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10 outils pour le Web mobile

10 outils pour le Web mobile
Les contraintes d'ergonomie, d'adaptation et de performance dans le monde du Web mobile impliquent parfois certaines techniques rendues complexes par le peu de spécifications et d'outils existants à l'heure actuelle. En attendant des modules de positionnements CSS flexibles tels que "Flexbox", ou des spécifications stables concernant les informations de type "retina" ou de bande passante d'un terminal, nous sommes contraints à créer nous-même nos outils et stratégies. Pour nous faciliter la tâche, voici une sélection de 10 ressources bien pratiques. La majorité des dispositifs présentés dans cet article consistent en des bibliohèques JavaScript et répondent à des missions bien précises. Inutile de vous préciser qu'il n'est pas recommandé d'employer l'ensemble de ces outils sur un seul et même projet, pour des raisons évidentes de performances. Mobile Boilerplate Voir Mobile Boilerplate 320 and up Souple et évolutif, il peut être couplé à Modernizr, Bootstrap, LESS et SASS selon vos besoins.

Penser mobile d’abord aide pour les décisions critiques Par Luke Wroblewski Durant notre entretien du Big Web Show, hier, Jeffrey Zeldman, Dan Benjamin et moi‑même discutions des raisons pour lesquelles concevoir d’abord pour les mobiles aide à éviter certains des problèmes qui enquiquinent les designers depuis des années. Il fait même le café Un des problèmes les plus tenaces sur le Web est de vouloir tout faire faire à son site Web. Lorsque vous concevez d‘abord pour la version mobile, un ensemble de contraintes retient votre main, la plus importante étant probablement la place à l’écran. Perdre 80 % de la place disponible oblige à se concentrer sur les éléments prioritaires. Observez les différences entre le site de Southwest Airlines et leur application iPhone. Si vous concevez d’abord pour les mobiles, vous créez un consensus sur ce qui est essentiel. Le contexte d’utilisation est bien sûr différent d’une utilisation classique, mais le service de base et l’intérêt d’un site restent les mêmes. Identique dans tous les navigateurs

Animated Scroll to Top Due to a number of requests, I’m writing a detail tutorial on how to create an animated scroll to top as seen on Web Designer Wall. It is very simple to do with jQuery (just a few lines of code). It checks if the scrollbar top position is greater than certain value, then fade in the scroll to top button. Upon the link is clicked, it scrolls the page to the top. View the demo to see it in action. Demo Scroll to Top Download Demo Zip Design & CSS Declare the #back-top elment with position:fixed so it stays fixed on the page. Take a look at this step demo (note: the jQuery part is not implemented yet). jQuery Part (Demo) Below is the Javascript code (you can paste it any where on the page). If you want to learn some basic jQuery coding, read my jQuery for Designers tutorial.

Penser mobile d’abord Par Luke Wroblewski La plupart du temps, la version mobile d’un site ou d’une application web est conçue après la version classique. Voici trois bonnes raisons de commencer par la version mobile. 1. L’utilisation de mobile explose Il était possible de surfer avec des appareils mobiles depuis des années, mais les smartphones actuels ont provoqué une augmentation drastique de la consommation de données cellulaires. Le nombre d’utilisateurs consommant des données cellulaires devrait tripler, pour atteindre le milliard d’ici 2013. Construire la version mobile en premier permet aux entreprises de proposer une expérience adaptée à ces nombreux utilisateurs, largement considérés comme la prochaine plateforme informatique dominante. 2. Les terminaux mobiles imposent aux équipes de développement de ne proposer que les informations et actions indispensables à l’utilisation des applications. 3. Aller plus loin

Responsive Web Above The Fold The following post is by Arley McBlain. Arley has written a fewother great articles for CSS-Tricks in the past so I'm pleased to have him back for another! This post's title isn't just a weak attempt at SEO stuffing, it's also a blind-folded scissor kick into a beehive convention! Few topics in web production can bring a nerd's blood to a rolling boil as quickly as "The Fold" and "Responsive Web Design", so it's high time we combine the two and bring this server to its knees under the sheer weight of trolls sharing how they really feel about me as a person. Before the Webbys have to invent the "Best Use of Naivety" award I'd like to point out that for years I've been in the "The Fold is Dead" camp. Recently Google (incidentally a company whose clean "above the fold" website is merely a gateway to lots of scrolling search results) added a new feature to their Google Analytics suite that allows you to see what size of browsers users are visiting your site with. Getting Started View Demo

16 Useful Responsive Navigation Menu Plugins and Tutorials Nowadays many people start to develop a website or blog that has responsive layout to improves the user experience and web-usability, especially for mobile users. There are so many responsive WordPress theme or website template that you can use for free/paid – By using this themes your website will more flexible to any web browsers, It’s really easy to transform your website to be more responsive and mobile user-friendly without getting your hands dirty in code - check this out, If you prefer to learn to make responsive websites yourself, it’s little harder way but can be an opportunity to improve your skills. In this article, you will find 16 useful tutorial about responsive navigation menu using jQuery and plugins – Because menu navigation is one of the most important element of your website, and it’s the first thing a user sees when visiting your website. You might also like; 1. Tutorial | View the demo 2. Tutorial 3. Tutorial | View the demo 4. Tutorial | Download | View the demo 5. 6.

Beginner’s Guide to Responsive Web Design Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned web professional, creating responsive designs can be confusing at first, mostly because of the radical change in thinking that’s required. As time goes on, responsive web design is drifting away from the pool of passing fads and rapidly entering the realm of standard practice. In fact, the magnitude of this paradigm shift feels as fundamental as the transition from table based layouts to CSS. Free trial on Treehouse: Do you want to learn more about responsive web design? Over the past year, responsive design has become quite the hot topic in the web design community. What is responsive design? Let’s just get right into it: Believe it or not, the Treehouse blog that you’re reading this article on is actually a responsive design! It’s hard to talk about responsive design without mentioning its creator, Ethan Marcotte. So, what is responsive design exactly? It’s not just small screens, either. Fluid Grids 320px480px600px768px900px1200px Resources Bonus

5 Useful CSS Tricks for Responsive Design Making the design to be responsive is very easy as shown in my Responsive Design in 3 Steps tutorial, but maintaining the elements to look aesthetically balanced on all breakpoint layouts is an art. Today I’m going to share 5 of my commonly used CSS tricks along with sample cases for coding responsive designs. They are simple CSS properties such as min-width, max-width, overflow, and relative value — but these properties play an important part in responsive design. View Demos 1. Responsive Video (demo) This responsive video CSS trick was discovered by 2. Max-width property allows you to set the max width of the element. Max-Width Container In the example below, I specify the container to display at 800px if possible, but it should not exceed 90% of the boundary width. Responsive Image You can make the image auto resize to the max width of the boundary by using max-width:100% and height:auto. The above responsive image CSS works on IE7 and IE9, but doesn’t work on IE8. Min-Width

Media Queries Abstract HTML4 and CSS2 currently support media-dependent style sheets tailored for different media types. For example, a document may use sans-serif fonts when displayed on a screen and serif fonts when printed. ‘screen’ and ‘print’ are two media types that have been defined. A media query consists of a media type and zero or more expressions that check for the conditions of particular media features. Status of This Document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. A W3C Recommendation is a mature document that has been widely reviewed and has been shown to be implementable. This document has been reviewed by W3C Members, by software developers, and by other W3C groups and interested parties, and is endorsed by the Director as a W3C Recommendation. Please see the Working Group's implementation report and the Media Queries Test Suite. Also see the Disposition of comments and a list of changes relative to the previous Proposed Recommendation. 1. 3.

Less Framework 4 I called Less Framework "a CSS grid system for designing adaptive websites". It was basically a fixed-width grid that adapted to a couple of then popular screen widths by shedding some of its columns. It also had matching typographic presets to go with it, built with a modular scale based on the golden ratio. The resources it was originally published with are still available on GitHub. Contrary to how most CSS frameworks work, Less Framework simply provided a set of code comments and visual templates, instead of having predefined classes to control the layout with. This is how I still work today and definitely a method I advocate. /* Default Layout: 992px. Less Framework was popular in the early days of responsive design. Eventually, I moved on from fixed-width grid systems and worked on a fully fluid-width one, in the form of Golden Grid System. Less Framework's popularity was helped by the following contributions and the lovely people behind them (dead links crossed off):

20+ Useful Vertical and Horizontal CSS3 Menu Tutorials Website menu navigation is one of element that every website needs in order to create a usable web page, if you are a website owner, it’s necessary to understand how menu navigation work in your website, they should be readable, simple, clear and designed as well. In the past, I have created a list of premium mega menu and free CSS menu design tutorial that can help you to design your website menus more betters, If you have not read it yet, you can read the article at +108 Free CSS Menu Designs. In today’s post, we create a fresh list of tutorial on how to create a website menu navigation using only CSS3. With good menu navigation design, people will love to explore your website, this mean it will increase a page views and reduce the bounce rate of your website. At last, I hope you find these menu tutorials useful and please leave a comment if you know of some other CSS3 menu tutorial that worth to share. You Might Also Like: Vertical CSS3 Menu 1. View Source | Demo 2. View Source | Demo 3.
