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Dystopian Writing Prompts

Dystopian Writing Prompts
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Writer's Café fiction writing software - novels - screenwriting - short stories - creative fun Writer: the internet typewriter How a Scene List Can Change Your Novel-Writing Life By the end of this post you will have a nagging urge to use an excel spreadsheet. Don’t make that face—I know you’re a writer and not a data analyst. Or if you are a data analyst—I get that you’re on this blog to get away from your day job. But guess what? At the suggestion of Randy Ingermason—the creator of the Snowflake Method—I listed all of the scenes in my novel in a nice little Google spreadsheet. It changed my novel-writing life, and doing the same will change yours too. Creating a scene list changed my novel-writing life, and doing the same will change yours too. Scene Lists Help You Plan I tried to write a novel once before without planning in advance. I used the Snowflake Method, which consists of several steps to designing a novel that we can discuss at a later date. Today we’re focusing on a particular step: the creation of a scene list. What is a scene list? It’s literally a list of the scenes in your novel in an excel spreadsheet. Column 1: POV. 1. 2. 3. Scene Lists Help You Edit

Experimental Game Turns Players into Poets and Writers What do British Romantic Era poets and video games have in common? The answer is Elegy for a Dead World, an unlikely game that leaves the players with “no game to play,” but to explore three long-dead civilizations, observe, and make notes... or stories — or poems — or songs. The three lost worlds feature beautiful scenery, moving music, and are inspired by Percy Shelley's Ozymandias, Lord Byron's Darkness, and John Keats' When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be. They create a strong, moody atmosphere that becomes the breeding ground for feelings and ideas. The game began in 2013 as a collaboration between Dejobaan Games and Popcannibal. Ziba Scott, one of the creators says, “We have three great Romantic poets — Shelley, Byron, and Keats — and they each wrote these really moving poems about end times, the end of the world. “The most important thing for us is that someone sits down and has a positive experience, doing something creative.” Photos: Elegy

64 Online Writing Tools For Writers, Bloggers & Authors — The Writing Cooperative 64 Online Writing Tools For Writers, Bloggers & Authors Download a PDF of these online writing tools for your next writing project. Word Processing (More than just Word and Pages) AutoCrit: Manuscript editing software for fiction writers ($5-$12 per month)BlankPage: Geared towards novelists, it focuses on distraction-free writing, with motivators, prompts, outline help and moreByWord: Simple and efficient text editing for Mac, iPhone and iPad ($11.99)Calmly Writer: Distraction-free writing ($2.99)Focus Writer: Distraction-free writing with a hide-away interface. Donation-basedHaven: Writing app for Mac, with extra features for creatives like character trackers, writing goals, prompts and different “scenes” for writingHemingway App: Helps with readability and syntax (Free and $9.99)Ilys: Promotes a writing flow. Mind Mapping & Brainstorming Distraction Blocker Session Timers Ebook Creation & Publishing Editing Notetaking PhotoEditing Prompts Journaling Find Better Words

WRITING TOOLS Character Pyramid Tool (PDF) Visualize your character’s FLAWS & associated behaviors (for a deeper understanding of this tool, please reference The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Flaws) Character Target Tool (PDF) Organize and group your character’s POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES by category: moral, achievement, interactive or identity (for a greater understanding of this tool, please reference The Positive Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Attributes) Character Profile Questionnaire (PDF) Not your average character questionnaire! Reverse Backstory Tool (PDF) Work backwards to find your character’s wound, needs & lie (for a deeper understanding of this tool, please reference The Negative Trait Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Flaws) Weak Verb Converter Tool (PDF) Transform all those generic, boring verbs into power verbs Scene Revision/Critique Tool Level 1 & Level 2 (PDF) A ‘light’ and ‘in-depth’ revision checklist for creating compelling characters and scenes

Writer Worksheet Wednesday: Things I Love | e.a. deverell: creative writing blog Creative Writer Worksheet – Things I Love About Writing (PDF) Here we are, the beginning of a brand new series: Writer Worksheet Wednesday! Having deja vu? I began my writing worksheet series with Things I Love and I still think the heart’s a good place to start (or restart). Interpret these prompts in any wild and willful way you like, just make sure you cover every centimetre of white space with your impassioned scribblings. What’s not to love? P.S. The Writer's Handbook True Novelist - Write Your Novel 35 Random Idea Generators for Writing a Romance Novel | Darla G. Denton Who doesn’t love a good idea generator? It not only helps supply you with endless inspiration at the touch of a button but it’s a great way to waste a few hours…or days. Below is a list of random generators for you to try out. I’ve separated them into sections so that you’re not aimlessly clicking… but heed my warning… once you start, you WILL get sucked in. The only questions is…for how long? Plot Generators – Romance Location & Setting Generators Name Generators Character Appearance Generator Character Personality Generator Character Flaws and Weaknesses Generator Motivation Generator Other Generators Romance Title Generator Like this: Like Loading... Prompt Your Imagination Into Overdrive I've talked before about the art of keeping a writer's notebook and how using prompts as an exercise can really build a writer's creative muscles. In "Writing Resources" 5 Content Idea Generators and What To Do With Them Have you heard about Content Idea Generators? In "Blogs" It’s 2015!
