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Weblog Tools Collection

Weblog Tools Collection

Collapsable, Foldable, Expandable Category menus for Wordpress: The WordPress category list has a tendency to become unwieldy as the number of nested categories increases. The provided wp_list_cats template tag can display all top level categories, or only the categories within a parent, but does not allow for a collapsible categories list where only the currently active category is expanded to have its children displayed, all others are listed collapsed (folded) to their top-level parent. Fold Category List has been developed to meet that need, implementing the functionality of Fold Page List for WP categories. Internals Fold Category List is based upon wp_list_cats, and list_cats, modified and renamed for this plugin. New in 2.0 (06 January, 2008 — updated to version 2.02 on 09 January, 2008) The “biggie” here is that Fold Category List now supports for WP2.3+, while remaining compatible with previous versions of WP. New in 1.0 (release) onwards (18 February, 2007 — updated to version 1.11 on 20 February, 2007) New in 1.0b4 (28 January, 2006) Usage

WPCandy | A blog all about WordPress. Yes, we're a bit meta. Blogs According to a recent report by Forrester Research that looked at 90 blogs from Fortune 500 companies, most corporate blogs are “dull, drab, and don’t stimulate discussion.” Sadly, two-thirds hardly ever get any comments, 70% stick strictly to business topics, and worse 56% just republish press releases or already public news. That has lead many to think that corporate blogging isn’t really worth much effort, which is a shame, because properly done a corporate blog can have tremendous value. Below is a list of 15 companies that really get corporate blogging and produce blogs that are informative, fascinating, and a joy to read even for people who aren’t die-hard fans of the company. Dell – Though Dell’s corporate blog rarely strays from Dell-centric news, the company posts with a great conversational voice, often breaks news on their blog (which keeps people coming back), and listens and responds to customers. What other corporate blogs do you enjoy reading?

Performancing 10 things you MUST know before you register a domain name with a My Top 10 Best Wordpress Plugins « John Chow dot Com I get many people emailing me about all the various plugins I run on my blog. The emails come so often that I have decided to compile a list of the 10 WordPress plugins I am running. I also provide links to where you can download the plugins. Sidebar Widget The Sidebar Widget is one of the most useful plugins made for WordPress. AdSense Deluxe The AdSense-Deluxe WordPress Plugin allows you to add Google AdSense or Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN) ads to your WordPress posts. The cool thing about AdSense Deluxe is it keeps tracks of the number of Google ads displayed and limits that number to three (the maximum number of ads Google allows on a page). Digg This Digg This is a plugin that detects incoming links from and automatically display a link back to the Digg post, for people to Digg your story. There are many options to choose from in order to display the Digg link. Feedburner Feed Replacement Related Posts This Plugin, available from Mr. Recent Comments Optimal Title

MyBlogLog Nine Company Blogs That Are Fun For Anyone to Read - ReadWriteWe Here at ReadWriteWeb we spend a lot of time reading the blogs of companies we write about (send yours to and we've found that some of them are just plain fun. An interesting company blog can be a great way to draw in new people through relevant content of general interest - and some of them will stay to check out the service you provide. Some companies just blog about updates to their own technology and that's good for existing users to see. 37Signals You can't talk about interesting company blogs without mentioning Signal vs. Ning Ning powers niche social networks and the company's blog is a great place to find out about all kinds of groups that are actively using this technology. Viddler Viddler is a crazy feature rich video hosting service with a very good blog. Newsgator RSS company Newsgator has a great blog about RSS use cases, data portability debates and other industry topics. A.viary Collaborative design tool A.viary has a couple of very good blogs. Strands

Lorelle on WordPress Plugins para Wordpress Lista de plugins para WordPress que en su momento se encontraba en el wiki. Acronym Replacer: Busca los acrónimos que hayamos definido y los rodea con etiquetas acronym con su descripción. Es un script muy simple en el que tendremos que editar la lista de acrónimos directamente en el archivo PHP. Un sustituto más cómodo es “Remplazador de Acrónimos” de Nicolás Fantino.Acropop: Permite mostrar una imagen especificada al pasar el ratón sobre determinadas palabras.Add Link Attribute: Permite añadir tus propios atributos a los enlaces generados por alguna función de WordPress sin necesidad de reescribir esas funciones directamente.AdRotator: Selecciona y muestra un anuncio de forma aleatoria a partir de un archivo de texto.Adhesive: Añade una nueva opción a la interfaz de administración que permite marcar una entrada en WordPress como sticky (//”pegajosa”//). Captcha! Obfuscate E-mail: Ofusca las direcciones de email mediante substituciones aleatorias de códigos hexadecimales y ASCII.

GaMerZ.WordPress Alongside WordPress 3.8.2, WordPress 3.9 RC1 has also shipped. The final version of WordPress 3.9 is targeted to be released next Wednesday, 16th April 2014. If you’re a plugin author, there are two important changes in particular to be aware of: TinyMCE received a major update, to version 4.0. Any editor plugins written for TinyMCE 3.x might require some updates. Download: WordPress 3.9 RC1 WordPress 3.8.2 has been released and it is important for all you guys to update it as it is a security release. WordPress 3.8.2 is now available. Checkout out the full changelog here. Download: WordPress 3.8.2 WordPress 3.9 Beta 1 has been released! Changes We updated TinyMCE, the software powering the visual editor, to the latest version. Developer Related Changes The load process in multisite got rewritten. Download: WordPress 3.9 Beta 1 I would like to introduce you to a new WordPress plugin that I wrote (or rewrote), it is called WP-DraftsForFriends. Download: WP-DraftsForFriends
