www.tubequizard.com/quizzes.php Cinematic: "Safe Haven" World of Warcraft Grammar for listenersFilm & animation14 items Simple tenses. Watch this World of Warcraft cinematic and practice catching expressions in present simple, past simple and future simple. Did Toff BAN HERSELF from Deliveroo? Grammar for listenersEntertainment24 items Questions. I made a robot that serves me soup Simone Giertz Pronunciation for listenersPeople & society21 items Disappearing sounds Will this robot feed soup to Simone? The Science of Awkwardness Vsauce Vocabulary in contextPeople & society18 items Academic Word List (sublist 1) Preparing for IELTS? Emma Watson's Harry Potter Outtake Jimmy Kimmel Live Vocabulary in contextEntertainment20 items Frequently used verbs. The art of asking | Amanda Palmer Grammar for listenersTalks & interviews17 items 'Would' for past repeated actions and habits. My stroke of insight | Jill Bolte Taylor Grammar for listenersTalks & interviews13 items The art of misdirection | Apollo Robbins Questions. The Bookmobile StoryCorps
Cultura - Una biblioteca a la altura de los niños Martes 13 de noviembre de 2012Yanet Aguilar Sosa | El Universal yanet.aguilar@eluniversal.com.mx Hace apenas unos meses, los cerca de 25 mil libros que ha reunido IBBY México en sus 33 años de historia -mil 200 de ellos libros antiguos de todo el mundo congregados en la Colección Margadant- se encontraban, casi en su totalidad, en cajas de cartón pues la asociación fundada en 1979 no tenía espacio para ponerlos a disposición de niños, jóvenes, mediadores de la lectura, profesores e investigadores. Hoy ese reservorio, que es el más importante de todo el país, tiene un espacio único en la colonia Mixcoac. Una biblioteca para la comunidad. Ayer, bajo la sombra de una araucaria que tiene más de 100 años de vida y supera los 29 metros de altura -ubicada en el jardín principal de la casona- la biblioteca abrió su primera página de esta nueva historia. México, a leer
Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Lesson Plans What's Dangerous About the Word "We" To practice empathy, another person needs to be involved--someone we consider completely different from urselves, with a style, interests, feelings, emotions and tastes totally their own and separate from ours. With our kids we generally tend to sweep away those differences during day-to-day life as a way to feel close to them. We use a language that doesn't pave the way towards empathy, because we don't see them as separate beings with unique and personal inner worlds that we should respect and understand, even though we might not necessarily share it. We leave them out, because deep down we're only refering to ourselves, using the comfort of "we." Let's not get used to speaking for our children, thinking for them, feeling for them, and instead open the door to plenty of surprises which will most certainly begin appearing, because they will now have the space to do so. Load More See the key difference between these pairs of examples? "Shall we do some work?"
tubequizard.com Player FM - Podcast Smarter 17 English Podcasts Every English Learner Should Listen To Did you know English podcasts can help you improve your English language skills? To improve your English listening comprehension, you need to go beyond textbooks and start hearing how the language sounds. In this guide, I’ll show you 23 great English podcasts that will help you level up your listening comprehension skills in an easy and fun way. Contents Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Recommended English Podcasts The English We Speak Apple | Google | Website Level: Intermediate This English language learning podcast series from the BBC focuses on everyday phrases and slang — the kind of English that native speakers use. These podcasts are published weekly, and each one is only about three to four minutes long. Examples of common English expressions explored in the series include “use your loaf,” “skeletons in the closet” and “take the mickey.” The podcast usually features two presenters having a conversation with each other.
The best free cultural & educational media on the web | Open Culture English news and easy articles for students of English