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Graffiti artist Banksy unmasked ... as a former public schoolboy from middle-class suburbia

Graffiti artist Banksy unmasked ... as a former public schoolboy from middle-class suburbia
By Claudia Joseph for MailOnline Created: 13:38 GMT, 12 July 2008 He is perhaps the most famous, or infamous, artist alive. To some a genius, to others a vandal. Since Banksy made his name with his trademark stencil-style 'guerrilla' art in public spaces - on walls in London, Brighton, Bristol and even on the West Bank barrier separating Israelis and Palestinians - his works have sold for hundreds of thousands of pounds. He has dozens of celebrity collectors including Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Christina Aguilera. Enlarge In the frame: The man in this photograph, taken in Jamaica four years ago, is believed to be Banksy He is also known for his headline-making stunts, such as leaving an inflatable doll dressed as a Guantanamo prisoner in Disneyland, California, and hanging a version of the Mona Lisa - but with a smiley face - in the Louvre, Paris. A network of myths has grown up around him. Famous fans: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie at a Banksy show in Los Angeles where they spent £200,000

'Tox' graffiti artist convicted of criminal damage | Art and design To some he is an urban icon, a street artist dedicated to bombing his tag on more, and riskier, places than any other in the UK. But Daniel Halpin – or Tox, "king of taggers" and scourge of London Underground's cleaning force – faces the possibility of prison walls as his only canvas after a jury decided his art was vandalism and convicted him of criminal damage. The 26-year-old, from Camden, north London, whose masked image and story of anarchism has featured on television documentaries and in magazines, was found guilty of a string of graffiti attacks across England after prosecutor Hugo Lodge told a jury: "He is no Banksy. He doesn't have the artistic skills, so he has to get his tag up as much as possible." "His statement is Tox, Tox, Tox, Tox, over and over again," said Flynn after the trial at Blackfriars crown court, in which he gave evidence as an expert witness. Cashing in on his notoriety, he is said to have made £9,000 in two hours by selling pictures with his Tox tag.

The unofficial guide to installing iTunes 10 without bloatware One of the most popular posts I wrote in 2008 was a set of step-by-step instructions to help you do what Apple doesn't want you to do with iTunes for Windows (see Slimming down the bloated iTunes installer). Now that iTunes 10 has been released, it's apparent that nothing has changed in Cupertino. Apple still gives its customers a monolithic iTunes setup program with absolutely no options to pick and choose based on your specific needs. Why is that important? And you wonder why I dislike iTunes with a passion that burns like the fire of a thousand suns? That's where this post comes in. To get started, you need a copy of the iTunes Windows installer, which comes in x86 and x64 versions and is available via this download page. Extract those files to a local or network folder and you can run them individually, using command-line switches to control their behavior. Page 2: What's in each package? <-- Previous page Here's an unvarnished description of each installer: <— Previous page 1. 2. 3.

Fichiers croisés, flics infiltrés: les eurogauchistes dans le viseur (part.1) Les « fauteurs de trouble » qui sévissent lors des principaux sommets internationaux font l’objet d’une attention toute particulière de la part des vénérables institutions de l’Union européenne. Il y a quelques mois, avant le sommet du G8 de Deauville, j’avais eu l’occasion de raconter comment les pays membres, via le Conseil des ministres et ses différents groupes d’experts policiers, entendaient créer une base de données croisée pour cibler les troublemakers habitués aux rassemblements anticapitalistes. Statewatch, ONG britannique en pointe sur ce dossier, révèle aujourd’hui un autre volet de cette coopération policière. La dernière analyse de Statewatch (document PDF en anglais) évoque trois de ces projets européens en cours d’élaboration : Évidemment, souligne Statewatch, cette coopération active ne s’accompagne pas, en parallèle, d’une plus grande protection des données face aux risques d’arbitraire d’État. L’attitude de l’UE à l’égard des « fauteurs de trouble » est symptomatique.

Immaterials: Light painting WiFi The city is filled with an invisible landscape of networks that is becoming an interwoven part of daily life. WiFi networks and increasingly sophisticated mobile phones are starting to influence how urban environments are experienced and understood. We want to explore and reveal what the immaterial terrain of WiFi looks like and how it relates to the city. Immaterials: light painting WiFi film by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen and Einar Sneve Martinussen. This film is about investigating and contextualising WiFi networks through visualisation. It is made by Timo Arnall, Jørn Knutsen, Einar Sneve Martinussen. Investigating WiFi In order to study the spatial and material qualities of wireless networks, we built a WiFi measuring rod that visualises WiFi signal strength as a bar of lights. WiFi outside the Oslo School of Architecture and Design The measuring rod is inspired by the poles land surveyors use to map and describe the physical landscape. Walking with the WiFi measuring rod. Conclusions - reverse engineer md5 hashes - powered by DANS LA VIE LIBRE DE DROITS Rosi – Le mani sulla città / Main basse sur la ville « (e)space & fiction-Mozilla Firefox Movie title image. Image du titre du film. Copyright 1963 ARIES, 2005 Editions Montparnasse The Italian movies of 50s, 60s and 70s invented a new way to depict geography of Italy after second world war, especially urban landscapes. By describing what was supposed to become the geography of the new Italy, as well as its new architecture, urbanism and land planning, the Italian filmmakers wanted to show future face of Italy, turning back to the past. Le cinéma italien des années 50 aux années 70 a inventé une nouvelle façon de mettre en images la géographie de l’Italie de l’après guerre, en particulier les paysages urbains. English Français Reference English Sorry, no translation yet. Français "Main basse sur la ville" (Le mani sulla città), produit et réalisé en 1963 par Francesco Rosi, est un film intéressant à voir comme un film d’archives sur l’aménagement du territoire et l’urbanisme de l’Italie des années 60 mais aussi comme une mise en scène originale d’images géographiques. Like this:

Selling OEM Windows copies – you can do it in Europe | The Register High performance access to file storage Our recent piece on Microsoft's interesting claim (now withdrawn*) that it's a legal requirement that a preinstalled operating system system remain with a machine for the life of the machine prompted a contribution on a related matter from Andrew Katz of Moorcrofts Corporate Law, who argues in some detail that under European law Microsoft has no right to stop you selling on any copy of Windows, including preinstalled versions. This is not what the licence agreement says, of course, and it's probably not what Microsoft's lawyers are going to say when you meet them in court. In Europe, subsequent sale of computer programs is governed by the 1991 Computer Software Directive, the relevant text of which is: Remember I mentioned "purposive" above. "Purposive" means that the directive must be interpreted in a way which is consistent with its purpose. Microsoft is committed to helping our education customers proactively manage technology assets.

La France, championne d’Europe de la surveillance des télécommunications » OWNI, News, Augmented-Mozilla Firefox Le taux d'élucidation du à la conservation des données de connexion (les "logs") ? 0,011%, selon la police allemande. Considérée comme une "atteinte massive à la vie privée", son utilisation pourrait être limitée. Qui a téléphoné ou envoyé un mail à qui, quand, d’où, pendant combien de temps? Accéder au contenu des télécommunications, c’est bien, mais plutôt encadré, et donc compliqué à obtenir. Accéder au contenant de ces mêmes télécommunications, c’est beaucoup plus facile, et souvent tout aussi parlant. La preuve : avec 514 813 demandes d’accès en 2009 aux données de trafic conservées par les opérateurs de téléphonie fixe ou mobile, et les fournisseurs d’accès à l’internet, contre 503 437 en 2008, la France est championne d’Europe! Le Royaume-Uni arrive en seconde position, avec 470 222 demandes d’accès, loin devant la Lituanie (85 315), les Pays-Bas (85 000) ou encore l’Espagne (53 578), l’Allemagne n’en dénombrant de son côté “que” 12 684 (pour 81,5 millions d’habitants).

SF0 / ..ThinkPad TM password recovery, supervisor, hard disk, power on, CRC error repair solutions from Joe in Australia Let me assure you that your unknown Supervisor Password [SVP] can be recovered from your TP without having to replace the System Board at great expense to YOU, lots of people around the world have successfully used this method, it does work, it is not a joke or a hoax. If you suspect or believe that my method could not possibly work, or that this is all simply a con or a bad joke, then search the Internet and confirm for yourself what other people say about this web site. My original web site was established in January 2002, if my method did not work as described, newsgroups, and forums on the net would be full of reports to that effect. If you decide to have your System Board replaced, that's fine, go ahead and have the manufacturer of your TP replace your confirmed fully functional system board and in the process transfer a substantial sum of money out of your pocket, if that makes sense to you and you feel more relaxed with that, I can't argue against such logic.

Twitter en classe : gadget ou innovation ?- La Jaune et la Rouge Les réseaux sociaux sont plébiscités par le grand public et plus particulièrement par les jeunes qui, de 13 à 18 ans, sont 75 % à disposer d'un " profil ". Les institutions sont en revanche très embarrassées par ce phénomène de société résolument peu professionnel et connu pour sa capacité à mobiliser rapidement des foules. De l'interdiction des " apéros Facebook " dans les lieux publics au blocage pur et simple de l'accès au service dans plus de la moitié des entreprises, les réseaux sociaux sont, sinon diabolisés, du moins considérés avec suspicion et tenus à l'écart des choses dites sérieuses. Les réseaux sociaux sont, sinon diabolisés, du moins considérés avec suspicion Une authentique expérimentation Parmi les nombreuses expérimentations de Twitter en classe, celle initiée par Laurence Juin, 36 ans, professeur de français, d' histoiregéographie et d'éducation civique, est l'une des plus anciennes en France et des mieux documentées. Quand le bac pro donne l'exemple Un gadget de plus?

Escrito en la pared Unusual articles This page is for Wikipedians to list articles that seem unusual. These articles are valuable contributions to the encyclopedia, but are a bit odd, whimsical, or something you would not expect to find in Encyclopædia Britannica. We should take special care to meet the highest standards of an encyclopedia with these articles lest they make Wikipedia appear idiosyncratic. If you wish to add articles to this list, the article in question should preferably meet one or more of these criteria: This definition is not precise. To keep the list of interest to readers, each entry on this list should be an article on its own (not merely a section in a less unusual article) and of decent quality, in large meeting Wikipedia's manual of style. ) indicates a featured article. ) indicates a good article. Places and infrastructure[edit] Good golly, Miss Molly – jus' love your folly! Americas[edit] Africa[edit] Antarctica[edit] Asia and Oceania[edit] Europe[edit] See also Wikipedia:Unusual place names History[edit]
