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Songs and poems

Songs and poems

ESL Songs for kids to download Songs for teaching English to Children We are excited to offer 50 songs to download and sing with your ESL kids in your lessons. Below are samples of the songs - the full songs can be downloaded for free by all of our members. For each song, you can download the full song or just the music (without vocals). Songs for Kids - Volume 1 (10 songs) » Songs for Kids - Volume 2 (10 songs) » Songs for Kids - Volume 3 (10 songs) » Songs for Kids - Volume 4 (10 songs) » Songs for Kids - Volume 5 (10 songs) » © Copyright: All songs on ESL KidStuff are protected by copyright. PLEASSSSSE do not share these songs.

Zoom sur les comptines 10 conseils pour la mise en oeuvre des chansons, poèmes et comptines Des séquences ou des suggestions pédagogiques autour des comptines Des ressources multimédia en ligne (textes, sons, images, animations) dans toutes les langues : (espagnol, anglais et italien) (vidéos) The elephant Un scenario pédagogique en baladodiffusion autour de bedtime rhymes 4 séquences sur des comptines en anglais : Alle meine Entchen Réaliser un enregistrement de comptines Mini-comptines Arlecchino, Pulcinella, Colombina Domani è festa Filastrocca Carnevale vecchio e pazzo La befana di piazza navona Filastrocche per giocare Une comptine traditionnelle marocaine Comptines russes This Little Puffin , Matterson E.

PodCaz Primaire Relations sociales -se saluer/prendre congé -répondre positivement / négativement -remercier -répondre à un remerciement -présenter ses excuses -inviter/interroger… -souhaiter (anniversaire-fête) -encourager/féliciter -exprimer son accord /désaccord /incertitude /jugement vrai / faux cycle 2 Hello! Yes/no Yes/Yes, please It’s mine No thanks It’s not mine (it’s Peter’s…) Thank you/Thanks Sorry! Good! cycle 3 Good afternoon! Yes, it is/Yes ,I have/Yes, I do No,it isn’t/No,I haven’t/No,I don’t You’re welcome /My pleasure I’m sorry! It’s better Excellent! 7.1. 7.2.

Speed Conversations – Really Learn English Here is a great idea to have a good time in class with a quick, active game that is wonderful for practicing speaking. This activity, called Speed Dating, is very flexible and can be adapted to different topics and goals. You can also include some writing for the students and let them be really creativewith the activity. The first thing to do here is decide what your focus is with the activity. If you are working on jobs, for example, you can have the students focus on that as they prepare their characters and speak. This is also a wonderful activity for practicingquestions in English. This is a fun activity to get your students moving and interacting with each other. Your students will like this one.

Listen A Minute: Easier English Listening and Activities fichiers audio en anglais [Collection] [Contact & Donations] [Agreement] [About] [Children's Stories] [Poetry] [Short Stories] [Novels] [Historical] Collection Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain; read by Marc Devine The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain; read by John Greenman Alone by Edgar Allan Poe; read by Christine Tessmann Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe; read by Benjamin Greene Briar Rose by The Brothers Grimm; read by Jane Aker The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe; read by Rod Harrison & Quinn Armstrong Clever Gretel by The Brothers Grimm; read by Seleucia Sivad Corinna's Going A Maying by Robert Herrick; read by Argos MacCallum Danny Deever by Rudyard Kipling; read by Jane Aker The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman &Robert R. A Description of a City Shower by Edgar Allan Poe; read by Benjamin Greene A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe; read by Benjamin Greene Eldorado by Edgar Allan Poe; read by Benjamin Greene

Podcasting Students and teachers from all over the world are learning from audio and video programs on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, netbooks, and other devices. Hundreds of free educational programs are available online. With a couple clicks, you can be learning about grammar, science, history, algebra...just about anything! A podcast typically has a web feed (known as RSS) that allows it to be cataloged in various podcasting directories like iTunes. When a podcast has a web feed, software and apps can subscribe to it. In most classrooms the teacher will find podcast episodes for students to listen to or watch. Creating podcasts has many educational benefits. Below are a collection of links that can be helpful when it comes to podcasting in schools.

FLE : Activité d'expression à l'oral en classe de langue : les jeu de rôles. Pour 2 personnes. Tu es chez un ami qui vit dans la banlieue parisienne. Il a une très belle maison avec un magnifique jardin qui l’entoure. Pour 2 personnes. Tu as invité un ami français à passer quelques jours chez toi à Barcelone. Pour 3 personnes (2 fermiers, 1 touriste) Tu voyages dans le sud de la France et tu fais de l’auto-stop. Pour3 personnes (2 policiers et 1 témoin) Deux voleurs ont fait un « hold-up » dans une banque. Pour 3 personnes Un ami vous raconte un cambriolage qui a eu lieu chez lui il y a quelques jours. -- Montrer les sentiments de malheur, d’indignation. Pour 3 personnes. C’est l’été, tu vas en France pour la première fois. C’est le soir, vous êtes en famille et vous regardez le journal télévisé du soir dans le salon et vous commentez les informations. -- Sentiments : Indignation, contentement, joie. Pour 3 personnes. Tu viens d’arriver à Paris. Deux amis français et toi avez l’intention de vous promener dans la montagne et de pique-niquer. Pour 3 personnes
