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6 Awesome Pro-Marijuana Ads [pics]

6 Awesome Pro-Marijuana Ads [pics]
by Evilpig on June 14, 2010 | 125 Comments Continue reading for more! Created by Rigo14 You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Marginal Revolution: How to disappear Tips from a teacher (markets in everything): There are three key steps to disappearing. First, destroy old information about yourself. Call your video store or electricity company and replace your old, correct phone number with a new, invented one. Introduce spelling mistakes into your utility bills. Create a PO Box for your mail. Then, create bogus information to fool private investigators who might be looking for you. The next, final step is the most important one. Is that last sentence so reassuring? Usually, I don’t hear back from my clients. I occasionally wonder that if I had a) a new identity, b) enough money to live on, and c) a willingness to live abroad and no family for them to threaten, how long would it take a team of ten professional hit men to find me. For the pointer I thank Henry Farrell. Addendum: Bruce Bartlett refers me to

Tyler Durden’s 8 Rules of Innovation We all want to do remarkable things, and lead remarkable lives. No one wants to spend the day engaged in mundane productivity in pursuit of a meaningless consumer existence. Certainly not you, right? So why do we find it so hard to break out of our rut and do truly innovative things? Because it’s hard. Because it often requires us to significantly alter our perspectives and step outside our comfort zones. It’s almost like becoming another person. I Know This Because Tyler Knows This… If you haven’t seen the movie Fight Club (or read Chuck Palahniuk’s excellent novel), I won’t spoil the fantastic plot twist where we come to understand who Tyler Durden really is. At its core, Fight Club is about living the life you truly want to live, and the hard path to getting there. Luckily, Tyler says a lot of things that apply directly to innovative action. Tyler’s First Rule of Innovation: “No fear. This is the most important lesson, and it’s the one people struggle with and resist. “No fear! Seriously.

Hacking Knowledge: 77 Ways to Learn Faster, Deeper, and Better If someone granted you one wish, what do you imagine you would want out of life that you haven’t gotten yet? For many people, it would be self-improvement and knowledge. Newcounter knowledge is the backbone of society’s progress. Great thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, and others’ quests for knowledge have led society to many of the marvels we enjoy today. Life-changing knowledge does typically require advanced learning techniques. Health Shake a leg. Balance Sleep on it. Perspective and Focus Change your focus, part 2. Recall Techniques Listen to music. Visual Aids Every picture tells a story. Verbal and Auditory Techniques Stimulate ideas. Kinesthetic Techniques Write, don’t type. Self-Motivation Techniques Give yourself credit. Supplemental Techniques Read as much as you can. For Teachers, Tutors, and Parents Be engaging. For Students and Self-Studiers Be engaged. Parting Advice Persist. Sources For This Article Did you enjoy this article?

Learning the Tarot - An On-Line Course This is rotten dot com How to Detect Lies - body language, reactions, speech patterns Interesting Info -> Lying Index -> How to Detect Lies Become a Human Lie Detector (Part 1) Warning: sometimes ignorance is bliss. After gaining this knowledge, you may be hurt when it is obvious that someone is lying to you. Introduction to Detecting Lies: This knowledge is also useful for managers, employers, and for anyone to use in everyday situations where telling the truth from a lie can help prevent you from being a victim of fraud/scams and other deceptions. This is just a basic run down of physical (body language) gestures and verbal cues that may indicate someone is being untruthful. If you got here from somewhere else, be sure to check out our Lie Detection index page for more info including new research in the field of forensic psychology. Signs of Deception: Body Language of Lies: • Physical expression will be limited and stiff, with few arm and hand movements. • A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. • Hands touching their face, throat & mouth. Final Notes:

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Why is a raven like a writing desk? A Straight Dope Classic from Cecil's Storehouse of Human Knowledge April 18, 1997 Dear Cecil: This is something that drives me crazy every time I hear it: "Why is a raven like a writing desk?" — Mary, via the Internet Dear Mary: This riddle is famous, although it's the rarefied kind of fame that entails most people never having heard of it. "Have you guessed the riddle yet?" At this point most of us are thinking: Ho-ho, that Lewis Carroll, is he hilarious or what? Oh, they say. Lewis Carroll himself got bugged about this so much that he was moved to write the following in the preface to the 1896 edition of his book: Enquiries have been so often addressed to me, as to whether any answer to the Hatter's Riddle can be imagined, that I may as well put on record here what seems to me to be a fairly appropriate answer, viz: 'Because it can produce a few notes, tho they are very flat; and it is never put with the wrong end in front!' Did this discourage people? Not bad for amateurs. Cecil replies:

How To Train Yourself To Be In The Mood You Want Dec 27, 2010 When you have major changes going on in your life, or you’re just frustrated about where you are, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of depression, bad moods and frustration. I know, I’ve been there … and when I’m not careful, I still get there more than I want to. But when I’ve had a particularly hard time, I hit these moments where I’m in a foul mood, or I’m just feeling paralyzed, and I’m just stuck. I’m going to outline the framework that I’ve been using successfully to really get myself resourceful and motivated (and in a better mood) when I’m feeling stuck. First Up: Using A Framework to Escape From Paralyzing Emotions When we feel bad, it’s hard to “feel good” again. The reason for this is that steps take the emotion out of our situation and give us direction to simply act. You can call these verbal step-by-step tools anchors if you want, because they’re ways to anchor your emotional state to a time where you knew what to do and you felt prepared. Think about it. Dave

Book:How to Retire Overseas Animated cartoon A horse animated by rotoscoping from Eadweard Muybridge's 19th century photos. The animation consists of 8 drawings, which are "looped", i.e. repeated over and over. An animated cartoon is a film for the cinema, television or computer screen, which is made using sequential drawings,[Note 1] as opposed to animations in general, which include films made using clay, puppet and other means. History[edit] Early years[edit] The phenakistoscope (1832), zoetrope (1834) and praxinoscope (1877), as well as the common flip book, were early animation devices to produce movement from sequential drawings using technological means, but animation did not develop further until the advent of motion picture film. Simulated mirror view of the discA modern replica of a Victorian zoetrope (1834) Silent era[edit] How Animated Cartoons Are Made (1919) The first animated projection (screening) was created in France, by Charles-Émile Reynaud, who was a French science teacher. "Golden Age"[edit] Feature films[edit]

50 Ways to Get Your Life in Order This is an article by guest writer Mark Foo, author of The 77 Traits of Highly Successful People. There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of chaos in your life. As Albert Einstein once stated, “Three rules of work: out of clutter find simplicity, from discord find harmony, in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Unexpected challenges are what make us stronger, so don’t avoid them. Recycle old papers that are filling drawers in your house. Do you have a tip to help us get our lives in order?

I Ching Online - the Online Book of Changes Traditional animation How Animated Cartoons Are Made (1919) Traditional animation, (or classical animation, cel animation, or hand-drawn animation) is an animation technique where each frame is drawn by hand. The technique was the dominant form of animation in cinema until the advent of computer animation. Process[edit] Storyboards[edit] Voice recording[edit] Before true animation begins, a preliminary soundtrack or "scratch track" is recorded, so that the animation may be more precisely synchronized to the soundtrack. In the case of most pre-1930 sound animated cartoons, the sound was post-synched; that is, the sound track was recorded after the film elements were finished by watching the film and performing the dialogue, music, and sound effects required. Animatic[edit] Often, an animatic or story reel is made after the soundtrack is created, but before full animation begins. Advertising agencies today employ the use of animatics to test their commercials before they are made into full up spots. Layout[edit]
