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Cocoa with Love

Cocoa with Love

NSBlog by Mike AshTags: fridayqna sockets networking Network programming is everywhere these days. It's tough to find an iPhone app that doesn't use the network for something. We also spend a lot of our time abstracted away from the details of networking, using high-level APIs like NSURLConnection. Today I'm going to walk you through the lowest-level API you can find without diving into the kernel, the POSIX sockets API. by Landon FullerTags: crashmines guest debugging assembly Today's post comes courtesy of Landon Fuller, who you may remember from a previous guest post about mach exception handlers. by Mike AshTags: fridayqna clang In addition to its many other fine attributes, the Clang compiler also provides a clean API that makes it easy to use its facilities as a library in your own code. by Mike AshTags: fridayqna letsbreak The Let's Build articles are my favorite on this blog. by Mike AshTags: fridayqna networking design by Mike AshTags: advertisement by Mike AshTags: fridayqna objectivec

High Scalability - High Scalability Learnable Programming Here's a trick question: How do we get people to understand programming? Khan Academy recently launched an online environment for learning to program. It offers a set of tutorials based on the JavaScript and Processing languages, and features a "live coding" environment, where the program's output updates as the programmer types. Because my work was cited as an inspiration for the Khan system, I felt I should respond with two thoughts about learning: Programming is a way of thinking, not a rote skill. Thus, the goals of a programming system should be: to support and encourage powerful ways of thinkingto enable programmers to see and understand the execution of their programs A live-coding Processing environment addresses neither of these goals. Alan Perlis wrote, "To understand a program, you must become both the machine and the program." How do we get people to understand programming? We change programming. Contents A programming system has two parts. The language should provide: Wait.
