le retour sur investissement est plus difficile à mesurer. Le marketing traditionnel, quant à lui, permet de délivrer facilement un message commercial devant une audience de masse et d’obtenir des résultats rapidement. Toutefois, ces résultats s’arrêtent souvent avec la fin de la campagne marketing et ne sont pas toujours mesurables facilement. Source : & Tags: infographie, marketing traditionnel, social media marketing Catégorie: Social Media

12 Critical Marketing and Sales Metrics You BETTER Be Tracking Sales and marketing alignment takes work. Lots of organizations have the idea to get both teams in a room together, communicating, collaborating, and all those other warm and fuzzy things that make our hearts flutter. Problem is, that all just turns into a lot of hogwash and fingerpointing -- especially when the bottom line isn't getting hit -- when there isn't anything but "feelings" to back up the discussion. That's why it's critical sales and marketing should track shared goals and metrics to keep each team accountable to the other. 12 Metrics Sales and Marketing Should Track to Stay Accountable Quantity Metrics 1) Reach: Reach is the total of a company's email database, social media following, blog subscribers -- anyone the company can reach with content or marketing messages. 2) Leads Generated: The most typical marketing metric is leads, and it continues to be an important metric. 4) Revenue: The ultimate goal of the entire sales and marketing team: revenue. Quality Metrics

Avoid These SEO Mistakes in Your Content Creation Efforts. Whether you’re new to optimizing your web site for search or if your an experienced pro, everyone makes mistakes—especially when it come to SEO. The bad news is that mistakes can have a significant effect on your search results page ranking. But the good news is, you can correct most of them by being informed and investing just a little effort. After all, the requirement to continually create valued content for your customers and prospects is no picnic. 1. Flash is a great presentation tool and can be dramatic and effective if used sparingly. 2. A splash page is a web page with a large graphic or company logo, and a link to enter the site. No keyword rich text on the page, nothing for the spiders to indexOnly one internal link on the pageThese pages often have a redirect which often causes spiders to ignore them If search engine optimization is important to your business, forget the splash page. 3. Search engines are a lot more sophisticated than most of us realize. 4. 5.
