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100 Handmade Gift Tutorials

100 Handmade Gift Tutorials

563 : Cadeaux de Noël maison Posté dans 2010/11/29 par Clementine Il est encore temps de se lancer pour fabriquer soit même ses cadeaux de Noël au lieu de les acheter dans un magasin de grande distribution. Voici une liste, bien entendue non exhaustive, d’idées. sels parfumés (piments en poudre, herbes de provence, ail en poudre, …)sucres parfumés (lavande, vanille, …)chocolat, biscuit, confiture, … maisonbouture d’une de vos plantes vertes en potun livre, un CD, un DVD, un jeu, une collection de magasines que vous avez lu/écouté/vu et aimé Voici aussi quelques liens vers des sites de tutoriel pour les personnes qui aiment les loisirs créatifs : BlueMarguerite : ensemble de tutoriels diverses gratuitsBab la Bricoleuse : tutoriels gratuitsClémentine Récupère : tutoriels à partir de matériaux de récup’Esprit Cabane : bricolage écolo…

How to make a mini bow and arrows set. It's so fluffy! SCORE 162 Stop it! SCORE 1279 If the disney princesses had instagram... The only person you are destined to become... Things that I love. That's a strange way to make friends. Sock kitty! Introducing, Nap Time! Hanging String Balls Whattya need? BalloonStringScissorsGlueJar How do I make glue string balls? Step 1: Hang inflated balloon from ceiling. Step 2: Put string and glue in the jar with a hole in the lid. Step 3: Wait until dry (try to contain yourself). Created by Dane Holweger

Comment utiliser les huiles essentielles ? Je suis novice, par quelle huile essentielle commencer ? Comment bien choisir mon huile essentielle ? Comment reconnaître une « vraie » huile essentielle d’une « fausse » ? Pourquoi les huiles essentielles sont-elles si chères ? Je suis novice, par quelle huile essentielle commencer ? Pour débuter, mieux vaut choisir des huiles essentielles au parfum agréable qui apaisent ou détendent : l’orange douce, la bergamote, la lavande. Des conseils au fil des saisons Au printemps : on travaille sa silhouette Pour activer localement la micro-circulation, on masse le haut des cuisses avec une huile végétale agrémentée d’une goutte d’huiles essentielles de cyprès, de citron et de sauge sclarée. Comment bien choisir mon huile essentielle ? L’importance du chémotype Chaque huile essentielle a une composition particulière : elle peut contenir de 10 à 250 molécules aromatiques différentes qui sont autant de principes actifs s’équilibrant les uns par rapport aux autres. Et pour mes enfants ?

Things to Make and Do, Crafts and Activities for Kids - The Crafty Crow: Kids Handmade Holiday Like many of you, this year we are doing an all handmade holiday. This includes the kids! My sister and I have seven kids between us and working together we came up with a big list of all the things that the kids could make for their siblings, cousins, parents, aunt, uncle, grandparents and friends. Building Machines From Paperclips Several months ago I awoke one morning with an idea for a project. I had gone to bed thinking about a presentation I am going to make to a group of middle and high school technology teachers in a couple of months. I wanted to come up with a simple and inexpensive projects they could use to teach their students some aspect of technology and hopefully inspire their creativity. During the night I dreamed of making machines out of paperclips and this project was born. As for the cost of this project - the wood and paperclips cost me 37 cents. I already had several projects I was working on at the time so I thought about the idea for a couple of months before I actually sat down with a box of paperclips and started trying to make a machine. For educators this project is a great way to teach students the physics of mechanical machines including cranks, levers, fulcrum points, rotary and linear motion all while stirring their curiosity and developing their mechanical aptitude. Biochemtronics

DIY Dry shampoo has been a MUST HAVE in my daily hair care routine for the past three years. I’ve gone through countless spray cans of different brands (Psst!, Tresemme, John Frieda, Garnier, Oscar Blandi, Batiste…to name a few), spending way too much for very little product. I started to use plain old baby powder, sprinkling it directly on my roots and rubbing it in, and I found that it worked just as well or even better at giving my hair added volume and combating greasiness. I continued to do this for months until one day I was at work, and I happen to catch a glance of my hair in the mirror. THE RECIPE: Mix 3 parts cocoa powder and 1 part cornstarch and/or baby powder in a small container. Because this container works so well, I just hold the container in my hand and sprinkle the powder directly onto my roots and rub it in with my fingers. QUICK TIP: Did you know that the best way to use dry shampoo is to apply it BEFORE you actually need it?

41 Easy Things To Do With Mason Jars Make-up Magnet Board We all know with craft blogs that original ideas are often hard to come by, we find ideas we love and make them our own but we didn't come up with the idea ourselves. I feel like I've finally done something original here and I'm excited about it. I'll show you the finished product and then explain. Behold my Make-up Magnet Board. I have a friend who is beautiful and stylish and has always loved make-up but recently took a course that intensified her love. The basket was a mess and I was overwhelmed with all my choices never knowing what to use, digging through to see what I had and find what I wanted was a pain. I painted it (The hard way, with a brush instead of spray paint. I went to the hardware store and picked up some metal and had them cut it to fit inside my frame. Here comes the brilliant part though. Here's the stash of eye shadows we're talking about (I've even added a couple since this picture). Next I wanted a place to store my brushes and liners though.

DIY String Art Hi guys! Dina here from Honey & Fitz back with another tutorial. This time I’m showing you how to make some string art for your little one’s room! Rather than deal with hammers and cutting wood, I decided to do this project using cork tiles. Not only are they easy to find and inexpensive, they’re also very light weight so you don’t have to worry about them falling off the wall and hurting anyone. Here are the supplies you’ll need: Cork tiles // Linoleum Nails // 3M Hanging Strips // Contact Cement Stack the cork tiles on top of each other and use your contact cement to glue them together. I really wanted the look of a white background for my string art so I decided to paint the cork. Once the paint has dried, flip your cork tile over and apply your hanging strips. Create your template using whatever font you like. When you’ve traced the entire template, carefully remove the paper. Tie your string in a double knot onto your first nail now, and start weaving in a back and forth fashion.
