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Le Guardian fait le pari de la copie » Article » OWNI_Live!, Alors que tous les sites de presse traditionnelle (Times, Le Monde, etc.) retournent vers des versions en ligne payantes (paywall), le Guardian fait un pari contraire, en misant sur la copie et la syndication, rapporte le site Fast Compagny. Dans le cadre de son projet Open Platorm, le journal anglais propose ainsi; depuis la semaine dernière, un plug-in Wordpress permettant à chacun (utilisant Wordpress) de recopier gratuitement ses articles sur son propre blog. Cet outil de syndication, que nous n’avons pas testé, permet de recevoir le flux des contenus publiés par le Guardian directement dans l’interface d’administration de son blog. Il est alors possible de sélectionner un par un les article(s) que l’on souhaite diffuser. Quelques règles encadrent toutefois cette re-publication gratuite. “C’est une expérience tout à fait audacieuse de la part de la publication, commente Fast Company.

Circa, the Prince ? St Kilda Restaurant 30 Examples of Excellent Website Navigation A website’s navigation allows visitors to get from page to page and discover content. That makes it pretty important, I would say. However, some designers feel the need to experiment and try to be clever with navigation design, but when getting around a website becomes a puzzle, visitors will more often leave frustrated. A website’s nav or menu should look like a nav. The Idea Lists Collision Tobias Ahlin Carbonmade dConstruct 2010 Jeroen Homan Brizk Design Dribbble Buffalo TedxToronto David A. Fully Illustrated Live Books Rich Brown I Love Dust Blue Sky Resumes Soh Tanaka Kyle Myer Yaron Schoen Unconventional Guides Christopher Meeks Dan Wiersema Williamson County Casa Marie Catrib’s The Design Cubicle Exclusive Reels AFD Folio Veerle’s Blog Drexler About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 266 shares 11 Inspiring Examples of Textures and Patterns in Web Design Read More 428 shares Colorful Logos for Your Inspiration

WordPress: From Kubrick to Twenty Ten Kubrick, the default theme for WordPress since 2005, got many Web and open-source enthusiasts through some pretty tough times. Developers have modified it, bloggers have learned HTML and CSS on it, and designers have made it their go-to template for designing blogs of all sizes for clients. But let’s face it: five years on the Web is like a hundred years anywhere else, and Kubrick, even according to its creators, is due for an update. Enter “Twenty Ten” the new default theme for WordPress 3.0, which is scheduled for an imminent release. It’s got meatier CSS, more functionality, increased abstraction and a few other deviations from Kubrick that every theme developer should know about. These changes should ensure that designers who are already WordPress fans will embrace it, and its flexibility increases the likelihood that WordPress itself will continue its march across the CMS arena. A Quick Look Kubrick: 26 files and 1 folder (87.4 KB)Twenty Ten: 42 files and 3 folders (547 KB)

55 Examples of Beautifully Integrated Social Media Links in Web Design I believe that everybody already understands the importance of social media, and incorporating it into a web design. To get the attention of your viewers to your social media links you need to use both strategy and good taste. To design a good call-to-action social media icon/link you need to think about its positioning, its color, approach, style, size, everything. To give you some ideas of how you might integrate social media links in your next project, I’ve put together a collection of 55 Examples of Well Integrated Social Media Icons in Web Design. What’s Up Cupcake? Jason Howmans Brett Chaney dConstruct2010 The Waiting Room Sky’s Francesco Molezzi veerle’s blog danscotton coolandtheguide Midtsommerjazz 2010 Taming the Wolf The Pineapple Thief precinkt Aran Down taami berry brizk The Many Faces of Daniel Marques Jonas Eriksson Creative Soapbox Poolga the ship and the sea Ricky Ryan madewithlove fullyi llustrated freshlimesoda monkeyworks illustration Work at Play AgencyNet 2.0 Healthy Harvest shout Zee

[WordPress] Youtube Thumbnailer, des miniatures directement depuis Youtube ! - Lorsque j’écris un billet, je cherche systématiquement une image en rapport avec le contenu pour en faire une miniature. Je trouve que cela agrémente bien le blog en le rendant plus visuel. Je le fais pour toutes les catégories, y compris les vidéos. Pourtant, toutes les vidéos en ligne ou presque possèdent une image fixe par défaut qui est affichée avant de démarrer la lecture de celles-ci. Pourquoi ne pas l’utiliser comme miniature ? Youtube Thumbnailer est un plugin pour WordPress qui permet d’utiliser l’image fixe des vidéos Youtube comme miniature d’un billet. Le plugin parcours vos billets et peut remplacer la miniature par cette image fixe issue de la vidéo. Comme vous le voyez, l’interface est ultra-simple et offre peu d’options. On regrettera qu’il ne tire pas partie du nouveau système de miniature introduit avec la version 3.0. En tout cas, ce plugin peut rendre de grand service sur les blogs vidéos. Téléchargez le plugin Youtube Thumbnailer pour WordPress

xhtmlCafe Matt Mullenweg — aka Photo Matt — on WordPress, Web, Jazz, Life, and Photography 50 Fantastically Clever Logos I know everybody and their brother does logo roundups so you’re probably sick of them, but I don’t believe I’ve ever done one and there is a particularly impressive brand of logo design that I wanted to point out. Today we’ll look at 50 logos that are the result of going beyond the typical thought process and injecting a little wit and hidden symbolism into the design process. What Makes a Logo Clever? To explain what I mean by “clever” logo design, let’s take a look at a typical logo, (i.e. one that isn’t clever). The logo above is a nice piece of work. However, my favorite type of logo design is that which takes the assignment one step further. These types of logos make you smile at the brilliance of both the idea and the execution and have several layers of meaning that can hit you in waves. I’ve broken down this collection into three categories: visual double entendres (two things in one), word and character art, and ambigrams. Visual Double Entendres Lion Bird Chad 2010 I love this one.
