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Partners 50 Fresh Useful Icon Sets For Your Next Design - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Beautiful and free icon sets always come in handy. Used properly and moderately, icons can be helpful to provide users with memorable metaphors and illustrations that would provide a visual support for otherwise unspectacular text blocks. For instance, in web-applications memorable icons can be very helpful as they can make it easier for users to memorize how to perform some specific task or where to find some specific functions. This large collection of recently released icon sets is supposed to help designers improve their designs on their web-sites and in web-applications. All icon sets are free. Web Application Icon Sets Chalkwork HTML Royalty-free Icons1 Chalkwork HTML is a free set of HTML-themed icons, designed to perfectly complement all other sets in the Chalkwork Family. Hand Pointer Icons Free icon set that includes 36 hand pointer icons of 6 diferent types with 6 color variants. MinIcons2 Basic Set4 42 high quality icons in 64×64, 32×32 and 16×16 sizes. Absque13

fileNice™ - free php file browser How To Compile A Kernel - The Debian (Sarge) Way Version 1.0 Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com> Last edited 11/28/2006 Each distribution has some specific tools to build a custom kernel from the sources. This article is about compiling a kernel on Debian Sarge systems. It describes how to build a custom kernel using the latest unmodified kernel sources from (vanilla kernel) so that you are independent from the kernels supplied by your distribution. It also shows how to patch the kernel sources if you need features that are not in there. I have tested this on Debian Sarge in VMware Server. I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. 1 Preliminary Note The goal of this tutorial is to build a kernel .deb package that can be installed on the system, and that you can share with others and install on other Debian Sarge systems which is a big advantage compared to the "traditional" way where you don't end up with a .deb package. 2 Install Required Packages For Kernel Compilation

Position Is Everything Core77 / design magazine + resource / home 50 Free High-Quality Icon Sets - Smashing Magazine When it comes to freebie designs, beautiful icons sets are tops. Designers scour for these free treasures more than anything else. You can use icon sets in Web applications, website designs and on your desktop. When it comes to freebie designs, beautiful quality icon sets are tops. In the overview below, we present 50 beautifully designed, free and professional high quality icon sets for desktop and web design. You can also scan through our other icon-related articles: 50 Beautiful, Free and High-Quality Icon Sets Container Icon Pack Container Icon Pack contains 40 high-quality (256 x 256 pixel) icons in PNG and ICO formats. Baggy Icon Set Contains five high-quality icons in three formats (ICO, ICNS and PNG) and six sizes, ranging from 16 to 512 pixels! Round theme icons A beautiful set of 106 various rounded icons. Fortune 500 Badges Over 200 badges of famous brands, PSDs included. Playground Nine beautiful and original icons (in PNG and ICO), created by the talented Miriam Moshinsky. (al)

How do you like our &#039;Dundee&#039; Application? Dundee ExperimentWhat happens when the scummers get scummed? Background: Scummers and Scumware "Scumware" is a term which refers to a nasty type of software that is sometimes installed on peoples' computers without their asking. Scumware is typically written by marketing companies trying to make a fast buck. The Experiment "Dundee" is a fictional program we made up to see what would happen when scumware vendors (Gator, eZula, etc.) thought a competing product was inserting foul language and vile racist propaganda on their own sites. To complete the baiting, the .ini file made reference to the "Dundee home page" and pointed to the "proof of concept" document below, and contained various data instructing the program on how to add racial slurs, where to send bugreports, etc. As this says, the goal of the experiment is to see if any Scummers take the bait, demanding removal of "Dundee" and/or threatening lawsuits, etc.... Results Our actors were very convincing. Key words.

Web Layouts | Cool Layouts | Website Layouts HTML symbols How to contact me. I started this file simply because I wanted to have a place where I could look up any symbol that is available in html. It might be that some of the symbols are not yet standardized enough, so you might want to make sure that if you use one, that it renders properly on a few different platforms. Of course, many of the symbols would have alphabetic codes, but knowing the numeric code might even help find these alphabetic codes. Tables showing symbols for html codes up to about &#59999; can be seen at Test of other features. &acute; ´ &cedil; ¸ &circ; ˆ &macr; ¯ &tilde; ˜ &uml; ¨ &#0ab; &#1ab; &#2ab; &#3ab; &#4ab; &#5ab; &#6ab; &#7ab; &#8ab; &#9ab; &#10ab; &#11ab; &#12ab; &#13ab; &#14ab; &#15ab; &#16ab; &#17ab; &#18ab; &#19ab; &#20ab; &#23ab; &#24ab; &#25ab; &#26ab; &#27ab; &#28ab; &#29ab; &#30ab; &#31ab; &#32ab; &#33ab; &#34ab; &#35ab; &#36ab; &#37ab; &#38ab; &#39ab; &#40ab; &#43ab; &#44ab; &#45ab; &#46ab; &#47ab; &#48ab; &#49ab; &#50ab; &#51ab; &#52ab; &#53ab; &#54ab;

The DECK the premier advertising network for reaching creative, The premier network for reaching creative, web and design professionals, The Deck serves up over one-hundred million ad impressions each month and is uniquely configured to connect the right marketers to a targeted, influential audience. Well-Vetted We’re picky about the advertising we’ll accept. We won’t take an ad unless we have paid for and/or used the product or service. Sell us something relevant to our audience and we’ll sell you an ad. One Impression at a Time With the exception of “roadblocks,” which we’ll discuss later, there are only thirty-three advertising slots available each month for the entire Deck. In essence, buying a month on The Deck gives you an exclusive showing on three percent of all the pages viewed for that month across all fifty-two sites and services. A buy in The Deck reaches the creative community on the web in an uncluttered, controlled environment, far more valuable than a standard banner or a single text ad among dozens of others. Cost Per Influence Contact

40 Professional Icon Sets For Free Download - Smashing Magazine Advertisement When it comes to icons, web designers and graphic artists have an excellent opportunity to showcase their craft, prove their experience and explore their creativity. A sweet, nice icon set is a perfect showcase of designer’s work and a powerful instrument to build up your reputation online. In fact, designers make use of it, creating absolutely amazing icon sets and offering them for free download. However, designing a high-quality icon set isn’t an easy task. It takes time, patience and resources and it requires professional skills and experience. In the overview below we present 40 excellent, free and professional icons for desktop and web design. You can also scan through the icons-related articles we’ve published before: This time you’ll find quite many tasty snacks. Free Icons For Your Web Designs Office Space Icon Set6This set contains a coffee icon, chair icon, employee icon, coffee machine icon, computer display icon and information kiosk icon. 128×128: Toast It!

Home of Janitha Karunaratne » Blog Archive » Sound of Data Ever wonder what all the data in your hard drive sounds like? Or simply want to kill the silence in your server room? Simple, just direct devices into the audio device and listen to the sweet beatiful sound of your data (or other device). cat /dev/hda > /dev/audiocat /dev/hdb2 > /dev/audiocat /dev/urandom > /dev/audio First line outputs raw data from your 1st hard drive (hda) to the audio device, second line outputs the data in your second partition in second drive directly into the audio device, and third just outputs random data into the audio which is simply just noise. Do this with caution. Update: For one reason or another your audio device in /dev might not be audio or dsp or what ever else you have so change that accordingly.

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