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Interactive widgets, reader analytics & templates that work with iBooks Author

Interactive widgets, reader analytics & templates that work with iBooks Author

Herramientas de autor y aplicaciones web gratuitas Por Rosana Larraz | Actualizado el 05.02.14 | Publicado el 07.12.09 Lista comentada de herramientas didácticas gratuitas que permiten practicar idiomas, alojar y compartir archivos, corregir y autocorregir, dibujar online, crear y gestionar un sitio en Internet, añadirle imágenes y muchas más cosas. Visita también la sección Generadores online de material educativo para conocer herramientas con las que crear materiales didácticos (información, actividades, ejercicios) sin necesidad de bajar ningún programa a tu ordenador. Encontrarás bancos, galerías y colecciones de sonidos, fotografías, ilustraciones, animaciones, vídeos, iconos y símbolos de uso libre o con licencias Creative Commons para utilizar en tus trabajos y proyectos didácticos o educativos en Bancos de recursos gratuitos. En Cuaderno Intercultural nos esforzamos por actualizar y ampliar nuestros contenidos regularmente, te agradeceremos que nos hagas llegar tus sugerencias, comentarios y opiniones. Herramientas de autor

Ten Takeaway Tips for Replicating Project-Based Learning How you can get started today. Five middle schools and one high school in the Whitfield County, Georgia school district are in their second year of a transition to project-based learning. Their model is High Tech High, a San Diego charter school renowned for its hands-on student projects that have real-world impact. Whitfield educators have taken big risks, tried things that failed, and then improved their work based on those mistakes. They're still learning. Yet they've also succeeded in making a huge transition in a short time. Here are some key lessons from Whitfield County -- often learned the hard way -- on how to tackle the challenges of replicating a model PBL school. 1. Any process of change -- not to mention project-based learning itself -- requires teamwork and learning from one another. 2. It requires courage and a willingness to take risks and experiment to try anything new. 3. Engaging, hands-on projects often don't fit neatly into a 50-minute class period. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Teaching 20 Types of Tablet Tools for Teaching UPDATED on October 1, 2012 In May 2011, after a year of experimentation, I became sold on the idea of using a tablet instead of a laptop as my primary mobile computer. It was my turn for a workstation update, and I chose a desktop. I’ve been happy with that decision ever since. My laptop used to remain on the desk when I left the office, but these days I take my tablet wherever I go! I have thought a lot about which tablet apps are most likely to be useful to a college teacher. Under each category I name specific titles for iPad and Android which you may want to explore as good examples. I generally do not use a phone connection. Teaching This first group of tools is the one most directly connected to the act of teaching. Grade Book – iPad: Gradekeeper ($5), Gradebook Pro ($4), Android: Grade Book, AndroClass ($7)Annotation – mark up student-submitted PDF files with highlights, text and drawings. Content Use your tablet as a tool for course readings or to create materials for class. Generic

Flipping the Classroom 4/27/2012 By: Teachers from around the world have adopted the flipped classroom model and are using it to teach a variety of courses to students of all ages. In the excerpt below from the book, Flip Your Classroom (©2012, ISTE® International Society for Technology in Education and ASCD), authors Jonathan Bergmann and Aaron Sams outline reasons why educators should consider this model. Flipping speaks the language of today’s students. Today’s students grew up with Internet access, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, and a host of other digital resources. Instruction via video is not a big deal for [them]. Flipping helps busy students. Flipping helps struggling students. Flipping helps students of all abilities to excel. Flipping allows students to pause and rewind their teacher. Flipping increases student–teacher interaction. Flipping changes classroom management. Flipping educates parents. Flipping makes your class transparent. Flipping is a great technique for absent teachers. By Lisa Nielsen

50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom | Teaching Written By: Jillian Terry Skype is a free and easy way for teachers to open up their classroom and their students to a world way beyond their campus. With Skype, students can learn from other students, connect with other cultures, and expand their knowledge in amazing ways. Teachers and parents can also benefit from Skype in the classroom. Read below to learn how you can take advantage of the power of Skype in your classroom. Promoting Education These great ideas are all about teaching students in dynamic ways. See Me, Hear Me: Skype in the Classroom. Promoting Community Using Skype in the classroom can promote communities within a school or globally. Inclusion — helping a classmate join the classroom from home. Skype Ideas for Teachers and Parents Teachers and parents can benefit from Skype in the classroom, too. Professional development. Resources for Getting Started and Using Skype Find out how you can take advantage of Skype with the advice below. Finding Others Using Skype ePALS.
