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A Year in Full Colour - Moleskine Planners

A Year in Full Colour - Moleskine Planners

La Forêt - Matthieu Kassovitz - Handicap International Full Pixar’s Short LA LUNA Is Here & Available For All! 11.4KGoogle + Don’t worry guys, we’re not here to give you a broken link! The only thing you need is a comfortable seat. That’s all, because we have Pixar‘s Oscar-nominated shorty La Luna, and as usual – we want to share the fun with you! La Luna tells the story of a young boy who, one night, accompanies his father & grandfather to their unusual nighttime job. Should he follow the example of his Papa, or his Grandpa? My conclusion: director Casarosa definitely did a great job with this movie! And ok, maybe La Luna is not an intense or funny story, but please have in mind that there’s also no speaking in the film, or as he explained – instead, characters communicate through gibberish. That was obviously the biggest challenge for Casarosa and his team. There’s a real art to creating gibberish and it’s only after doing our homework and searching for voice actors who could really embody our characters that we finally found the right mix for our short. Real art, for sure!

Animation clip-beautiful-RibA Coke's Fan-Bears Will React to Super Bowl in Real-Time Ads Coca-Cola rolled out the details of its Super Bowl advertising on Thursday, and compared to what else we've seen, it looks pretty good. At first blush, the campaign, by Wieden + Kennedy in Portland, Ore., is just another take on the brand's classic arctic mascots—the polar bears. But the whole concept is built out around tying into the game itself, in real time—aiming to enhance the overall experience by adding a little topical extra entertainment value. The TV work focuses on two polar bears, chilling out on their "snowfa" and watching the game, rooting for opposite teams. The idea extends nicely across digital and mobile media with a second-screen social campaign: A live stream housed on and in rich-media banners on sites like will feature animated versions of the bears reacting to the game and the commercials as they play out. See Adweek's full Super Bowl coverage here.

Trésors à visionner gratuitement en ligne : Bon cinéma ! Accueil > Formations et ressources > Liste des répertoires > Trésors à visionner gratuitement en ligne : Bon cinéma ! Recommander cette page à un(e) ami(e) Trouver des films sur Internet est une chose relativement aisée ; les plateformes offrant le visionnement gratuit se multiplient. On trouve du cinéma de tous les genres : longs-métrages de fiction, documentaires, films d'animation, films expérimentaux, actualités, etc. Quant aux classiques du cinéma tombés dans le domaine public, on n'a qu'à choisir la plateforme qui nous convient le mieux au point de vue visuel ou des possibilités de recherche. Voici quelques-uns de ces sites où vous pourrez visionner en ligne votre cinéma préféré. Si vous en connaissez d’autres, nous serons heureux de les ajouter - Voir aussi répertoire des chaînes vidéos éducatives gratuites Niveau : Populaire Sujets : Enseignement - Didactique - Pédagogie , Médias de masse - Télévision - Radio , Cinéma - Vidéo - Photo - Multimédia , Culture - Nation

Christopher, je t'en prie, nettoie ta chambre! par Vincent Gauthier Générique réalisation Vincent Gauthier animation Jo Meuris conseiller pour le storyboard Sheldon Cohen supervision de la production de l'animation Marie Renaud spécialiste en imagerie numérique Normand Gauthier adaptation pour le cinéma Sugith Varughese narrateur Maka Kotto montage José Heppell montage sonore Don Ayer André Chaput musique originale Chris Crilly paroles Jamie Mason bruitage Monique Vézina mixage Serge Boivin Jean Paul Vialard producteur exécutif David Verrall Isobel Marks producteur Tamara Lynch

Un pequeño pájaro! contes - dessins animés - jeux L'univers de Wismo Apps Livres Spectacle L'épisode du moment Contes Jeux Bonus Création de site internet - Busfront Genève Ok
