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Introduction Sly is a JavaScript library for advanced one-directional scrolling with item based navigation support. It can be used as a simple scrollbar replacement, as an advanced item based navigation tool, or as a great navigation and animation interface for parallax websites. This is achieved by a powerful & developer friendly API that provides a bunch of very useful methods giving you control over everything. Dependencies jQuery 1.7+ And that's it. Compatibility Sly works in every desktop browser, and due to some divine intervention, even in IE6+, but that is a complete accident. Mobile Sly does touch events, and I'm generally trying to make it work everywhere, but the fact is that mobile is not tested. Changelog Sly upholds the Semantic Versioning Specification. Support Reward the developer And make him happy for maintaining this library! I don't want to go the Isotope & family route and monetize my libraries. Performance Examples Documentation Forum

4 Solutions for Full-Screen Background Images Full-screen background images are nothing new in web design, but the ways in which we can achieve this effect have changed and improved as our industry has progressed. Additionally, the whole responsive web design movement has put even more emphasis on the need for dynamic websites – using dynamically resizing background images in your website designs can be a great solution to this need. Let’s look at 4 different solutions for full page background images, starting with a CSS-only solution and moving into a few different jQuery-powered solutions. All of these solutions are free, well-documented and relatively easy to implement, too! CSS3 Method You gotta love when you can solve a problem solely by using CSS. It’s dead-simple – here’s a code example: Browser Support: This is the main downside – Internet Explorer doesn’t recognize background-size below IE9. jQuery BackStretch Browser Support: modern browsers & IE7+. jQuery AnyStretch Supersized Full Page Slider

Backstretch: a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized background image to any page Advertisement a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element by Scott Robbin Download Backstretch Now link to a hosted copy on or download the entire project, including examples. Do you see the full-sized background image on this page? Images are fetched after your page is loaded, so your users won't have to wait for the (often large) image to download before using your site. Demos Where can I get it? If you are interested in learning more about Backstretch, it's recommended that you view the project on GitHub. Support Basic support is offered through Github's issues tracker. If you are in need of immediate support, Email Support is available for $17. Other jQuery Plugins If you like this plugin, feel free to check out some of the others I've built. Intelligist Share and demo code in-page, usingGitHub gists.

Top 5 jQuery Plugins for April 2013 jQuery can be considered as the spine of web development, jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery plugins enrich web applications development by making them multifunctional and visually stunning. Every month number of jQuery plugins released all over the web, Here at CodeGeeks we have amassed 5 useful jQuery plugins released this month, which might help you to enhance your websites by making them multifunctional, user friendly and visually creative. 1. Mixit Up MixItUp is a light-weight but powerful jQuery plugin that provides beautiful animated filtering and sorting of categorized and ordered content. 2. Magnific Popup is a free responsive jQuery lightbox plugin that is focused on performance and providing best experience for user with any device. 3. 4. 5. Unslider is the jQuery slider that just slides. — Gavin A Web addicted Geek stuck inside Tron.

25 Amazing Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins With almost every aspect of the internet going mobile, more and more web developers than ever before are being hired primarily to ensure that websites acquire responsive capabilities. Indeed, as the mobile computing continues to heat up, the demand for responsive WordPress templates, HTML themes, and plugins is likewise on the rise. Among the web elements that need to go responsive to keep up with the times, are the image showcase mechanisms of websites. We are referring here of sliders, carousels, galleries, accordions and others which are common features of websites and looks great on most sites using a to show off key content and images. To make things easy for you, you can make use of some awesome resources on the web involving jQuery slider plugins. jQuery as we know it is the lightweight JavaScript library that makes it possible for us to traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add AJAX; and it does wonders on sliders, etc. Flexslider - MORE INFO | DEMO

25+ Fresh jQuery Carousel Plugins jQuery carousel plugins are very useful if you have a row of images and like your visitors to access them in a stunning and solid way. Such a feature has been made simpler and more beautiful by the opportunities provided by jQuery. An image carousel displays images in an unbroken loop. A carousel jQuery slider then is able to create slideshows that are similar to a merry-go-round, where users can view the showcase in auto play or by using arrow indicators. Compared to displaying photos only, a jQuery carousel plugin can also display non-image contents such as text blocks or videos. In addition, the jQuery carousel plugin can also present them in vertical or horizontal order with a range of slide timer length, transition effects and element positions. In this post, you will discover more than 25 jQuery carousel plugins that will allow you to display your contents in almost any way you want. All in One Banner – MORE INFO iCarousel – WordPress – MORE INFO TouchCarousel – MORE INFO

20 Best jQuery Carousel Plugin Roundup A jQuery carousel plugin is eminently useful if you have a number of images and you like to give access to your users in a truly beautiful and solid way. With jQuery carousel plugins, such a presentation has been made particularly simple and easy to create. jQuery slider plugins have the capability to create carousel like slideshows that will allow you to pan through each image by way of arrow indicators, or watch the entire showcase in auto play. If you are looking for a carousel feature that will showcase your contents in a continuous loop, take a look at the collection of 20 best jQuery carousel plugin applications presented below. Boutique carousel – MORE INFO A ready to use jQuery slider/carousel to present your images in a unique, smooth and customizable way. Responsive Thumbnail Gallery Plugin – MORE INFO jQuery Plugin for creating image galleries that scale to fit their container. 3D Carousel – Advanced jQuery Carousel – MORE INFO WP-ImageFlow2 – MORE INFO iCarousel – MORE INFO

The Best 20 Amazing and Fully Functional jQuery Slider Plugins I`m sure you noticed that almost every website has implemented at least one jQuery plugin . My opinion is that jQuery is beautifying a website and should be a must have. The offer varies from image gallery sliders to tooltips or to fancy navigation but the most popular plugins are the sliders. Below I`m presenting you the best and the most beautiful and fully functional jQuery Slider Plugins which will certainly increase your website`s pageviews! Lof jSiderNews Plugin Nivo Slider Jquery Slide Deck jCoverFlip Slider Plugins Avia Slider DD Slider Sexy Slider Boutique Carousel Kwicks for jQuery – Accordion Slider The plugin is called Kwicks and you can download it from the Kwicks Home Page but I`m presenting you below another demo from Kriesi, on his wordpress theme, Newscast. Apple Style Slider This jQuery Slider is not actually a plugin, is just a jQuery tutorial but I like it very much and just wanted to share it with you. Coda Slider 2.0 jFlow Plus Dual Slider Looped Slider or Slides jQuery UI

20 Excellent jQuery Plugins for WordPress Since recently, jQuery plugins have become extremely popular on the web, but it turns out much harder now to trace all the new releases and updates of the former versions. What’s obvious here is that the internet has made apparent that jQuery is a very convenient and truly efficient money-saving technology. There’s simply flood of useful jQuery tools, though the best ones should be certainly sorted out to fit each particular online project. WordPress as the most popular blog service and CMS platform is one of the foremost software to have such plugins implemented. 1. While talking about presentating your content in a spectacular way we must never forget about good old slideshows. 2. Display your media content easily with comfortable jQuery plugin for more user-friendly navigation. 3. This is an excellent light-weight plugin with cool transition effects, flexible configuration and auto slide. 4. 3D Carousel Menu FX 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

11个Coverflow特效脚本 | ~SolagirL~ Cover Flow是一个可经由唱片封面形象化地翻查一个数位音乐资料库的三维图形用户界面,被用于苹果Itunes、Iphone等产品中,本文收集了一些可以实现Cover Flow特效的脚本,虽然严格意义上讲,有些脚本并不是真正的coverflow效果,coverflow的一大特点就是非居中的图片要旋转一定的角度,用CSS3特效可以实现,但并非所有浏览器都支持这些特效。 ImageFlow Demo | 下载 | 中文介绍 jQuery UI CoverFlow Demo | 下载 | 介绍 ContentFlow Demo | 下载 | 介绍 Feature jQuery carousel Demo | 下载 | 文档 Cloud Carousel – A 3d Carousel in Javascript Demo | 下载 | 文档 Jquery Monte Demo | 下载 Roundabout Demo | 下载 | 文档 JavaScript Coverflow With Canvas Demo | 下载 AJAX Image Gallery powered by Slideflow (like Cover Flow) Demo | 下载 MooFlow Demo | 下载 | 文档 Coverflow Using CSS 3D Transforms 在Chrome和Sofari中效果最好 Demo | 教程 参考文章 Cover Flow – 维基百科

30 Fresh Examples of Designer Portfolio Websites PORTFOLIO is a reflection of the skills and talent of the designer that owns it. Often, the hardest web design while building a portfolio website can take a lot of the designer’s time to create and finish the best. Portfolios can be designed in several forms, specially those related to design, photography and other creative professions. They are a great way for web designers to show off their work and present to prospective employers what they can do. A Portfolio should be attractive so that it can inspire new customers. But it should also give complete information about your business and service to your clients. BUT the biggest problem is that, With so many portfolios out there, it is hard to make yours stand out from the rest. Sergio Pedercini Loic-Artieri Fernando conti Mohammad Jsamiee Mohsen samiee Lorenzo Verzini Florian BLOUET Alessandro Vallainc Janko at Warp Speed Rkgttr Mickael Marquez Andrei Serban Twiggle graphics Lisher Jen Germann Noe Araujo Eliot slevin Emotions live Jorge Rigabert Lorin
