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Jobdreaming - What's your dream job?

Jobdreaming - What's your dream job?
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www.themuse “So, do you have any questions for me?” The interview is almost over, and you’ve nailed every question the hiring manager has asked. But don’t brush off this last one as a formality. “If an applicant doesn’t have any questions for me, that’s a red flag,” explains Angela Smith, a recruiter. Almost as bad as not asking a question is asking one that could be answered by looking at the job description or company website. So what should you ask to impress the hiring manager and end the interview on a high note? We’re glad you asked. Photo of speech bubbles courtesy of Shutterstock. 15 Ways to Be Irresistibly Attractive Be true to your values. Be honest. Do your best. Do things that bring you closer to your dreams. Take care of yourself, your family, and your friends. In other words, invest love into your life. Do the right thing. – Never be afraid to do what you know in your heart is right, especially if the well being of another person’s feelings is at stake. Photo by: Lina Hayes Related 18 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be Life is not complex. July 27, 2014 In "Happiness" 15 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist As Jack London once said, “The proper function of man is to live, not to exist.” March 19, 2012 In "Aspirations" 10 Signs it’s Time to Let Go Holding on is being brave, but letting go and moving on is often what makes us stronger and happier. April 2, 2012

Lateral Thinking Puzzles - Preconceptions Lateral thinking puzzles that challenge your preconceptions. 1. You are driving down the road in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you pass by a bus stop and you see three people waiting for the bus: 1. Knowing that there can only be one passenger in your car, whom would you choose? Hint: You can make everyone happy. Solution: The old lady of course! 2. Hint: The police only know two things, that the criminal's name is John and that he is in a particular house. Solution: The fireman is the only man in the room. 3. Hint: He is very proud, so refuses to ever ask for help. Solution: The man is a dwarf. 4. Hint: It does not matter what the baby lands on, and it has nothing to do with luck. Solution: The baby fell out of a ground floor window. 5. Hint: His mother was an odd woman. Solution: When Bad Boy Bubby opened the cellar door he saw the living room and, through its windows, the garden. 6. Hint: This has nothing to do with adoption or time travel. 7.

www.themuse Communication is hard work. According to recent research, we spend 1/3 of our time in the office on email—a number that’s surely rising. And that doesn’t even take into account the stress involved in figuring out how to convey a potentially difficult message, like asking for help, saying no, or admitting you messed up. To help make the most of your time and energy, we’ve rounded up some of our favorite scripts and templates for making email (and a few other things, like that pesky LinkedIn recommendation you need to write) much easier and less time consuming. Whether you’re job searching, networking, dealing with day-to-day work communications, or trying to be a better manager, find your situation below, tweak the template to your liking, and send it off! Job Search 1. Read More 2. You’ve applied to a job at your dream company—and then noticed a friend is connected to someone there. Read More 3. Your cover letter shouldn’t just walk through your job history (that’s your resume’s job). 4. 5.

Save All Around by Powering Your Computer Down Experts discuss the costs of powering your computer down vs. leaving it in standby mode. Having to boot up your computer each time you want to use it can be inconvenient, but keeping it in sleep mode may not be the best alternative. The sleep mode on your computer is designed to keep the machine on while drawing a small amount of power. This only costs about $50 more per year on your electric bill, which seems low, but the true cost of leaving it in this mode may actually be higher. According to our experts, you shouldn't leave your computer on standby if you're going to be away for more than an hour. Doing so can result in more harm that good. Turning your computer on and off won't cause damage. So, when it comes to your computer, be mindful of letting it sleep for too long and power down instead.

10 Weird and Mysterious Places on Earth - StumbleUpon digg 1. Mystery Spot Mystery Sport is a tourist attraction near Santa Cruz, California, famous because of its disrespect to the laws of physics and gravity. 2. The question about the triangle that swallows ships, planes and all the people with them still waits for its answer. 3. Socotra is archipelago the Horn of Africa and Arabic Peninsula, but the main island of Socotra is 95% of the whole landmass, while the rest is just small islands. 4. Mount Roraima is located on the triple border point between Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. 5. Rio Tinto is located in south-western Spainand originates from Sierra Morena mountains of Andalusia. 6. The Fly Geyser, near Gerlach, Nevada, is strange because it somehow grows up. 7. McMurdo Dry Valleys are located on Antarctica but, believe it or not, they lack snow. 8. The well known statues on the Easter Island, the moai, still remain mystery for the researchers. 9. 10. Racetrack Playa in California is well known due to its sailing stones.

10 Best Questions To Ask At The End Of An Interview You made it! You have survived the rigorous questions from the employer, tell me about yourself, what is your greatest weakness, tell me about a time… Now comes the dreaded, “what questions to you have for me?” You start to panic because what if you ask something that they’ve already told you or maybe something that is inappropriate. In order to ease your nerves, remember these 10 best questions to ask, because now it is your time to put the employer in the hot seat. Who would I report to on a daily basis? Good luck and happy interviewing! - Portable software for USB, portable and cloud drives
