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FLTEACH FAQ - Activities That Work - Introduction Introduction Table of Contents: A. Activities for grammar point and spelling.1.-Adjectives. 2.-Commands. 3. The most common denominator for these activities is that they have been devised so that children will use the target language in order to be successful in each activity. W3 page maintained by Copyright © 1998 Jean W. Create - Match The Memory These previews will automatically update when you change the values to the left Match 1 Match 2 The address that people will use to get to the game. (e.g. What appears at the top of the page when people play the game. This is just for starters -- you can add more matches later if you need to. This is the base color for the cards. This is the color of the text overlaid on the cards. This is the size of the text on the cards.

Beautiful web-based timeline software Infuse Learning - A Great Student Response Tool There is no shortage of student response services that teachers can use in their classrooms. Socrative and Poll Everywhere are my two favorite. But a new service called Infuse Learning is definitely challenging for that ranking. Infuse Learning is a free student response system that works with any Internet-connected device including iPads and Android tablets. Infuse Learning allows teachers to push questions, prompts, and quizzes out to students' devices in private virtual classrooms. Infuse Learning offers a couple of helpful accessibility options including support for multiple languages. To get started using Infuse Learning go to the site and start creating classes. Learn more about Infuse Learning in the video below. Applications for Education Infuse Learning has fantastic potential as a student response system. If you want all of your students to view the same webpage at once, you can push links out to your students through your Infuse Learning room.

Games That Work The Language Teacher Toolkit by Steve Smith and Gianfranco Conti is now available from Amazon. I don’t think that you have to use games to teach classes successfully. Inexperienced teachers should be wary of using games if class control is still shaky or if you have an unusually difficult class. I believe classes appreciate teachers who make them work and with whom they get on, not teachers who play games. That said, games bring variety and a bit of fun to lessons. Here is a list of some games which I have found to work well over the years. Strip bingo Give each pupil a piece of A4 paper which is then divided lengthways so that each pupil has a long strip of paper. Alternatively: pupils write down about 15 words on a long strip of paper and tear of from the top or bottom when you call the words. Pass the bomb Form groups of about 10. Baccalauréat Pupils get 10 points for an item which no-one else has got and five points for an unoriginal one. This game can work at all levels. Alibi Hélène.

Study Stack - Glagoli incorrect cards (0) correct cards (0) remaining cards (7) Question click to flip Save retry fix restart shuffle help To flip the current card, click it or press the Spacebar key. retry the cards in the incorrect box restart all cards Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page. Live Text Document Collaboration! José Picardo – Box of Tricks Education Ltd | Box of Tricks DES JEUX BRISE-GLACE POUR LA CLASSE DE FLE (I) La première séance de cours frappe à la porte. Il s’agit d’un moment important mais délicat qui nous remplit d’enthousiasme à l’idée d’accueillir nos nouveaux élèves mais aussi de stress et de peur car nous sommes conscients de l’impact déterminant du premier cours. Ce n’est pas la mer à boire. C’est juste le premier cours. Parfois «la peur est le commencement de la sagesse» comme disait François Mauriac. Vu que le commencement est la moitié de tout, on vise à créer une ambiance agréable dans la classe permettant aux élèves de tisser des liens et des complicités indispensables et à leur donner une image représentative de notre pédagogie. Pourquoi utiliser des brise-glace en classe de FLE ? Une activité qui marche très bien avec les jeunes et les grands.Chaque participant note quatre phrases courtes pour parler de lui sur un morceau de papier. VARIANTE (pour les niveaux plus avancés): La classe est divisée en groupes de 4 personnes. Le professeur écrit 5 questions au tableau : Ex.

générateur de dés from Tools for Educators: Create your own custom dice with pictures, text or both images and text. You can make dice with just your text or choose an image category below to make dice with those images. (See below for some ideas on how to use the dice.) Make dice with text only make one die per page make two dice per page Make dice with images: The basic idea for using these dice in communication classes is that students roll the dice and use the vocabulary that comes up. A few general ideas on how to use these dice to get you started: - You can mix a text die with punctuation like '.' '?' - Make text dice with phonics digraphs, reading rules, and combinations. - Make dice with numbers and different operators ( + , - , x ) or just use regular dice plus the operator dice for simple math practice. - Make text dice with set questions or better yet, just the beginning, 'Have you ever ...?' - Combine the text dice with the printable board games in examples like those above.

Collaborize Classroom | Online Education Technology for Teachers and Students Ma mallette de jeux FLELeWebPédagogique Un bon prof de FLE a toujours une mallette de jeux ! Je vous laisse découvrir le contenu de la mienne… Bon pour tous les niveaux CECRL. Découvrez les nombreuses activités que vous pouvez réaliser avec ce jeu constitué uniquement de photos très variées et recto verso. Ces activités sont proposées par Les experts de Varsovie sur le site de l’Institut Français. Très intéressant pour stimuler la conversation en classe de FLE tout en révisant le passé composé ou l’interrogation ou les connecteurs logiques ou pour faire un débat. Niveau CECRL A1/B1. Former des groupes. Ce jeu est utile pour réviser le vocabulaire. Niveau CECRL A1/A2. Pour cette activité, les élèves sont constitués en groupes. Niveau CECRL A1/A2. Niveau CECRL A2/B1. Regardez un exemple de son utilisation Niveau CECRL : A1/A2. Le jeu des gages permet d’évaluer les connaissances lexicales et grammaticales des élèves tout en offrant la possibilité aux élèves de formuler oralement des questions et d’y répondre. Niveau CECRL A1/A2.
