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AndroidArt is the world’s first website about Android applications for artists. If you like ArtistX please consider making a small donation or visit our partners websites. ArtistX is a free DVD which turns a computer into a full multimedia production studio It is based on Ubuntu GNU/Linux and contains nearly all the available free audio, 2D and 3D graphics, and video software for the GNU/Linux computing platform. It doesn’t need to be installed, and boots directly into a running system without touching hard drives. After nearly ten years of development and more than ten versions, the ArtistX 1.5 multimedia studio on a DVD is finally here. If you want to contribute and submit bugs/errors/suggestions please write to us. ArtistX is made by Marco Ghirlanda, a digital Artist from Italy ( A huge thanks to our hosting service Midphase: it just works. Second mirror provided by

Ubuntu Studio digiKam You can install digiKam using pre-compiled version of digiKam. This is done by your distribution. A disadvantage is that in some cases the version provided by your distribution is not the latest stable version the digiKam team has released. The links given below will give you information about which version your distribution packages. Linux Here, we provide some usefull tips for getting a slightly more up-to-date version: Under Ubuntu 10.10 you can use some PPA, look here. FreeBSD The list of digiKam packages in FreshPorts can be found here. Mac OS X Under Mac OS X, digiKam can be obtained using fink or macports. To install digiKam using Macports, first install Macports and then type (be prepared to wait hours for the compilation of digiKam and all its dependencies): # sudo port install digikam To compile current digiKam code from git/master, take a look to this tutorial. Windows Internationalization # sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-fr-base # sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-fr

Arch Linux Release Info The image can be burned to a CD, mounted as an ISO file, or be directly written to a USB stick using a utility like dd. It is intended for new installations only; an existing Arch Linux system can always be updated with pacman -Syu. Existing Arch Users If you are an existing Arch user, there is no need to download a new ISO to update your existing system. BitTorrent Download (recommended) If you can spare the bytes, please leave the client open after your download is finished, so you can seed it back to others. Netboot If you have a wired connection, you can boot the latest release directly over the network. Arch Linux Netboot Vagrant images Vagrant images for libvirt and virtualbox are available on the Vagrant Cloud. vagrant init archlinux/archlinuxvagrant up HTTP Direct Downloads In addition to the BitTorrent links above, install images can also be downloaded via HTTP from the mirror sites listed below. Checksums File integrity checksums for the latest releases can be found below:
