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The Crisis of Credit Visualized

The Crisis of Credit Visualized

The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard FLOW 13 Business Books That Will Blow Your Mind Having never taken a business class in college I find that I read and listen to a lot of business books to round out my education. The books usually aren't "How to Manage Your Cash Flow" but rather get me to rethink the way I run my business, which--despite no business classes or diploma--continues to be in business 13 plus years after I started it. In that time, here are 13 of the books that had the biggest impact on how I run my business (in no particular order): Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink: If you supervise anyone in your business, this book is a must read. It shows that what science knows about motivation, business isn't putting into practice. The Knack: How Street-Smart Entrepreneurs Learn to Handle Whatever Comes Up by Norm Brodsky and Bo Burlingham: I wanted to have at least one book that was dedicated to small business and the entrepreneurial spirit.

3D Animatie Studio NMTrix. 3D Animatie voor marketing en reclame ... Commanding Heights: Storyline | on PBS A global economy, energized by technological change and unprecedented flows of people and money, collapses in the wake of a terrorist attack .... The year is 1914. Worldwide war results, exhausting the resources of the great powers and convincing many that the economic system itself is to blame. From the ashes of the catastrophe, an intellectual and political struggle ignites between the powers of government and the forces of the marketplace, each determined to reinvent the world's economic order. Two individuals emerge whose ideas, shaped by very different experiences, will inform this debate and carry it forward. But a worldwide depression holds the capitalist nations in its grip. For more than half a century the battle of ideas will rage. But in the 1970s, with Keynesian theory at its height and communism fully entrenched, economic stagnation sets in on all sides. As the 1980s begin and the Cold War grinds on, the existing world order appears firmly in place.

Films/tv | PLANÈTE OCÉAN | Films/tv | Films/tv | Yann Arthus-Bertrand Un film de 90 minutes réalisé par Yann Arthus-Bertrand et Michael Pitiot. Peut-on imaginer un film qui changerait le regard des hommes sur l’océan? Peut-on raconter simplement et à tous le plus grand mystère naturel de notre planète? Peut-on enfin aider nos enfants à croire à un monde de demain meilleur et durable? C’est le triple défi de cette nouvelle aventure cinématographique signée Yann Arthus-Bertrand dont le rédacteur en chef est Michael Pitiot, qui entraîne dans son sillage les missions scientifiques de TARA, un pool unique de chercheurs, océanographes et biologistes de plusieurs pays. Grâce à une photographie époustouflante, ce film nous emmène dans un voyage magnifique et inédit au cœur des régions les plus mal connues de notre planète. Ce film raconte les plus merveilleuses comme les plus terrifiantes expériences humaines de notre temps. Ce film se veut aussi un plaidoyer pour le respect du monde dans lequel nous vivons. Making of | UNDERWATER Chili

The Zeitgeist Film Series Gateway | Zeitgeist: The Movie, Zeitgeist: Addendum, Zeitgeist Moving Forward Awakening As One | uniting the way to the new world
