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CMS - Ressources pour utiliser WordPress comme CMS et sites statiques

CMS - Ressources pour utiliser WordPress comme CMS et sites statiques
WordPress, de loin le premier script de blog au monde en nombre d’utilisateurs, a tellement évolué depuis ses débuts qu’il est aujourd’hui extensible à l »infini, ce qui le rend capable de presque tout faire en termes d’applications web. Même si sa vocation première reste le développement facilité de blogs et de sites d’information, certains n’hésitent WordPress, de loin le premier script de blog au monde en nombre d’utilisateurs, a tellement évolué depuis ses débuts qu’il est aujourd’hui extensible à l »infini, ce qui le rend capable de presque tout faire en termes d’applications web. Même si sa vocation première reste le développement facilité de blogs et de sites d’information, certains n’hésitent pas à l’utiliser à d’autres fins, et notamment pour déployer des sites qui n’ont plus rien à voir avec des blogs. Du blog au site statique Un site statique ? Et WordPress alors, comment ça se passe ? J’y viens, j’y viens. WordPress est un CMS comme les autres Alors, comment fait-on ?

CMS - 9 plugins pour gérer ses pages en utilisation CMS WordPress est super en tant que CMS pour créer des sites qui n’ont presque rien à voir avec des blogs ordinaires. Pour mon projet sur les cordages bateaux dont j’ai déjà parlé sur WordPress tuto, on a eu recours à un usage massif des pages pour gérer le contenu. Comme le site approche d’une version présentable, je vais faire un petit retour sur les plugins de gestion des pages dans WordPress utilisés dans ce projet. Sur l’intérêt d’utiliser des pages plutôt que des articles. Avantages des pages dans WordPress : Le pages sont bien adaptées à la gestion de contenu statique. Inconvénients de la gestion des pages dans WordPress. Je ne parle ici que des fonctionnalité de WordPress que je n’ai pas réussi à modifier avec les plugins présentés ci dessous. Le corolaire de ce qui précède est qu’il faut utiliser énormément de plugins pour parvenir à ses fins.Tous ces plugins peuvent ralentir considérablement votre site. 1- Afficher un menu déroulant basé sur les pages dans l’entête.

How To Create WordPress Themes From Scratch Part 1 » Themetation I’m going to show you how to create a wordpress theme from scratch in these 3 parts of tutorial series. I will cover from Structuring, designing in Photoshop, slicing, coding into fully css based html, and finally wordpress implementation. Table Of Content Below is the index of the topics that we will go through: Structuring This is a very important part in designing a web layout. HeaderPosting areaSidebarSingle pageCommentFeedbackSearching fieldPage menuRSSArchives, Links and About Page Something we need to keep in mind. Display too many things in one single page.Use too many colors and font type. In this sample, I also try to make is as simple as possible because the purpose of this series of tutorial is to give an example on how to create a wordpress theme. Final Result Photoshop Step 1 Create a new document with 1024px X 768px as we are going to create a layout which suit for 1024px resolution. Step 2 Grab the rectangle tool and draw a header for it. Step 3 I use Myriad Pro. Step 4 Step 5

WordPress Themes Sets 10 Free WordPress Themes for Valentine’s Day All of us used to see big collections of WordPress Themes for every occasion orf holiday, like Christmas. But till St. Valentine’s Day remained a few days, and when I was trying to collect some themes for this occasion, I understand that it is impossible to find some good quality themes for this holiday. Continue Reading 15 Great Examples of Cloned WordPress Themes Cloning popular websites into WordPress Themes has become a popular phenomenon. 50+ Free WordPress Themes for Personal Blogs of High Quality Personal blogs reflects the identity of each of us on the Internet. 10 WordPress Themes for Real Estate Agents WordPress, one of the most popular blogging platforms, is capable of being more than just a blog platform. To make their life easier I decided to collect some great Real Estate WordPress Themes which are clean, elegant, and created with the agent in mind. Best Free WordPress Themes in 2008

Optimiser son blog wordpress pour le référencement SEO Blog Webmarketing >> Blog >> Comment optimiser votre blog wordpress pour le référencement SEO en moins de 22 minutes Je sais que vous le savez déjà mais je le dis quand même : WordPress n’est pas ce qu’il y a de mieux pour le référencement SEO. En effet, il souffre de quelques petits problèmes qui peuvent perturber votre référencement. Voici comment les corriger facilement et en moins de 22 minutes… Réécrivez la structure des permaliens Pour optimiser votre référencement, il faut que les urls de vos articles contiennent vos mots-clés. Or, par défaut, les urls de vos articles et de vos pages sur WordPress ont la forme La première étape consiste à réécrire la structure des permaliens pour avoir la forme Pour cela, allez dans Réglages > Permaliens puis sélectionnez Structure Personnalisée et écrivez /%postname%/ comme le montre l’image ci-dessous : Installez un fichier Google Sitemap Vous n’avez qu’à l’installer.

Thème - Zeences - Wordpress Portfolio & Business Theme Zeences Wordpress Portfolio & Business theme is a premium template with dark and light skin options and includes a full-screen background image slideshow option. Zeences also includes portfolio posts, a custom system to create your own image or video sliders and a slick portfolio page layout using jquery masonry. This jQuery enhanced template contains a useful collection of custom shortcodes, an online shortcode generator and thorough help documentation, making it easy to create high quality, interactive and feature rich pages or posts. Features Testimonials “What a fantastic theme the Zeences for wordpress has turned out to be. David and Joanna Green – Big Day Weddings and People Portraits Photographers Updates Current version: 1.1.4 Version 1.1.4 – 1/1/2012 Update: timthumb version 2.8.5

Photoshop to WordPress: A Basic Guide | Randa Clay Design Recently I asked you what you’d like to learn how to do, and one reader asked about the process of taking a mockup of a site into WordPress. There are quite a few good tutorials out there and you’ll want to read several as you’ll pick up different ideas and tips from each one. Anyway, this is my process: Create your mockup When mocking up the site, always keep CSS in the back of your mind. Also consider the size of graphic elements as you’re designing. Print out or sketch your mockup and make notes This step isn’t always 100% necessary, but depending on the complexity of what I’m trying to accomplish, I often find it helpful to think through where all the divs are going to go on paper and make notes about border and background color codes as well. Slice your mockup Do this after you’ve done the above step, as it might impact how you slice your images. Pick a theme to use as a base Code! Make sure all your sliced images are in the images folder for the theme and dive in. Validate and test

100+ Resources for WordPress Theme Developers Get the FlatPix UI Kit for only $7 - Learn More or Buy Now One of the great things about working with WordPress and developing your own themes is the community and all of the resources that are available. If you’re not sure how to do something or looking to see what solutions other theme designers and developers are using, you can find plenty of infomation and tutorials to help. In this post we’ll feature a wide selection of resources that are extremely useful for theme designers and developers. If you work on custom themes for clients, themes for your own use, distribute free themes or sell premium themes, these resources may prove to be highly useful for you. All of the resources in this post are categorized and hopefully you will find a number of new resources that will be practical for your own work. WordPress Essentials and Basics: WordPress Support Forums The community of WordPress users is a great place to turn when you have questions. Theme Development Tutorials: Child Themes: Wpazo

Créer des custom post types avec WordPress Les custom post types de WordPress vont nous permettre de créer des types de contenu sur-mesure associant une taxonomie particulière. Différent d'un modèle d'article - bientôt implémentés dans WordPress 3.1, l'usage des custom post types est de plus en plus répandus pour des sites professionnels. Vous recherchez un développeur WordPress capable de vous créer un thème sur-mesure ? Types de contenu par défaut VS types de contenu personnalisé Par défaut, WordPress est fourni avec 2 default post types – autrement dit 2 types de contenus que sont les articles et les pages. Et bien, sachez qu’il est possible de créer vos propres types – à ne pas confondre avec les modèles de pages WordPress. Ce système est très utile pour des sites qui ont besoin de lister du contenu : les agences immobilières pour vendre leur biens, les sites de e-commerce pour vendre leurs produits ou encore les bases de livres / cinéma pour lesquels on pourra imaginer des classements par genre ou réalisateur par exemple. <? <?

Thème - Twin - Creative Portfolio and Photography Twin is a premium WordPress theme designed for Creatives and Photographers. The theme is exclusively crafted to showcase your artwork, photography and personal projects. Supported with decent blogging features and post formats, the theme is envisioned to provide you a unique and multi-purpose portfolio base. Live DemoClean design, WordPress 3.3+ readyjQuery Masonry Layout with dynamic grid widths. Update Log Oct 13th 2012 – Version 1.2Fixed Twitter widget API callAdded ‘Group’ selection for Flickr WidgetFixed secondary widget area for mobile devices July 17th 2012 – Version 1.1 Updated Custom Background feature for WP 3 .4Fixed multiple jPlayer instances on same page. Sources and Credits jQuery LibraryjQuery CyclejQuery jPlayerjQuery MasonryjQuery PrettyPhotojQuery Validate Social icons created from the Brand Resource Library of individual social sites. Important: Images shown in Live demo are NOT included with the download. Thank you for stopping by and browsing my theme.

How to Create a Wordpress Theme from Scratch Following on from the recent article on "PSD to HTML", this tutorial will look at taking a HTML/CSS template and turning it into a functioning WordPress theme. There is so much you can do when creating your own theme we couldn't nearly cover it all. So, we're going to look at how themes are structured, creation of the core files and splitting up that index.html file. The structure of a WordPress theme is fairly simple, I like to start with the CSS file. Because this is such a large topic we're splitting it into a two part series - this part making a simple but functioning theme from a standard HTML & CSS template, and the second part will look at adding more of the advanced features. I will be working on turning the great template "Typography Paramount" by Six Shooter Media into a simple WordPress theme. The style sheet is the defining file of the theme for WordPress. The code above is all contained in a comment, so it won't affect the style definitions. Continue to Part 2.

30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks | Wordpress Most of the WordPress blogs look more or less similar these days, to stand uniquely out from the rest, you have got to tweak it. And by tweaking, we mean really getting your hands dirty down on the blog theme and PHP codes. We’ve previously showcased more than you can perform on your blog but we quickly realized there are still a lot of impressive WordPress tricks, hacks and plugins out there that we thought are really great. So as a sequel, here’s another . More WordPress related articles we’ve previously written: Most Wanted WordPress tricks and hacks 49 Most downloaded WordPress themes WordPress themes for Video Blogging 16 WordPress premium themes that don’t suck 20 Desktop blogging clients You’ve Installed WordPress, So What’s Next? Full list after jump. Use the Accordion plugin in jQuery UI to create an Apple-alike WordPress sidebar. Creating tabs on WordPress sidebar with Yahoo! Every blog visitor has different habits, but many tend to ignore sidebars because they are always the same. <?

How to Code a WordPress 3.0 Theme from Scratch With the release of WordPress 3.0 came the implementation of many new features to the popular content management system. In this tutorial we are going to show you exactly how to code a WordPress 3.0 theme from the ground up to take advantage of all of these new features, as well as create a blogging-ready, minimal theme. Setting Up the Work Station To get started with this tutorial we should set up a server on our computer using either XAMPP or WAMP (usually if working on a PC), or MAMP if you are working on a Mac. In terms of code editing I would highly suggest Notepad++. Getting the Necessary Folders and Files Ready In the folder containing your WordPress installation, go to wp-content/themes/ and create a folder named “New 3.0 Theme”. Step 1 – Style.css The style.css will contain all of the elements that style our WordPress template. Now we will create some basic definitions that we will later implement in some of the template’s PHP files. Step 2 – Header.php Step 5 – Index.php Conclusion

Best of thèmes - 20 New and Free Minimal Wordpress Themes All of the free minimal WordPress themes we have for you below are free and will work perfectly well straight-out-of-the-box (albeit with a few option panel tweaks), also the vast majority of them being responsive. But, putting the minimal styling aside, the real beauty of these themes, for designers and developers anyway, is that they are a fantastic starting point for further development and giving you the chance to view and learn first-hand professional and organised coding practices. If you’re looking for newer and better free WordPress themes, including minimal themes, you should check out this article: 50 Beautiful and Free WordPress Themes. Euclides Euclides is a theme that has been built for you guys who write tutorials online. Origin (Responsive) Origin is a simple and elegant theme with a responsive layout. Hatch (Responsive) Hatch is a simple and responsive photography and portfolio theme. Gridly (Responsive) Balloons (Responsive) Photum (Responsive) Ascetica (Responsive) Stumblr Nova

Wordpress as a CMS - Content Management System I have been intending writing a bit about using WordPress as a CMS for a while now. This post is made up of several parts - Website examples of WordPress being used as a CMSMy endeavours as a beginner to use WordPress as a CMSA series of tips for using WordPress as a CMS by graphic and web designer Jennifer Farley from Laughing Lion DesignA series of links about using WordPress as a content management system and useful WordPress Plugins that I have found when trying to research the subject. If you are looking to set up your own WordPress website you can download my FREE GUIDE HERE (no sign up or email required) 1. As many of you probably know as well as being used as a blog WordPress can also be used as a CMS or if you didn’t know here are a few examples of sites that use it. 2. I have been experimenting with WordPress as a content management system myself, all be it by adapting an existing template as my coding skills are still not very strong (so please be gentle with me). 3. a. b. c.
