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[Infographie] Social media : les 3 mythes autour du ROI 

[Infographie] Social media : les 3 mythes autour du ROI 
La mesure du ROI des médias sociaux fait de plus en plus partie des préoccupations des entreprises. Cependant, certains marketeurs diront qu’il est impossible à mesurer, voire peu fiable. Pour dissiper les idées reçues sur le ROI des médias sociaux, la Womma (Word of Mouth Marketing Association) a publié une infographie reprenant les trois plus gros mythes entourant le sujet, et faisant le point sur la réalité des choses: Idée reçue n°1: mesurer les «j’aime» et les «followers» équivaut à un retour sur investissement des médias sociaux.Idée reçue n°2: mesurer le ROI des médias sociaux de la même manière que l’on mesure le ROI des médias traditionnels comme la télévision.Idée reçue n°3: Les médias sociaux doivent être mesurés indépendamment des autres canaux.

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Social Media Kind of like the white, grey, and black hats of SEO, Social Media appears to be whipping out a few hats of its own. (Image source) Think of social media as the proverbial toddler, running around in diapers and getting into everything, while desperately needing guidance and a bit of discipline. Despite its infancy, there are a few things that have begun to emerge as clearly (and sometimes not so clearly) good and bad in regards to using social media well. Unfortunately, the lines between all of these hats are pretty blurry because social media often largely boils down to your audience. White Hat Social Media As the color white tends to imply purity, practices that fall under this category are perfectly reasonable ideas that almost everyone can agree you could and (and most likely should) be doing. Creating and distributing quality content. The result? Businesses are using social media for everything from product sales and promos, customer service and support, to branding and PR.

Pinterest - The Newest Social Media Platform | By now, I am sure you have heard of Pinterest , the new social media platform where you “pin” and “repin” graphics, pictures, videos and such. If you haven’t heard of Pinterest, well, then you’ve been living under a rock. According to an article on gigaom , “Pinterest is now driving more referral traffic on the web than Google+, YouTube, Reddit, and LinkedIn — combined.” Pinterest is “a virtual pinboard. Now that you know what it is, your next question should be, how can I work it for my business? Now, a crash course… Once you have created your account, you need to connect your Pinterest account to your Facebook and/or Twitter accounts. When you “repin” something or upload and “pin” something of your own, all the people following you will see that item, then they can “repin” and there you go! Trust me, it’s easy to use and extremely addictive. Here’s what my profile and boards look like: As you can see, I do mix personal and business. See, the possibilities are endless!

How to attract Facebook friends without sending a single friend request If you’re looking to build your friends list on Facebook, you know how awkward it can feel sending a friend request to someone you don’t actually know. It can make you feel downright creepy. But the fact is that you can influence so many people through Facebook, and it’s still an excellent tool for building your brand, even for a personal Facebook account. Keep in mind that gaining friends through a personal profile page is completely different than getting likes for your business page. While that is a useful campaign in and of itself, the goal of building your friends list is to have direct, personal contact with potential customers. This kind of campaign is for everybody, but especially for many small-business owners wanting to connect directly with local people, this can be a powerful technique. So check out these tips for building friends on Facebook without actually having to send that awkward friend request. Personable/professional profile Driving traffic with your profile

Publications How SMBs View Online Media 11/02 Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) spent $1,190 on average during the past 12 months to improve Web sites and other Web properties, such as social networks and optimized mobile sites, up from $876 in Q4 2011, according to BIA/Kelsey. The latest -- Local Commerce Monitor Wave 16 -- research conducted with Ipsos reveals that SMBs now use 5.8 different media on average, a major increase from prior analyses. Social media, propelled by Facebook, continues to pick up acceptance as a basic media for SMB advertising and promotion. Among the 600 respondents of the LCM Wave 16 survey, 63% said they now use social media. While many report already having a mobile Web site, another 22% plan to add one within the next 12 months. Some 34% of the SMBs surveyed report they use -- and 21%.3% plan to use -- customer loyalty programs, which BIA/Kelsey defines as offering discounts or special promotions to frequent customers. Small Businesses from Shutterstock

Could A New Pop Secret App Re-Socialize Movies (And Popcorn)? Movies and popcorn are indisputable bedfellows and that hasn’t changed in generations. Watching a flick simply isn’t complete without the fluffy snackable. While popcorn munching has remained largely the same over the years, the way we watch movies has evolved dramatically. Rather than get together with family and friends to pop a movie in the DVD player, it’s more likely that individuals watch their own movie choice on their own device in their own room. So much for a social pastime. Popcorn brand Pop Secret wants to change the isolated nature of movie viewing with its Pop Over movie viewing party app. The process by which the app was created is also notable: Deutsch recently competed against Silicon Beach tech companies in a Movie Hackathon hosted by Zefr and focused on developing movie apps, as part of the 2012 Film Independent Forum. The project is in keeping with the agency’s move to more nimble approaches to solving client problems and developing its own tech solutions.

CNN’s head of social news: Twitter forces journos to report the news better CNN accounted for about 13% of all social media mentions, according to trend analytics firm Trendrr earlier this year. That’s impressive. Cable News Network is one of the largest news networks in the world, so it needs to be at the forefront of news innovation by adapting the changing nature of reporting. Today’s current news climate requires all news organisations to have a social media strategy. The network’s reporters actively involve Twitter in their reporting process. There are currently one-million registered contributors providing content for the cable network’s iReport platform, which allows every day readers to report the news. Leading this social and user-created content division at the network is Lila King, the senior director for social news at CNN Worldwide. King joined CNN in 2001 — since then, she has reported and produced several multimedia stories on a wide range of topics in both domestic and international news. MB: Is Twitter bad for journalism?

On page content SEO Puzzle On page content SEO Puzzle #infographic It doesn’t really matter how much you study it, it’s almost impossible to get the perfect Search Engine Optimization score for any long period of time. Each search engine has their own algorithm to rank websites, and as if that wasn’t complicated enough, they change that algorithm frequently in order to perfect it and make sure that the same sites don’t hog up the top positions simply because they’ve figured out the x-factor in the algorithm to dodge other more popular sites that have the traffic, content mass, and extensive Internet presence enough to be ranked at the top. I would probably need an endless number of articles to cover all the different aspects of the perfect SEO, and if I tried to do that, I would probably not be able to pinpoint it anyway. On page content SEO Puzzle #infographic When your site is ready: Submit it to Google at a Sitemap using Google Webmaster Tools.

Do’s and Don’ts of Twitter Automated DM’s Do you feel that they are a waste of time and pointless? If you’ve been active on Twitter for any amount of time, hearing the word automated direct message may send chills down your spine. They stink, right? In fact, most likely you don’t even open your messages because of how annoying they can be to read. There is no denying that receiving any type of DM that is all about the sender and not about the you, the receiver, is extremely irritating. Thanks for following me, grab my free e-book at….Hi there! You get the picture, right? Oh and don’t forget about this one–maybe the most irritating one of all: @…uses True Tweet validation services. If you are using any of these, how are they working out for you? The True Tweet validation may seem like a valid way to prevent spammers or robots from following you, but more often than not, you are preventing everyone else from following as well. Sending an automatic DM can be a great way to build relationships and begin a conversation.
