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67801 450377735010081 1072149112 n Custom URL Scheme within CONFIG.XML I was able to find a solution for iOS to this while we wait for it to become a feature. Part of this solution involves needing a MAC and XCODE. 1. Build the app with Phone Gap Build service ( and download the package. 2. 3. 4. 5. [self.viewController.webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsString]; return YES; } quot;); \n" "},1);", url]; return YES; } 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. The only downside to this is now you will need to build and release your project using XCODE, meaning you'll need the proper certificates and provisioning profiles set up on your MAC for this example to work. Up Next: I will try to figure out a similar solution for Android. I hope this helps some of you. Cheers!

francetv pluzz - voir, revoir et partager les programmes de France Télévisions en direct ou à la demande Detailed Guide for setting up building iOS apps without a Mac I just did a successful build and run using this workflow - it has been described in summary as a response to this question: This is a more detailed step-by-step guide of the process. 1. Download and install OpenSSL for Windows 32 bit from this location: (You may need to install the VC2008 32 Bit Redistributables as well) For the remainder of this guide, it's assumed you have installed OpenSSL into C:\OpenSSL-Win32 which is the default location. 2. 3. C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl genrsa -out mykey.key 2048 4. C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl req -new -key mykey.key -out CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest -subj "/, CN=Your Name, C=US" Replace email address & name by your own and C=US by your country code if needed. 5. Refresh the page after a few moments and your CSR should be accepted. 6. This will download the developer_identity.cer file.

Adobe PhoneGap Build Apache Cordova API Documentation This guide describes how to set up your development environment for Apache Cordova and run a sample Apache Cordova application. Requirements Xcode 4.5+Xcode Command Line Tools Intel-based computer with Mac OS X Lion or greater (10.7+)Necessary for installing on device: Apple iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch)iOS developer certificate Install the iOS SDK and Apache Cordova Install Xcode from the Mac App Store or Apple Developer DownloadsInstall the Xcode Command Line Tools (Xcode Preferences -> Downloads -> Components -> Command Line Tools -> Install).Download the latest release of [Apache PhoneGapextract its contentsApache Cordova iOS is found under lib/ios Install CordovaLib Download the Cordova sourceExtract the source to their final permanent location on your hard drive (for example, to ~/Documents/Cordova-2.X.X)There is no step 3 Create a New Project Locate your new project folder that you just createdLaunch the .xcodeproj file in the folder Deploy to Simulator Deploy to Device Results

iOS: Links zu nativen Apps aus dem Browser heraus In mobilen Websites oder Web-Apps kann es vorkommen, dass man gerne auf native Apps verlinken möchte. Ob Telefonnummer wählen, SMS schicken oder Facebook-App öffnen: Dies alles funktioniert üblicherweise über spezielle URLs, bei denen das http durch ein anderes Kürzel ersetzt wird (sogenannte URL-Schemes). Hier einige Aktionen, die man per Link aus dem mobilen Safari-Browser (iPhone und iPad) auslösen kann: Email: Der Email-Client auf dem iPhone öffnet sich und man kann eine Email schreiben.Telefon: Wählen einer Telefonnummer.SMS: Senden einer SMS an eine TelefonnummerMaps: Aufrufen der nativen Karten-App (Google Maps)YouTube: Öffnen eines YouTube-Videos in der nativen YouTube-App.Facebook: Öffnen der App und Anzeigen von bestimmten Inhalten Der folgende Artikel zeigt, wie dies auf Apples iOS-Betriebssystem funktioniert. Offizielle Apple-Apps aus dem Browser ansprechen Email-Client öffnen <a href="">... Telefonnummer wählen und SMS schreiben iCal / Kalender

Viewport scale on iPhone, iPad. This article started with a simple question. How do I get the current viewport scale in a website or web app? While focused on the iPhone/iPad, the following JavaScript solution is as generic as possible and provides access to the current viewport scale if available. Demo Try a pinch-to-zoom, assuming you are on a supported device. Viewport scale not available. The current viewport settings are: Note, minimum-scale does not necessarily match how far the page will zoom out. Technique The method takes advantage of window.innerWidth variation in relation to page scale. We assume that a browser supporting full viewport scaling also takes the modern superimposed scrollbar approach. This assumption allows us to implement a check on screen width vs. viewport width since superimposed scrollbars do not steal space otherwise occupied by the viewport. Once the check has been passed the calculation is a very simple one. The viewport scale can now be calculated. Usage Support Source Code Comments ProtoFluid.
