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The Most Photogenic Dog on the Internet

The Most Photogenic Dog on the Internet
The 17-year-old photographer Jessica Trinh shot her dog Chuppy. This lovely golden retriever is very likable.In addition to great photography, I think it is very harmonious relationship of Jessica and Chuppy, otherwise it is very difficult to shoot such a warm photo. Source ,Source

Pet tales: How to prevent dog attacks One day last year when Deb Chebatoris was walking her schnauzers, Colby and Wilson, they were suddenly and unexpectedly attacked by a larger dog. Both schnauzers sustained injuries and needed veterinary treatment. Her dogs made a full recovery, but Ms. Chebatoris was really rattled. She wondered what, if anything, she could have done to prevent the attack. Ms. The 6 Most Incredible Real World Beast Masters Disney movies make hanging out with wild animals look like a walk in a fun, happy, completely predator-free park. But in the real world, being around untamed wildlife isn't so much about carefree singing and dancing and monkeyshinin' as it is about running and screaming. Then coming back later to clean up the poop trail you inevitably left behind. Or it usually is, anyway. These people have apparently chosen to just go the Disney route, like ... #6.

TACSEI Skip to: Training Activities Ideas to Share Make & Take Workshops Websites Presentations The 5 Coolest Pets Humanity Has Bred into Existence Scientists love themselves some genetic engineering. Like all uses of science, selectively breeding animals can result in creepiness -- we recently covered a handful of designer pets that seem specifically designed to haunt your dreams. But domesticated gene meddling isn't completely immune to awesomeness.

Don’t Socialize the Dog! Really? That title is a typo, right? A professional dog trainer would never advocate against socialization, would she? Well, maybe! The problem isn't with socialization itself, but with many people's understanding of socialization. Socialization is vital for proper mental and social development in dogs, and it needs to be offered properly. best animal photobombs ever… Photobomb - (verb) to drop into a photo unexpectedly. An otherwise normal photo that has been ruined or spoiled by someone who was not supposed to be in the photograph. hahaha! so THAT’S why I love cats!!

Wolf News and Info - L. David Mech The most current, accurate, and objective wolf news can be found on the website of the International Wolf Center ( Schenkel's 1948 expression studies of wolves available Outmoded notion of the alpha wolf The concept of the alpha wolf is well ingrained in the popular wolf literature at least partly because of my book "The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species," written in 1968, published in 1970, republished in paperback in 1981, and currently still in print, despite my numerous pleas to the publisher to stop publishing it. Although most of the book's info is still accurate, much is outdated. We have learned more about wolves in the last 40 years then in all of previous history.

Take care of your dog’s ears By Nancy Cope Ear infections can be bacterial or yeast. A dog with healthy ears will resist having infections but if his ears become compromised in some way, an infection can develop and he will start to show symptoms of the infection. Dog Training Seminars, K9 Nosework, Dog training courses, Instructor Education Get SMART about Training with Kathy Sdao MA, ACAAB hosted by Dogs of Course and Marin Humane Society July 13, 2013 -July 14, 2013 We are sorry, this course is closed at this time Pre-registration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome.

Take It All Off! Five things you can do to protect your dog. By Nancy Kerns I was pretty traumatized recently by a phenomenon I had heard about many times but had never before seen: the intense, chaotic, life-or-death struggle that ensues when one dog gets his jaw stuck in another dog’s collar. It happened to some dogs that live a few houses down from my home office. I was working at my computer when I heard a dog screaming. I leaped up from my desk and ran down the sidewalk toward the screaming.
