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iPad Use in Mobile Learning

iPad Use in Mobile Learning
10 Ways To Become A Better Online Learner 9.21K Views 0 Likes There are some quick and easy ways to become a better online learner. Whether you're taking a class or just researching, here are the DOs and DON'Ts.

Uso de TICs para pensar Hace unos días estaba leyendo el artículo 5 Tech-Friendly Lessons to Encourage Higher-Order Thinking y me ha parecido interesante compartir aquí mis impresiones, porque pienso que plantea actividades TIC que seguramente todos hemos hecho alguna vez en nuestras aulas de idiomas, son sencillas de acometer y efectivamente, como dice el artículo original, impulsan al alumnado a pensar casi de manera invisible. 1. Producir un vídeo de un minuto: esto parece sencillo, sólo necesitamos ya hoy en día un dispositivo móvil en el aula para grabar durante un minuto a un alumno en vídeo, no hay por qué contar ya con cámaras de vídeo ni transportarlas al aula; simplemente con un móvil, grabamos y subimos a nuestro canal de vídeo, o publicamos en nuestro espacio online, o compartimos en redes sociales, siempre con el permiso debido, claro está, de nuestro alumnado o de sus padres o tutores, en el caso de los menores de edad. Ahora bien, ¿un vídeo de un minuto, sobre qué? 2. 3. 4. 5.

New Crowdfunding Site Lets You Choose Which Authors Get Published Imagine if you were alive in the time of Dickens. Now imagine you were his publisher. What would you have said when he dropped Oliver Twist in your lap? Would you have fast-tracked it, gotten it right over to the printing press, and started selling it like crazy? Or would you have let it sit for awhile to ensure your friends like it too? That’s the role of a publisher then and now. Until now. Drawing on the success of crowdsourcing tools like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, U.K. How It Works Unbound puts the power of publishing in the hands of authors and readers. We think it’s an important concept and that it’s great to see literature getting its time in the sun. Current Projects Saving Bletchley Park – By Sue Black This is a story about saving Bletchley Park, one of the UK’s most importance sites of historical significance. This is also a story about technology, and how it can be employed to extraordinary effect. Click here to learn more and fund this book

15 Ways To Use The New iPad In Classrooms A Useful Twitter Cheat Sheet 3.97K Views 0 Likes Think you're supposed to actually type a full 140 characters for each tweet? How To Use Vine In The Classroom 6.84K Views 0 Likes Students can quickly create their very own six-second videos for free. 10 Web Tools to Help you Integrate Technology into your Classroom It has been three weeks now since my last post in The Educational Web Tools section. However, I have saved several titles to include in today's post and I hope you will find them useful in your plans to integrate technology into education.The purpose behind such lists is to empower those teachers who are short of time to go online and look for web tools to use in their teaching and provide them some educational resources in their plates. The titles I have for you today are not necessarily all new but they are definitely all great for classroom inclusion and also for your professional development. 1- Read Write Think I don't know how many times I have included this website in my previous lists but I just cant stop recommending it to my fellow teachers and educators. 2- Equizzer This is a free web tool that allows you to easily create quizzes. 3- Brainy Betty Do you want to give some life to your PowerPoint slides, try out the tools Brain Betty offers. 4- Class Tools 5- Woopid 6- Shelfari

Creation Apps Used On The iPad My technology integration specialist asked me to provide a list of creative apps that we have used in our classroom. All the apps are in our tool box, have been used, or will be used. I have included some of the many videos that show students actually using the apps. Important! I have two folders with creative apps on my iPad. ShowMe (Free) One of the free apps that allow for students to verbalize about a concept. SonicPics (2.99) Photography effects PhotoComic (1.99) Creating comic strips from our own photos. Whiteboard (Free) Original Post Allows for a white blank screen for writing and for importing photos. Pic Collage (Free) Original Post Original Post Combine multiple photos onto one screen.Pottery HD (4.99) Original Post Create pottery and sell it! Scribble Press (Free) Write a digital book complete with print and pictures. Sock Puppets (Free) Create your own lip-synced videos. Dragon Dictation (Free) Original Post Speak and it will be typed. StoryBuddy (4.99) Create a picture book.

USEED Seth Godin Asks The Big Question: What Is School For? We’re not going to make anything happen unless we all agree. We need to understand what school has been and where it’s going to answer the big question of what school is for. That’s the basis of Seth Godin’s latest TEDx talk at Brooklyn Free School. In the talk, he uses a hammer, a box, other props and his elegant words to describe his perspective as a father, education enthusiast, author, and thought leader. He doesn’t use any slides which is testament to how powerful his words are. So, without spoiling anything (I hate movie spoilers) further, here’s Seth Godin asking what might possibly be the most important question not being asked right now.

The Early Results Of An iPad Classroom Are In. The following is from the November issue of the Edudemic Magazine for iPad. Click here to view the app in iTunes. My daily PLN reading seems to be full of stories about how to use iPads in the classroom. While this is certainly important information, I believe our Twitter feeds could use a few more stories about the positive impact the introduction of iPads are having in schools. Our school has been working with iPads for three years now and I can easily say that these have been the most exciting years of my educational career. While the decision to share these positive results is a direct result of the positive impact on student learning, it is also important to realize the impact this initiative is having with teachers. I’ve never observed anything else that has had the impact on teacher personal learning like the introduction of the iPad. A Change In Teaching Style I see teachers learning more each day about what it means to become a facilitator of student learning. Direct Impact

Hopi Indians, Native American Indian, Southwest American Indian, hollow earth, inner earth, vortexs, sacred mountains, ufo's , Hopi, Shambhala, Mt. Meru, Hopi Prophesies, Hopi Mythology, Shambhala, Living in the Light by Mary Sutherland, Burlington Wiscon Hopi Legend of Shambhala and the Sacred Mountain Mount Meru. The White Brotherhood , Serpents and UFO's Hopi People and their customs Read a preview of my upcoming book, 'In Search of Shambhala' What Do These Two Areas Have In Common? Hopis call themselves Hopitu - The Peacable People. Hopis, meaning good, peaceful or wise, live in northeastern Arizona at the southern end of the Black Mesa. ANCESTRYEvidence suggest that the Hopi consist of the descendants of various groups that entered the country from the north, the east, and the south, and that a series of movements covered a period of probably three centuries, and perhaps considerably longer. Related to people of the various Pueblos to the east, the Hopis never actually had a single group identity--they were independent villages, sharing with the Zuni and other Pueblos a basic culture and view of the sacred, while sharing among themselves their own (Uto-Aztecan) language base. They believed in maps that have been drawn. The Hopi Indian UFOs

iLearn Technology I’ve long been a fan of Bloom’s Taxonomy…not necessarily for all the ways it has been pushed into different fads throughout the years, but instead for the way that it helps me (and my students) think about the learning process. It helps me approach the learning process in a more holistic way, ensuring that I don’t camp out in one way of thinking and evidencing learning for too long. I think it is human nature to get excited about one way of thinking and suddenly everything we do falls into that. It can be a little bit like the new car that you purchased, you begin to see that car everywhere because you have a new awareness of it. I’ve noticed myself doing the same in teaching. A few years ago, I created some different versions of Bloom’s Taxonomy for my students. You will notice that my images don’t have the traditional Bloom’s pyramid. Are you looking for the full-size poster version of these images? And the digital version: Breakdown of the digital taxonomy with links: Remember: Apply:
