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Les figures de l'intranet - Fiche méthodologique

Les figures de l'intranet - Fiche méthodologique

Définition et usages de l'intranet 2.0 Voilà un petit moment que l’on parle d’intranet 2.0 ou de social intranet (j’en parlais déjà en 2007 : Les dernières tendances en matière d’intranet 2.0), mais a-t-on déjà pris le temps d’en définir les contours ? Bon en fait il existe déjà de nombreuses définitions et c’est plutôt moi qui suis à la traine sur ce sujet… Je vous propose donc de rattraper ce retard et de faire le point avec vous sur ce meta-concept. « Meta-concept » ? Oui tout à fait, car il n’existe pas réellement de définition précise, uniquement des interprétations de l’évolution de l’outil informatique en entreprise. Vaste sujet qui mérite quelques explications. Car il faut bien préciser que le fait de greffer un système de commentaires sur un intranet traditionnel est loin d’être suffisant. Définitions Comme précisé plus haut, il n’existe pas de définition officielle ni rigoureuse. Les intranets 2.0 fonctionnels qui reposent sur les outils du web 2.0 (RSS, blogs, mashups..) Les 5 composantes d’un intranet 2.0

De bonnes pratiques pour les réseaux sociaux d’entreprise La semaine dernière, j’abordais dans un article quelques bonnes pratiques pour se transformer en entreprise 2.0. Aujourd’hui, de la même manière voici une traduction d’un éditeur de réseau social d’entreprise, Convofy (nouvel entrant dans l’étude Lecko), qui partage lui aussi quelques bonnes pratiques sur l’usage des RSE. Voyons ce qu’il en est. Voici donc comment accompagner le changement dans ces nouvelles façons de communiquer, notamment en sus des mails. Il est difficile de changer de manière de travailler, pour Andrew McAfee de nouvelles solutions doivent être perçus comme étant au moins 9 fois mieux que le mail pour inciter les gens à changer. Migrer le contenu Il est important de trouver du contenu quand on se connecte une première fois, il est donc important d’avoir du contenu pertinent sur votre RSE lorsque celui-ci s’ouvre. Créer des communautés Organiser des communautés thématiques Intégration de l’e-mail Complétez votre profil Soutenir et encourager Et vous vos bonnes pratiques ?

Reinventing intranet information architecture Document Actions “I can’t find anything!” At the risk of sounding repetitive, this is still the number one complaint of most employees at most organizations, regardless of size, industry and geographic location. Notwithstanding the effectiveness of the search engine which, more often than not, is rated as being somewhere between 'awful' and 'piss-poor,' information architecture is often the top priority of most intranet managers when undertaking a redesign. Information architecture (IA) is mostly science with a dash of art. As it relates to the intranet, the IA is best represented by a site map or organization chart of the major information or content categories (parents) and the sub-categories (children) and how they all relate to each other. IA is defined by the Information Architecture Institute as: The structural design of shared information environments. Download Information Architecture for Intranets Whitepaper (2012) People Place My Services Employee Central 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Worlds apart: intranets and websites Written by James Robertson, published March 4th, 2003 Categorised under: articles, intranets, websites Beyond a common use of HTML, intranets and corporate websites (internet sites) are very different animals. The needs they meet, the content they contain, and the users that access them are all very distinct. These differences need to be understood by site designers, and reflected both in the design process and the final product. This article summarises some of the key differences between intranets and websites. Site differences This section outlines some of the key differences between intranets and websites: Business goals The primary goals of a corporate website are often to communicate information, or to support product marketing. Website goals are clearly outwards-focused, and aligned with marketing or public affairs strategies. Intranets are designed to meet the needs of staff, as well as organisational strategic goals. The purpose of your website is very different to that of your intranet

Information Overload & Improving Intranet Findability Information management agility is about being able to deliver the right information to the right people at the right time. But what if there's just so much information that we are caught in a battle trying to find the things that are relevant to achieve our goals? There is a way to get past this information overload and improve findability. We’ve been hearing about the problem of information overload for years now. Intranet platforms, like those built on products such as SharePoint, often result in the construction and proliferation of overly complex environments as more users come online and more information is added. The question is however, is it the abundance of the information that is the problem, or a general lack of maturity in approaches to designing effective organization and access mechanisms? When we think about what it means for an object to be findable, we think about it in terms such as locatable, navigable, discoverable, searchable and in the system sense, retrievable.

Vérification de la gestion de l'intranet - AEC L'information archivée sur le Web est disponible à des fins de consultation, de recherche ou de tenue de dossiers seulement. Elle n’a été ni modifiée ni mise à jour depuis sa date d’archivage. Les pages archivées sur le Web ne sont pas assujetties aux normes Web du gouvernement du Canada. Conformément à la Politique de communication du gouvernement du Canada, vous pouvez obtenir cette information dans un format de rechange en communiquant avec nous. Table des matières Résumé Conclusion La vérification dont rendent compte les présentes a été approuvée par le Comité ministériel de la vérification et de l'évaluation pour l'année 2004-2005 et a été effectuée entre le 1er novembre 2004 et le 22 mars 2005. Dans l'ensemble, nous croyons que le présent rapport aidera la direction à mieux comprendre l'intranet et à mieux exploiter cet outil de communication ministériel. Objectifs La vérification avait les objectifs suivants : Critères de vérification Principaux points soulevés Rôles et responsabilités

Enterprise Search and Pursuit of the Google Experience Search is an incredibly interesting problem, one that’s so complex in the background yet so simple on the surface. In this two part article, we examine the desire to duplicate the Google search experience in the enterprise and how we need to change what we expect from enterprise search based on what we’re willing to do to make it work. What could be easier than entering a few keywords into a single text box and, in a fraction of a second, being granted access to tens or even hundreds of millions of relevant resources — all the information we could ever really want right at the tips of our fingers. For most, this is perceived as a near perfect user experience that is today’s reality when we search online using Google. Yet a common complaint heard internally across many organizations is the inability to easily find the right answer amongst a set of far fewer, and often less relevant results. Interestingly, this is a common question asked during many of our intranet redesign initiatives.

A Guide to Creating a Top-Level Intranet Menu Structure Popular Today in Business: All Popular Articles One fundamental purpose of an intranet is to provide staff with the information and tools required to do their jobs efficiently. Particularly before the intranet’s initial launch and during those crucial months post launch, questions related to the intranet’s top-level menu will be highlighted. However, there should be an on-going objective to ensure that information can be easily located. Therefore, the intranet must possess a user-focused menu system structured to suit the organisation’s goals and objectives. Departmental Structure Mimicking how the firm is organised in relation to its current departmental structure is a popular method, but it doesn’t suit every organisation. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: The 7 Deadly Sins of Lead-Gen Landing Pages Task-based Structure Has the essential purpose of helping staff find information so that they can immediately act upon it. Product-based Structure Hybrid Approach
