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Europe PubMed Central

HAL SHS CMALT: My Journey | East Midlands Learning Technologists In November 2013 I was awarded my CMALT accreditation from the Associate for Learning Technology. I wrote about my journey on my own blog, and provided a few short but important tips for anyone looking at working towards their own CMALT award. Here is that post. After an awfully long time I have written, submitted, re-written, re-submitted, and finally been awarded the status of Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology (CMALT). CMALT – The beginning I joined Bournemouth University (BU) in 2007, fresh into the role of a Learning Technologist (LT) from 10 years as a commercial web designer. In 2008 a visit was organised with ALT to BU to explain the CMALT scheme and sign some of us up. Despite thinking and planning my CMALT portfolio it wasn’t until July 2011 that I actually paid my fees, and starting developing my portfolio, collating the evidence, and filled in the application form. Tip 1: If you decide to select an assessor of your own then choose him/her wisely.

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics SAO/NASA ADS: ADS Home Page About The Licenses Our public copyright licenses incorporate a unique and innovative “three-layer” design. Each license begins as a traditional legal tool, in the kind of language and text formats that most lawyers know and love. We call this the Legal Code layer of each license. But since most creators, educators, and scientists are not in fact lawyers, we also make the licenses available in a format that normal people can read — the Commons Deed (also known as the “human readable” version of the license). The Commons Deed is a handy reference for licensors and licensees, summarizing and expressing some of the most important terms and conditions. The final layer of the license design recognizes that software, from search engines to office productivity to music editing, plays an enormous role in the creation, copying, discovery, and distribution of works. Searching for open content is an important function enabled by our approach.

Virginia Tech Scholarly Communication University Libraries | Scholarly Communication is located on the fourth floor of Carol M. Newman Library at Virginia Tech. Scholarly Communication is a dynamic landscape, and we are continually evolving. Many scholarl arXive For a specific paper, enter the identifier into the top right search box. astro-ph.GA - Astrophysics of Galaxies (new, recent, current month) Phenomena pertaining to galaxies or the Milky Way. Star clusters, galactic nebulae, the interstellar medium, clouds, dust. Galactic structure, formation, dynamics. Galactic nuclei, bulges, disks, halo.

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