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The Perfect Gift: Yarn Ball Bookmark

The Perfect Gift: Yarn Ball Bookmark
Created by Jane from See Jane Blog . Edited by Amy Christie. Has the weather turned cold where you live? In my neighborhood, temperatures have dropped and my instincts are to spend the day cozied up with a favorite book and favorite mug full of hot cocoa. It was actually my daughter’s clever idea to make yarn pom pom balls in the style of a bookmark. Supplies: -yarn -scissors That’s it! *Before you start, cut an 8-10 inch piece of yarn and a 15 inch piece of yarn and set it aside. To start, hold the end of the yarn in your hand, and begin wrapping the yarn around your fingers – snug but not too tight. Cut the yarn after 90 wraps, and carefully slide it off your fingers. To add the bookmark ‘tail’, use the 15-inch piece of yarn, tie it around the same string you used to tie the 90 loops together, as seen in the pictures above. At this point, your yarn pom pom ball should look like the picture above. Voila! - A gift for a teacher — just add a favorite book! P.S. — We love making gifts!

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