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10 Beautiful Social Media Infographics

10 Beautiful Social Media Infographics
This series is supported by Ben & Jerry's Joe, Ben & Jerry's new line-up of Fair Trade and frozen iced coffee drinks. Learn more about it here. Infographics help communicate information in a digestible manner as they creatively present data in an understandable and engaging format. With social media growing at an ever increasing pace, there is now a wealth of data about how people interacting with one another on the web. Naturally, infographics have proven an excellent aid in expressing high volumes of social web information in a clear, visually appealing manner. Here are 10 infographics that prove as beautiful as they are interesting. 1. This is a global map of social web involvement which illustrates that hundreds of millions of web users are creating and sharing content every month. Interestingly, it reveals that despite the Twitter hype, microblogging is still not a mass social activity and is nowhere near the size and scale of blogging. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

news aktuell GmbH - Nur jedes dritte deutsche Unternehmen hat eine Social-Media-Strategie Hamburg (ots) - Nur ein Drittel der deutschen Unternehmen verfügt über eine Social-Media-Strategie. Gut jede vierte Firma stellt zusätzliche finanzielle Mittel für die Web2.0-Kommunikation bereit. Das ergab die Umfrage "Social Media in Unternehmen" der dpa-Tochter news aktuell und Faktenkontor. Mehr als 1.700 Pressesprecher und PR-Fachleute haben sich beteiligt. Dass ihr Unternehmen bereits über eine Strategie im Web 2.0 verfügt, meinten 32,5 Prozent der befragten Mitarbeiter aus Pressestellen. Die Kommunikation im Web 2.0 wird bei den meisten deutschen Unternehmen als kostengünstiger Zusatzkanal angesehen, um mit Kunden und potentiellen Interessenten in Kontakt zu treten. Weitere Ergebnisse: * Social Media wird in deutschen Unternehmen für die Kommunikation nach außen am häufigsten in der Pressestelle eingesetzt (57,1 Prozent). * Twitter & Co. sind heute noch nicht in der Chefetage angekommen. Untersuchungsdesign: Internetbefragung Pressekontakt:

A Look Back at the Last 5 Years in Social Media In honor of Mashable's five-year anniversary, this series is supported by IDG. Customers are talking about your brand and products — find out what they are saying with IDG Social Scout. Five years ago, YouTube was just getting started, MySpace was the most popular website in the U.S., and Facebook was still limited to college and high school students. Mobile was mostly an after-thought, as we were still more than a year away from the introduction of the iPhone and the idea of an app store. And “widgets” were just starting to emerge as a way to integrate third-party apps on a website (Newsweek would declare 2007 to be “year of the widget” in a late 2006 article). Fast forward to today and the sites we use and the way we use them have shifted dramatically. How did we get to this point? The News Feed Brings It All Together It’s hard to remember life before the news feed, but it consisted mostly of visiting your friend’s profiles, making wall comments and perhaps maintaining a photo gallery.

20+ more mind-blowing social media statistics The social media statistics I posted a few weeks ago seemed to strike a chord amongst the digital community, especially in highlighting just how big an issue this particular area of online currently is. So I’m happy to say that I’ve trawled around the internet to bring you some more snippets of useful data and awesome figures. As before, all this information is likely to be out of date in six months or so – but until then, they’re reasonably recent facts and once again I feel they demonstrate the meteoric rise and importance of this rapidly evolving area of online. In no particular order: Social networks and blogs are the 4th most popular online activities online, including beating personal email. 67% of global users visit member communities and 10% of all time spent on the internet is on social media sites. If you have any interesting or useful information that you think might be applicable, please add it into the comments below! *Thanks to SEW for the b/g inspiration

15 more awesome social media infographics About six months ago, I threw together a blog post based on a bunch of social media infographics. At the time, they were surprisingly difficult to root out, but it seems that more are emerging, given the continued development and understanding of the channel. I've now collected a few more newer infographics that I feel demonstrate a mixture of both hard data and strategy practices. Hopefully, they'll also provide some inspiration or can be useful in helping you with presentations or pitches. As before, links to the actual graphics are in the headline titles. The social media effect The social engagement spectrum The boom of social sites Information, creation and circulation before Twitter Information, creation and circulation after Twitter Spectrum of online friendship Doughnut Marketing If the Twitter community were 100 people... The CMOs guide to social media Who participates online? Understanding Facebook When social media attacks! Social marketing compass Social Web - Reputation Management Cycles

52 Cool Facts About Social Media 13.5K Shares 13.5K Shares × As social media continues to gain acceptance as a bona-fide communications platform, I thought it might be fun to have a cool fact about it for every week of the year. So, here are ten facts about the five most well-known social media outlets – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and blogging – with two more bonus facts thrown in just for fun. (And to get to the figure of a fact a week for a year). Enjoy! Facebook 1. Statistics from Facebook press office. Twitter 11. Statistics from Twitter and the Chirp Conference . LinkedIn 21. Statistics from LinkedIn press centre and SysComm International . YouTube 31. Statistics from YouTube press centre. Blogging 41. 77% of Internet users read blogs. 42. Statistics from Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere 2009 . Bonus Facts 51. 90% of Internet users know at least one social network. 52. Statistics from Online Media Gazette . Cheers!

Interactive Infographic Visualizes Twitter Ecosystem An expansive ecosystem has developed around Twitter since its 2006 launch. Digital analyst Brian Solis and data visualization powerhouse JESS3 have once again teamed up to release an infographic entitled "The Twitterverse" to depict, and make sense of, the vast galaxy of applications and services orbiting Twitter. Social Media Strategy for Nonprofits and Businesses The Twitterverse by Brian Solis and JESS3 - oneforty A 2010 Edison research study showed that 42% of respondents hear about products and services through Twitter. In response to this dynamic businesses are increasingly using Twitter to engage with customers, reach the media directly, and further establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. You can even use Twitter for lead management or marketing automation. Listen to our free webinar with Laura Fitton, HubSpot's Inbound Marketing Evangelist, as she reveals the basics of Twitter and how you can use the channel for marketing and PR. In this 50-minute webinar, you will learn: What is Twitter and why is it importantHow to use Twitter to monitor your brand and engage customers and prospects directlyHow to reach media and bloggers directly to get PR coverage for your businessHow to measure your performance on Twitter Webinar Details Speaker: Laura Fitton (pistachio) Laura is an Inbound Marketing Evangelist at HubSpot and co-author of "Twitter for Dummies." Duration: 50 minutes

Studie zu Social Media in der Unternehmenskommunikation: Marktforschung im Mittelpunkt - Apps und Video-Plattformen die stärksten Treiber Börsennotierte Unternehmen setzen hohe Erwartungen in Social Media, bei den Ausgaben bleiben sie aber kleinlich. Abwarten und Beobachten ist aktuell die Devise. Vor allem überrascht die Geringschätzung von Social Media Tools für den Bereich Investor Relations. Das geht aus einer Studie der PR-Consulter Temmel, Seywald & Partner hervor, für die 86 Konzerne in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz befragt wurden. Demnach nutzen sechs von zehn der befragten Unternehmen (60%) aktiv Social Media, ebenso viele werten diese Kommunikationstools als wichtig für ihre Unternehmenskommunikation (63%). Marktforschung im Mittelpunkt Social Media Plattformen werden derzeit vor allem von der Marktforschung genutzt. Mainstream-Plattformen bevorzugt Beim Social Media-Portfolio sind Mainstream-Plattformen die Favoriten. Ungeachtet der Aktivität vieler Unternehmen findet Social Media nur marginalen Niederschlag in der Personal- und Ausgabenstruktur der befragten Konzerne. Ländervergleich Ö – D – CH

Over 380 Million Check-Ins: Foursquare's 2010 By the Numbers [Infographic] The location-based social network Foursquare had quite a 2010, growing by 3400%. And as the new year rolls over, the company has just registered its 6 millionth user. Foursquare has published an infographic representing a number of its achievements from what it describes as an "insane" year. Some people have questioned whether the notion of the "check in" will ever become mainstream, and certainly there can be a number of things that motivate us to do so - and could lure new users to location-based social networks. Click here to see the full-sized view.

2010 Social Media Statistics | General Posted by Joey Wolff on August 11, 2010 With all the hub-bub around social media, I thought it was time to put together some social media statistics for 2010. The following social media statistics mostly show a snapshot of the current major players in social media at this time with a little nonsensical commentary from me. FaceBook Statistics Facebook continues to be one the fastest growing and largest active social networks. Over 500 million active users (50% of which sign-in daily) - Wow, that’s a lot. Twitter Stats Twitter has established itself as the Internet Sensation. Over 100 million REGISTERED users, with about 300k new per day – Another huge network, growing at an amazing rate.Over 55 million daily tweets – As with facebook, we’re dealing with another huge pond. Foursquare Statistics Foursquare is not the biggest or baddest social network but we think that foursquare is pretty interesting to watch. Myspace Statistics MyWho?

Everybody’s Doing It: How Marketers Are Utilizing Social Media In 2010 This post was written by Jenny Urbano, our Social Media Manager. Here at Demandforce, we love seeing and celebrating your ideas! And more than that, we love to hear from YOU. 6 winners, and a guest of their choice will be flown out to San Francisco, California on March 12-14th, 2014, where they will stay in Union Square, spend a day at Demandforce, have dinner with the team, and explore the lovely City by the Bay! For contest rules, and how to enter, please visit our post in the Generation Demandforce Community here. Good luck!
