background preloader - Hire Freelancers & Find Freelance Jobs Online jackthehelper PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Online Ticket Booking System using ASP.NET In my previous post, I explained how to implement seat reservation with jQuery. In this post, you will see how to use it in ASP.NET project to save and retrieve data from database. It can be used in online Bus, flight, hotel, exam support, cinema and ticket booking system. DB Structure: There are two tables:BookingDetail Table: Seat owner informationSeatDetail Table: To save booked seats information. Setup Entity Data Model: First Create database and stored proc as mentioned above. Right click on Project > Add New Item > Select ADO.NET Entity Data Model >(name: Model.edmx) > Add Select “Generate from database” > Next > Select Database >(save entity connection string…: StarBusEntities1)> Next Select Both tables and Stored proc > (Model Namespace: StarBusModel) > Finish You will get the above db structure – screen shot and get tables in edmx file. Now Right click on SeatDetail > Stored Procedure Mapping Now save it. Display Booked Seat: Add new page and use code from my previous article.

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