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Diy zip qui dépasse

Diy zip qui dépasse
Doesn’t it ever get annoying digging through a zippered pouch? I love being able to see what’s inside and what I’m searching for. I spotted this little pouch the other day and had to make something similar. I also made a bunch of sizes, but today I’ll show you the small size, next time, I’ll share the medium and large sizes (not pictured) so you can make all three! Materials: fabric, 1/4 yard would be plentyzipper, at least 10″ long or longerthreadinterfacing of your choice, I used Pellon 101SF, or skip it all togetherscrap for zipper end pull Directions:(1/2″ seam allowance, unless otherwise noted) (Optional) Fuse on or baste on interfacing of your choice to main exterior pieces. Lay one exterior piece right side up, lay zipper (teeth side down) on top with the zipper pull at the left – aligning zipper tape edge to the raw edges of the top of the exterior piece. Use your zipper foot and a 1/4″ seam allowance. Flip so that the fabrics are wrong sides facing and press. That’s it! Ta-da!

le tuto de la pochette de sac façon mini-cartable - Le blog de marie-bobine's 17 septembre 2011 6 17 /09 /septembre /2011 17:27 pour faire une pochette de sac..... pour commencer, télécharger le patron en cliquant ici et découper chaque pièce dans 2 tissus différents. préparer la poche (la plus petite pièce) en faisant l'ourlet positionner la poche sur la partie avant de la pochette envers sur endroit et piquer aux 2/3 de la longueur pour former 2 poches assembler l'avant et le dos sans coudre les "coins dégarnis" pour former le volume du fond de la pochette, écarter les "coins dégarnis" et pincer en faisant correspondre les coutures du fond avec celles des côtés, piquer . différences d'assemblage de la doublure : la bande de poche se coud sur la partie dos, laisser une ouverture dans le milieu de la couture du fond pour pouvoir ensuite retourner le tout à l'endroit. et le tour est joué !!! n'hésitez pas si vous avez des questions, des critiques, des encouragements... laissez moi un petit com ...

The Busy Bean · Open Wide with a Handle I love Anna’s Open Wide Bag tutorial so much. I made my first, and it quickly became my favorite for knitting. It sits up so well on its own, plus the big opening means my yarn doesn’t snag on the zipper and I’m not squishing stuff into a big bag through a small opening. The only thing missing is a handle. Head to Noodlehead for the full tutorial and sizes. Start by cutting a piece 2 5/8″ x the height of your bag. Once you’ve sewn the zipper onto the bag opening and lining on both sides, cut it to the desired length, again using Anna’s tutorial as a guide. Sew all the way around the handle piece about 1/8″ from each edge, locking the zipper in. Continue with Anna’s tutorial, until you get to boxing the outside fabric corner on the side with the handle. On this corner, instead of sewing on your marked line, put a pin in to hold it in place and draw a 2nd line 1/2″ away from your sewing line, closer to the corner. That’s it.

Trousse à bijoux de voyage {tuto} - Couture Préparez et placer les éléments de la trousse (Partie 2) Extérieur de la trousse :Prenez le rectangle de cuir 17.5 x 21 cm et arrondissez-lui les coins en utilisant un verre pour vous aider à faire le tracé de l'arrondi. Fermeture de la trousse :Prenez le rectangle de cuir 5 x 6 cm et arrondissez deux coins. Posez le dessus d'une pression du côté où les coins sont arrondis et venez le coudre sur le grand rectangle cuir 17.5 x 21 en plein milieu du côté de 17.5 cm. Pochette à colliers :Cousez un côté de la deuxième fermeture éclair sur le grand rectangle cuir à l'opposé de la fermeture de la trousse.Cousez l'autre côté de la fermeture éclair sur le rectangle à pois avec pochette fleurie à l'opposé de la pochette fleurie. Coupez toutes les pièces Dans le cuir :1 rectangle de 17.5 x 21 cm1 rectangle de 5.5 x 8.5 cm1 rectangle de 1.5 x 8.5 cm1 rectangle de 5 x 6 cm Dans le tissu à pois :3 rectangles de 17.5 x 21 cm Dans le tissu fleuri :1 rectangle de 17.5 x 9 cm Cousez tous les éléments ensemble

crafterhours: The Dresden Plate Skirt: A Tutorial I’ve been thinking a lot about how to use quilting techniques in clothing lately. After making the little hexagons for this outfit, I was inspired to do more. So, now, from my crazy 3 a.m. big lightbulb idea, I’d like to introduce: the Dresden Plate Skirt! And tutorial! (really, really long tutorial.) Are you guys ready for this? Materials needed: Main fabric. Step 1: Cut out a whole bunch of trapezoid-y shapes. Here are my strips, all lined up in a pleasing order. Step 2:Sew ‘em all together! on in the background. Step 4: Using a rotary cutter, follow the lower edge of the skirt from fold to raw edge, then cut up the raw edge about 3 inches. Step 5: Finish the inner, or short end of that strip by serging or zig-zagging. Step 6: Use something round (coaster, glass, protractor….um yeah, I said protractor. Step 7: Sew directly on all your marked curves! Step 8: Flip your lining piece to the inside of the skirt, and using your fingers, push out each scallop and press. Step 9: Step 10: Step 11:

Accessoires Gant démaquillant en microfibres. S’utilise sans lait démaquillant, juste avec de l’eau. Learn More Bonjour, Je vous propose le tuto d’une trousse de toilette adaptable pour homme, femme ou enfant. Vous pouvez également adapter les dimensions à vos besoins. J’ai hâte de découvrir vos créations et variantes. A très vite… Viny. Learn More Tumbler Skirt Tutorial I came up with the Tumbler Skirt. First, I want to show you how I cut the tumbler blocks. The light in my kitchen was awful that day, so excuse the crap-tacular photos. Then I gave it a quick press with the iron. My tumbler die looks like this: I’m going to place my fabric right on top of the outline you can see vaguely. Then I put my cutting mat on top. The verdict on cutting 6 layers of fabric at once? If you want to make your own Tumbler Skirt, you’ll need to measure the waist of the intended wearer, and round up to the nearest multiple of 3”. You’ll need double that number for your 2nd tier. You’ll need double the 2nd tier number for your 3rd tier. And so on and so on and so on. My top tier was 9 tumblers. Sew the blocks for each tier together (1/4” seams), small sides up. The finished bottom width on each tumbler is 6”, aka double the finished top width. Install your zipper and have the wearer try it on. Have the wearer try it on again. It’s super twirly, too.

Fifi jolipois Custom tights using Ink Effects I love trying out new products, such as the DecoArt’s new Ink Effects that I teased you about on Facebook last week. Well, now I can tell you about my experience using it. I have some tips to share along the way to make your project as successful as possible. Also, check out the DecoArt Ink Effects website for more inspiration and tutorials. Oh, and by the way, DecoArt did send me the product to play with, but the opinions are, as always on our blog, all mine. My first project with these inks was for Little Jo. After printing my design, I painted it with the Ink Effects. If you want the black lines to show up on your finished project, paint them with black ink. Then I waited for the images to dry. I laid out one leg of my tights, placed the image towards the top, and covered with another sheet of copy paper. When I peeled away the painted design, I couldn’t help but marvel that it looks so cool! I used two sets of two roller skates to complete each leg. Little Jo loves her new tights.

Accessoires couture et mercerie : fils à tricoter, tissus et mercerie - Bouillon de Couture the Circle Skirt I used to think that a gathered skirt was the easiest skirt to sew. But I may have changed my tune. A circle skirt is possibly even easier! If you’ve ever made a poodle skirt before, it’s the same concept. Once you’ve created your pattern, you can whip up 4 skirts in an hour! Okay, let’s get started. What you need (for a little girl’s skirt): * about 1 yard of fabric* appx 3/4 yard of 2-inch wide elastic FABRICS to use:* Rayon* Polyester Charmuese* Simple Cotton* Thin Corduroy* Lightweight WoolMany fabrics will work for this project. ELASTIC:Wide elastic from fabric stores typically comes 2 inches or 3 inches wide; white or black in color. If you’d like to add a colorful twist to your skirt, check out our easy Tutorial for Dyeing Elastic HERE. Measure around your waist. PATTERN:This requires a bit of geometry but don’t worry, we’ll break it down for you. You need to figure out the radius so you can easily draw a circle. Then connect the dots to draw 1/4 of a circle! Now you have a donut!

Patron gratuit: housse de coussin Fournitures Pour une housse pour un coussin carré de 30 cm de côté: un coupon de tissu d'ameublement de 85 cm par 40 cm du fil Ce patron peut facilement être adapté à d'autres dimensions. Patron Sur l'envers du tissu, tracer le patron ci-dessous, en veillant à laisser au moins 2 cm entre les lignes et le bord du tissu. Ce schéma contient, de gauche à droite: le dessous de la housse le dessus de la housse le rabat l'ourlet du rabat Couper et surfiler chaque côté en laissant des surplus de couture de 1 cm. Rabat Envers contre envers, plier l'ourlet sur le rabat. Envers contre envers, plier le rabat sur le dessus de la housse. Petit ourlet Envers contre envers, sur le côté opposé au rabat, plier le surplus de couture sur le dessous de la housse. Couture des côtés Endroit contre endroit, plier pour rabattre le dessous de la housse sur le dessus de la housse. Finitions Retourner la housse et repasser.

DIY bubble earrings This year I'm completely taken with royal blue // see here and here // {but last year, too} //see here and here // and lapis lazuli is the perfect stone to go with it. Inspired by these earrings I saw on the MoMA store: While in Istanbul few weeks ago, I purchased two large lapis lazuli round beads, with the idea of making a pair of earrings (to go with a pretty ring I bought at the Grand Bazaar). grab your supplies! * a pair of flat pliers (the pliers need to be polished flat in the inside, without the gripping lines - at least for * a small part of it), * two large-ish beads with a not-too-large hole * wire (mine is sterling silver 18Gauge Half Hard) and a big marker. {I'm using wire because I couldn't find headpins with the right gauge and the extra 3" length} And here's the fast tutorial: squeeze the edge of the wire with the flat part of the pliers, (about 1/16") Keep squeezing until it will flatten out like in the picture: Cut the wire at 3" length and repeat on the next piece of wire
