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Rocky Mountain Institute - Driving the Efficient Use of Resources

Rocky Mountain Institute - Driving the Efficient Use of Resources
Creating Better Buildings Achieving deeper levels of energy savings will require a scaling up of investment in energy efficiency. RMI’s new practice guide on how to calculate and present value from deep energy retrofits can help drive that investment.

Reinventing Fire: A New Vision By Amory B. Lovins Since 1982, Rocky Mountain Institute has been hatching gamechanging innovations to help make the world richer, fairer, cooler, and safer. Among other things, RMI has made important contributions toward achieving tripled-efficiency cars, trucks, and airplanes; laid many conceptual and practical foundations for electric and water efficiency, widespread renewable energy, and community economic development; devised profitable approaches to solving climate change, oil dependence, global insecurity, nuclear nonproliferation, and critical-infrastructure vulnerability; and forged (with Paul Hawken) a natural version of capitalism. We feel that all this work has prepared us well for what comes now. RMI’s Next Big Thing will bring together all of our 27 years of innovation and engage the world in our most ambitious and important work yet. We will extend from oil to all fossil fuels our experience in envisioning and catalyzing energy systems that, in our Trustee Ray C.

Home - Earthship South and East view of an Earthship passive solar home Earthship typical floorplan Earthships are primarily designed to work as autonomous buildings using thermal mass construction and natural cross ventilation assisted by thermal draught (Stack effect) to regulate indoor temperature. Earthships are generally off-the-grid homes, minimizing their reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels. Earthships are built to utilize the available local resources, especially energy from the sun. For example, windows on sun-facing walls admit lighting and heating, and the buildings are often horseshoe-shaped to maximize natural light and solar-gain during winter months. History[edit] Michael Reynolds' first building, the Thumb House. A building being built of cans in the 1970s The design used with most earthships. Eventually, Reynolds' vision took the form of the common U-shaped earth-filled tire homes seen today. Systems[edit] Water[edit] Collection[edit] A domestic rainwater harvesting system

Welcome to The Document Foundation! - The Document Foundation Sustainable Development News Highlights From the Archives Low Technologies, High Aims By ANDREW C. M.I.T. has nurtured dozens of Nobel Prize winners in cerebral realms, but lately it has turned its attention toward concrete thinking to improve the lives of the poor. September 11, 2007scienceNews A Conversation With Gro Harlem Brundtland 20 Years Later, Again Assigned to Fight Climate Change Gro Harlem Brundtland has the job of prodding world leaders to act on at least one environmental front: cutting greenhouse gas emissions. May 8, 2007scienceNews Managing Planet Earth Forget Nature. Scientists agree that choices made in the next decade are likely to determine the health of the environment well into the next century.

Energies Renouvelables Scientists Fear a Newly Discovered Super-Germ Could Go Global | Paranoid News - UFOs, Conspiracies and the end of the world. Get Paranoid! Hah! You thought Swine Flu was bad!? This shit will probably make it look like a mere skin rash! Yes! Hit the break to learn more about this new disease and watch a video that might curb a little your paranoia. The germs in question are common gut bacteria, which have been modified by a gene called NDM-1 (New Delhi Metallo-beta-lactamase-1).Alarmingly, this modification makes bacteria such as E. coli completely resistant to all known antibiotics – even to the ‘weapon of last resort’, a group of drugs called the carbapenems, which are usually held in reserve for grave emergencies and infections by highly-resistant bacteria such as MRSA.More worryingly, the NDM-1 gene was found to be present on plasmids – bits of DNA which can easily be copied and transferred between different species of bacteria.This suggests, according to the authors of the paper which was published in the Lancet, ‘an alarming potential to spread and diversify among bacterial populations’.

AKTERRE_construction et matériaux en terre crue_accueil Newly Released Interview Proves That The Twin Towers Were Actually Imploded Demolition-Style, Not By The Bullshit Pancake Effect As Previously Thought! | Paranoid News - UFOs, Conspiracies and the end of the world. Get Paranoid! I know most of you believe that 9/11 was an inside job and the twin towers were actually brought down by demolition charges and not two commercial passenger jet airliners as the media wants you to believe, but there are a few people out there who still believe the attacks were legit and I don’t blame them, actually, for a brief time I believed it too. These attacks were incredibly well staged. So, for those of you who still believe in the pancake effect theory, here is an interview with two firefighters who had just emerged from the ruins of the WTC. Hit the break to watch the interview and be amazed by the courage of these two men. Let me tell you, that is pretty amazing. aaaaahh!!! Visit to read the entire article and watch an additional video: huge explosions Now, if you excuse me, I will be freaking out outside, I think the spider touched my elbow!! Special thanks to Tony Paranoid, who tipped me about this!

Bienvenue au PREBAT How voltage, current, and resistance relate : OHM's LAW An electric circuit is formed when a conductive path is created to allow free electrons to continuously move. This continuous movement of free electrons through the conductors of a circuit is called a current, and it is often referred to in terms of "flow," just like the flow of a liquid through a hollow pipe. The force motivating electrons to "flow" in a circuit is called voltage. Voltage is a specific measure of potential energy that is always relative between two points. When we speak of a certain amount of voltage being present in a circuit, we are referring to the measurement of how much potential energy exists to move electrons from one particular point in that circuit to another particular point. Free electrons tend to move through conductors with some degree of friction, or opposition to motion. The "symbol" given for each quantity is the standard alphabetical letter used to represent that quantity in an algebraic equation. What is the amount of current (I) in this circuit?

Energie positive - Amoes Eco-Friendly: 16 Innovative & Awesome LED Art Sculptures : WebEcoist LEDs consume less energy and maintain a longer lifetime. Combining LEDs with art can have visually stunningly results. These large-scale LED sculptures were on an open-air stage of installations, exhibitions, works of art and design. Here are 16 aesthetically pleasing LED art sculptures that respect the environment while providing modern designs of energy-saving lighting solutions. Fabulous Artworks of Italian Light Sculpture Festival Light-based art lit up Xuanwu Lake Park in Nanjing, China, during the Italian Light Sculpture Festival. Reflecting off the mountain lake was a planned part of the LED sculptures, meant to enhance the differences of light and shadows. Romance and reality merged in a brilliant illumination, yet managed to use one-tenth of incandescent light power consumption. (image credits: chinagate) These complex LED sculptures comprised the largest light sculpture festival ever held in China. Italian LED Light Sculpture Artwork Each LED sculpture, like the above “St. LED Kiss

Le Bâtiment à Energie Positive, par Energie Gagnante
