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Liz Else, CultureLab editor Nothing is off limits for CultureLab. We've loved neuroaesthetics, the art of synthetic biology, strangeness in suburbia, Turing musicals - in fact, just about everything in that fabulous place where books, arts and science intersect. That won't change as we move closer into the New Scientist fold. The CultureLab blog will no longer be updated, but you can continue to find new reviews plus the low-down on exhibitions, festivals and other big events on the new CultureLab section. This is all part of streamlining our books and art coverage so we can bring you the most in-depth, thoughtful and up-to-the-minute coverage. Bob Holmes, consultant Early intervention could counteract the effect of an abusive childhood (Image: Oscar B. In The Anatomy of Violence, Adrian Raine makes a strong case - often based on his own research - that distinct biological traits shape criminal behaviour Richard Webb, deputy features editor (Images: Richard Davenport) “Will you go to prison?”

Facebook partners with MOL; brings Facebook Credits to the Asian 23 Outils pour espionner la concurrence en toute légalités | Blo Qui n’a jamais souhaité savoir ce qu’il se passait dans les entreprises concurrentes? Même avant de vous lancer sur un marché dont vous n’êtes pas sûr du potentiel, il sera toujours utile d’utiliser une série d’outils afin de voir comment se positionne l’éventuelle concurrence. De nombreux outils en ligne peuvent devenir de redoutable alliés afin d’aller beaucoup plus loin dans votre défrichage. Je vous propose de découvrir une compilation de services et d’outils afin d’analyser (ou espionner) cette concurrence en utilisant des services disponibles en ligne, et ceci, en toute légalité. 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. fiez où en était le concurrent il y a 1 an ou 2. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Si vous connaissez d’autres outils qui peuvent être intéressant, tout en restant dans la légalité :) , alors n’hésitez pas à laisser un commentaire.

Mr.doob's blog | Multiuser Sketchpad Here it's a project I made over the past weekend. I warn you, it's kinda weird. (Chrome 4+, Safari 5+, Firefox 4+ only) You'll find some more iterations on my twitpic. Now, lets give some context... Nerd talk Over the past few weeks I've seen people over twitter talking about this node.js thing. So node.js is like Apache but super optimised and lightweight, the coolest part is that you code your server in Javascript. Then there was this other hype thing, and that's websockets which basically is an open connection between the client and the server. So Jaakko persuaded me to try doing a node.js + websockets + harmony experiment. Ok, there are a bunch of node.js libraries to handle websockets. At this point is when you just need to sit down and get the thing working. Monitoring interactions Leaving the technicalities aside, this experiment is very different from everything I've done until now. With this one, I can see the people interacting. Human behaviour Unexpectedly fascinating.

Visualization Methods Exploration Introduction Over at , Ralph Lengler and Martin Eppler have published this great Periodic Table of methods of visualisation. This displays around 100 diagram types, with examples and a multi-faceted classification by: simple to complex data / information / concept / strategy / metaphor / compound process / structure detail / overview divergence / convergence In this application I have borrowed the list of diagrams to create an alternative interface, partly as an exericise in XML processing with XQuery and the eXist native XML database , on whose site this is currently hosted.. Methods can be categorised in various ways. The Application List all Methods List all the groups of methods Create a new group of methods Implementation Chris Wallace

Twitter should just cut to the chase and start charging for its If you use Tweetdeck you’ll know that the third-party Twitter client has basically been unusable for the last 48 hours or so. It’s not Tweetdeck’s fault – it’s Twitter rate limiting the app, and it’s not just Tweetdeck that is affected. Lots of people over the last 48 hours have been switching back to using, and of course that can’t be bad for Twitter. Start charging Twitter needs to figure out how to guarantee users sufficient API access for third-party apps: the demand is certainly there. This is in everybody’s best interest – in Twitter’s, in the developers’ and for users’. Trade-offs Of course, users will have to deal with either ads or paying to use an app, but frankly, that is the what we all do with almost any app anyway, so why should Twitter apps be any different? Access one user at a time? Another possible option is to only charge for API access to those Twitter users that really care about uptime on third-party apps.

BRANDING THE CITY Google Conducting Focus Group Research Into Social Networking The blogosphere has been abuzz with word that Google may be developing a social network after Digg CEO Kevin Rose tweeted a few weeks ago that he’d heard a “huge rumor” that Google was planning to launch a Facebook competitor called “Google Me.” Adam D’Angelo, founder of Q&A service Quora, then claimed on his own that this is a real project for Google. And Google CEO Eric Schmidt hasn’t denied these reports. According to a tip we received and confirmed, Google is asking people to conduct a short survey to verify their eligibility for a “usability study” with Google. The questions focus around social networking as it relates both to real life (offline) and online. Online surveys to get feedback for current or future products isn’t new to Google, so it’s not particularly surprising that the search giant would conduct focus groups when evaluating the potential of a new product. Here’s a list of the most interesting questions asked in the survey: 10a.

10 Social Media Monitoring / Analytics tools for Measuring Socia “I always tell people when they start talking about ROI on Social Media, well, what’s the Return On Ignoring?” - Jeffrey Hayzlett, Kodak. Social Media Monitoring ? - Social Media shouldn’t be measured like SEO analytics on your site. Heck, you won’t even see the referrals as good as an SEM campaign with social media. - Social Media measurement has got to do with many “intangible” signals. Now, this is a grey area but measuring social media (at least at this point of time) has got a lot to do with “intangible” or “volatile” signals. - Social Media monitoring is probably a better word than Social Media measurement. Why ? Phew ! 1. Ridian6 is a popular social media monitoring tool that helps you track quite a lot of signals and get insights into your brands performance on various social media channels. 2. 3. An eye candy this one. 4. 5. Social Mention is a web based tool that makes it simple. 6. This one is a bit different from the rest of the lot. 7. 8. 8. 9. 10.

Senior UN, private sector officials define vision for globally connected society 12 July 2010 – Meeting at a United Nations forum, leaders from the private sector, civil society and the creative world have underscored the critical role played by broadband networks in spurring global development. In a private gathering yesterday in Geneva, the Broadband Commission for Digital Development conferred on how to deploy the networks worldwide to accelerate progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the eight anti-poverty targets with a 2015 deadline. Chaired by Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Carlos Slim Helú, Mexican businessman and one the world’s wealthiest people, the body will deliver its conclusions to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on 19 September at an official side event of the high-level gathering on the MDGs in New York. “The global deployment of broadband networks will be as powerful a transformational force for the 21st century as the progressive installation of electricity networks was in the first decades of the 20th century,” Mr. Touré said.

Les publicités déjantées, décalées, amusantes et WTF Alors que tout le monde nous parle de récession, de tristesse, de crise, de chômage, de récession etc... J'ai décidé que cet article serait une sorte d'anti-dépresseur collectif puisqu'il va mettre en avant les publicités les plus déjantées qu'il puisse existé. Préparez-vous à être surpris ! Le Japon : champion du monde Mondialement connu pour ses publicités décalées, le Japon devait figurer parmi les catégories de cet article. Tarako : la gastronomie en chanson Tarako Kewpie - 2006 Tarako Kewpie - 2009 Tarako Pasta Sauce est un produit typiquement japonais. Tarako Kewpie - 2007 Une sous catégorie pour Tarako était nécessaire parce que c'est l'une des rares marques a avoir TOUT son plan de com sur ce concept des œufs de Morue chantants. Les autres perles japonaises ... Toujours dans la nourriture : le sushi au thon. 2010 - Nissin Cup Noodle Fanta : Fanta, un budget très lourd au Japon pour des pubs toujours décalées. Goma Mugi Cha Le cas Skittles : Crazy Rainbow Hit me ! Skittles Leak - 2007 David

Broadband Commission QC: New Comics Every Monday Through Friday
